Winnipeg Muslim man beats "property" (wife) in front of cops


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
In your opinion, do you think that musclims coming from those countries can change to seperate the 2?

Some have. I work with several and they have integrated well. They don't like a lot of what goes on in their home country.

Also, do you think Canada can or should do more to explain to perspective citizens that they'll have to change their thought process around that? or is that not pc?

Canada should do that but it is not PC so they won't.


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
An order of magnitude more in the Balkans. Still, if you're gonna discriminate, may as well do race and religion. Go big or go home.
You sound racist. No we should not do that. Yes, there is a HUGE difference between discriminating based upon a person skin colour and discriminating based upon the way they act. To quote Geert Wilders, "if they want to adhere to our laws they are free to stay, but if they break our laws or try to bring in Sharia Law, we will send them back to where you came from."


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You sound racist. No we should not do that. Yes, there is a HUGE difference between discriminating based upon a person skin colour and discriminating based upon the way they act. To quote Geert Wilders, "if they want to adhere to our laws they are free to stay, but if they break our laws or try to bring in Sharia Law, we will send them back to where you came from."
That's a heap big chip, he's had on his shoulder since he joined the forum....
Don't expect him to get over it soon!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You sound racist. No we should not do that. Yes, there is a HUGE difference between discriminating based upon a person skin colour and discriminating based upon the way they act. To quote Geert Wilders, "if they want to adhere to our laws they are free to stay, but if they break our laws or try to bring in Sharia Law, we will send them back to where you came from."
Presuming that a Muslim will act in a certain way and a Christian will act in a different way is counterfactual.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I think the 'bail' part would be the first (and onley one needed) thing to show that it isn't working out all that well for him.
If that is what their 'fatherland' is like we should be letting more in and let this duff do his community hours teaching them about what Laws have changed before any incidents rather than having to involve the courts.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
You are right Islam is not a race but it is the poster boy for backward ignorance
People coming here should be put through an information session so they know
what living in this society means. I for one do think it fine to welcome folks here.
But be damned if I want to make anymore concessions to accommodate any group
coming here they go by our rules or go home


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Released: 2015-01-15
There were just under 88,000 victims of family violence in Canada in 2013, according to police-reported data. This represented more than one-quarter of all violent crimes reported to police.
Just under half (48%) of all victims of family violence were victimized by a current or former spouse. For another 17% of family violence victims, the accused was a parent, while for 14% the accused was an extended family member such as an in-law, uncle or grandparent. A further 11% of family violence victims were victimized by a sibling and for 10% the accused was the victim's own child.
As in previous years, a majority of police-reported incidents of family violence involved physical assault, which included actions and behaviours such as pushing, slapping, punching and face-to-face threats.
Police-reported data also reveal that in 2013 almost 7 in 10 family violence victims were female. In comparison, females represented 46% of victims of violent crimes that were not family-related. The over-representation of female victims was most prominent in the spousal violence category, where nearly 8 in 10 victims were female.
Rates of police-reported family violence varied by age. Among females, family violence victimization rates were generally highest for those in their thirties. However, for male victims, rates of family violence were highest for 15- to 19-year-olds. Seniors (aged 65 and over) recorded the lowest rates of police-reported family violence of any age group, regardless of gender.

More: The Daily*—*Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile,*2013

Domestic violence crosses all racial, religious, political and gender boundaries.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Released: 2015-01-15
There were just under 88,000 victims of family violence in Canada in 2013, according to police-reported data. This represented more than one-quarter of all violent crimes reported to police.
Just under half (48%) of all victims of family violence were victimized by a current or former spouse. For another 17% of family violence victims, the accused was a parent, while for 14% the accused was an extended family member such as an in-law, uncle or grandparent. A further 11% of family violence victims were victimized by a sibling and for 10% the accused was the victim's own child.
As in previous years, a majority of police-reported incidents of family violence involved physical assault, which included actions and behaviours such as pushing, slapping, punching and face-to-face threats.
Police-reported data also reveal that in 2013 almost 7 in 10 family violence victims were female. In comparison, females represented 46% of victims of violent crimes that were not family-related. The over-representation of female victims was most prominent in the spousal violence category, where nearly 8 in 10 victims were female.
Rates of police-reported family violence varied by age. Among females, family violence victimization rates were generally highest for those in their thirties. However, for male victims, rates of family violence were highest for 15- to 19-year-olds. Seniors (aged 65 and over) recorded the lowest rates of police-reported family violence of any age group, regardless of gender.

More: The Daily*—*Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile,*2013

Domestic violence crosses all racial, religious, political and gender boundaries.
Oh, Cliffy! Nobody here cares about domestic violence.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
You are right Islam is not a race but it is the poster boy for backward ignorance
People coming here should be put through an information session so they know
what living in this society means. I for one do think it fine to welcome folks here.
But be damned if I want to make anymore concessions to accommodate any group
coming here they go by our rules or go home
Right on Grump I like looking at the beautiful young Ladies our culture produces . Even if some of them belong in a sack .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Ruth Benedict, the anthropologist, tried to figure out why some cultures are good (to use her word) and some cultures are not good. In a good culture, men treat women well, adults treat children well, people are generally happy, and there's not a lot of competition. She found that the good cultures all have one thing in common. They figured out something very simple: they recognize that humans are both social creatures and selfish, and they merge selfishness and altruism by praising behaviors that benefit the group as a whole and disallowing behaviors that benefit the individual at the expense of the group. The bad cultures socially reward behavior that benefits the individual at the expense of the group. If you reward behavior that benefits the group, that's the sort of behavior you will get. If you reward behavior that is selfish, acquisitive, that's the behavior you will get.
Right now, patriarchy is the ruling religion of the planet. Women are just another resource for men to use in their endless quest to prove their toxic masculinity and breed soldiers for civilization’s constant state of war. The masculinity and the war—against people, against the planet—together have created a perpetual motion machine of domination and destruction of the land and human rights.
This is why militarism is a feminist issue, why rape is an environmental issue, why environmental destruction is a peace issue. We will never dismantle misogyny as long as domination is eroticized. We will also never stop racism. Nor will we mount an effective resistance to fascism, which is the eroticization of domination and subordination–fascism is in essence a cult of masculinity. Those are all huge spin-outs from the same beginning. The result is torture, rape, genocide, and biocide.