UPDATE: 25 Governors Including One Democrat Refuse Obama’s Syrian Refugees


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
UPDATE: 25 Governors Including One Democrat Refuse Obama’s Syrian Refugees

Twenty five state leaders have now refused Obama’s Syrian migrants.

** Alabama
** Arizona
** Arkansas
** Florida
** Georgia
** Idaho
** Illinois
** Indiana
** Iowa
** Kansas
** Louisiana
** Maine
** Massachusetts
** Michigan
** Mississippi
** Nebraska
** New Hampshire
** New Jersey
** North Carolina
** Ohio
** Oklahoma
** South Carolina
** Tennessee
** Texas
** Wisconsin

South Carolina is listed on the FOX News map but Governor Nikki Haley said she will keep accepting refugees earlier today.

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, who is also challenging Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) for her Senate seat, is the first Democrat to express support for halting the flow of refugees. She’s trying to look moderate.

1854 Syrians have been accepted into the United States so far.

The New York Times posted this map:

Source: UPDATE: 25 Governors Including One Democrat Refuse Obama's Syrian Refugees - The Gateway Pundit


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
There was some talk on tv as to whether these governors have the authority to refuse the refugees. Most commentators say they don't know whether they do or not.

These article suggest they have no such authority:

Governors have little power to block refugees

No, State Governors Can't Refuse To Accept Syrian Refugees | ThinkProgress

I am not entirely certain that these are correct. Governors as executive officers of their states have "police power" (this is not the same as constabulary authority) which is designed to protect the health, morals, and public safety of their state's residents. This, in theory, can only be over ruled by the president under the Constitution's supremacy clause if there is legislation which addresses a given issue. While the Refugee Law of 1980 allows the president to allow entry of these refugees, it does not (to my knowledge) give him exclusive power as to where they are to be re-settled. On that basis it would appear that the governors do have the authority to refuse the refugees.

Ultimately, this will all be settled in federal court.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Gopher I think you are right this is Federal in nature. The right wing is going to do
an injustice to themselves in the future. Refugees will be voting citizens in eight
years. They will join the urban voters who already vote Democrat and further drain
Republicans on voter lists who tend to be rural or in more sparsely populated areas.
Right or wrong the refugees will be coming just like the Hungarians and Boat People
like the Irish in a century past and the cycle continues the Republicans have now
Truly become the party of NO


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
Jerry Brown the governor of California says those entering that state will be vetted. The process is simple. Step 1, give them a Drivers License application and step 2, then register them to vote as Democrats. If they don't follow these 2 steps they will be sent to another location.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Jerry Brown the governor of California says those entering that state will be vetted. The process is simple. Step 1, give them a Drivers License application and step 2, then register them to vote as Democrats. If they don't follow these 2 steps they will be sent to another location.

So true... all these new migrants generally vote Liberal.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
B00Mer; said:
... all these new migrants generally vote Liberal.

There's a reason for that: the government sends them to the more liberal-moderate states such as Gopherland.

Once again, there was a CBS report where ISIS is still trying to recruit here in Minnesota. That, in fact, one fourth of its American recruits are from this state.

Minneapolis community struggles with ISIS recruiting tactics - CBS News

A new report by Congress says more than 250 Americans have attempted to join ISIS, and one in four of them is from Minnesota, many of them former refugees.

Alert warns ISIS trying to recruit American teenagers

Minneapolis might seem a long way from the wars in the Middle East and North Africa. But extremist groups have found the city to be fertile ground for recruits.

Dahir Ali is exactly who terrorist groups like ISIS are looking to recruit -- the 18-year-old is young, Muslim and often feels like an outsider.

"People come up to me and say, you know, you're this, you're that. You're a terrorist," said Ali.

He grew up in the Cedar Riverside community in Minneapolis, which has the largest Somali population in the country. Many came as refugees in the 1990s. The unemployment rate here is 21 percent, three times the state average. And an alarming number of young Somali men from this neighborhood have left to join extremist groups. Since 2007, two dozen have joined AL-Shabab in Somalia.

more .....

The elder (called an Iman in the religion) has been interviewed several times on local tv. He is VERY active in the effort to dissuade young men from succumbing to the evils of radical Islamists.

The government does not send them to privileged white suburban areas like Scarsdale, NY or Orange County, California. Instead it dumps them on us in the inner cities and we are forced to pay taxes in order to pay for their welfare, housing, medical expenses, and livelihood. As usual the privileged profit from war but we are the ones forced to pay for it. Send them to the privileged white suburbs, force the suburbanites to pay for their welfare, and then they will vote conservative.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Jerry Brown the governor of California says those entering that state will be vetted. The process is simple. Step 1, give them a Drivers License application and step 2, then register them to vote as Democrats. If they don't follow these 2 steps they will be sent to another location.

Don't they have to be in the state for five years before they can vote for anybody?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
JLM; said:
Don't they have to be in the state for five years before they can vote for anybody?

once US residency designation is made they may vote in local elections (depending on the state) - but they must be citizens to vote in Federal elections so far as I know


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There was some talk on tv as to whether these governors have the authority to refuse the refugees. Most commentators say they don't know whether they do or not.

These article suggest they have no such authority:

Governors have little power to block refugees

No, State Governors Can't Refuse To Accept Syrian Refugees | ThinkProgress

I am not entirely certain that these are correct. Governors as executive officers of their states have "police power" (this is not the same as constabulary authority) which is designed to protect the health, morals, and public safety of their state's residents. This, in theory, can only be over ruled by the president under the Constitution's supremacy clause if there is legislation which addresses a given issue. While the Refugee Law of 1980 allows the president to allow entry of these refugees, it does not (to my knowledge) give him exclusive power as to where they are to be re-settled. On that basis it would appear that the governors do have the authority to refuse the refugees.

Ultimately, this will all be settled in federal court.

But they can make weed legal and not enforce other federal laws right? They can have sanctuary cities.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
President Obama held a conference call with 34 governors yesterday to remind them that, no, they aren’t allowed to restrict movement of refugees once they have been granted legal status and entered the United States.

Thus far, only one Republican governor — Utah’s Gary Herbert — has said that their state will receive refugees. As Herbert said, “Governors really don’t have the ability to stop refugees from coming into their states, in spite the rhetoric we hear out there.”


President Obama zings anti-refugee Republicans - AMERICAblog News


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
President Obama held a conference call with 34 governors yesterday to remind them that, no, they aren’t allowed to restrict movement of refugees once they have been granted legal status and entered the United States.

Thus far, only one Republican governor — Utah’s Gary Herbert — has said that their state will receive refugees. As Herbert said, “Governors really don’t have the ability to stop refugees from coming into their states, in spite the rhetoric we hear out there.”


President Obama zings anti-refugee Republicans - AMERICAblog News

Indiana ZINGS the President...

Indiana-bound Syrian refugees redirected to Connecticut

... and says "Oh Yes We Can!"


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
President Obama held a conference call with 34 governors yesterday to remind them that, no, they aren’t allowed to restrict movement of refugees once they have been granted legal status and entered the United States.

Thus far, only one Republican governor — Utah’s Gary Herbert — has said that their state will receive refugees. As Herbert said, “Governors really don’t have the ability to stop refugees from coming into their states, in spite the rhetoric we hear out there.”


President Obama zings anti-refugee Republicans - AMERICAblog News


They will only look more foolish and continue to lose power to the Dems in the coming years.