There Goes America


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That's true, but I don't think it would be motivating enough if the Republican candidate was, say, another Romney. Why vote for the Republican when you know it won't actually get you what you want?
party loyalty, you know, just the normal stupidity


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010



Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
party loyalty, you know, just the normal stupidity

I don't think I made that point clearly. I meant to ask why they'd be motivated to vote. Sure, once they're in the voting booth they'd vote for their party. But if you're motivated by homophobia and no candidates support it, how does that motivation connect to actually voting?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I don't think I made that point clearly. I meant to ask why they'd be motivated to vote. Sure, once they're in the voting booth they'd vote for their party. But if you're motivated by homophobia and no candidates support it, how does that motivation connect to actually voting?
Oh, the candidate will lay down all the codewords for homophobia, have no fear.

Along with "We have to obey the law, BUT. . ." and a ringing endorsement of free access to weapons for mentally ill persons.

Well, OK, I agree with that last part.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I don't think I made that point clearly. I meant to ask why they'd be motivated to vote. Sure, once they're in the voting booth they'd vote for their party. But if you're motivated by homophobia and no candidates support it, how does that motivation connect to actually voting?
ah, thanks for the clarification

you might be right, subtle and stupid are not compatible


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
66 almost sounds like there was some sorta nation-wide referendum on this...politicians involved and all like was still 5 people voting against 4 other people wasn't it? I could be wrong but what do I care.

anyway...flags, flaggots.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
So the SCOTUS has declared the acceptance of homosexual 'marriage' the law of the land in the U.S. by a narrow 5 -4 ruling, with the support of swing vote Anthony Kennedy.

It's no big surprise. I think most opponents considered it inevitable given the trajectory of events over the last decade in the West.

That doesn't change its implications. It weaves into the Constitution a disassembling thread as a matter of law, which will, with other initiatives (abortion, euthenasia), undo the moral integrity of the founding document of American governance.

It will foment a major attack on religious liberty. Evil will not rest on 'well enough', it will not negotiate until it rules. This unleashes a raging beast and the repercussions will appear suddenly in the most unexpected of ways.

Far from establishing an order of peace, love and prosperity it will seed the weeds of violence, depravity and poverty.

There is a strand of insanity and rebellion that has become the propelling agent of Western Civilization. It is the wind that is being sewed and we will reap the whirlwind.

(btw more explicit thread titles related to the subject would be much easier to follow, bones.)
Good grief Coldstream, the biggest evil in the world today, is organized religion. The present Pope is moving in the right direction, but is it just a tad too late??

It is the root cause of all prejudice, from skin color, race, sexual gender, and preference, language and all other religions. Freedom of religion, is not supposed to include freedom to foist one's personal beliefs on the rest of humanity.

Besides constitutions should not be written in stone, else we would still be stoning heretics, witches, and loping off the heads of those who do not follow a particular religion. Oh but wait a minute, , there are still some evil religious believers about, seen by the reasonably civilized as terrorist these days, doing exactly those things. Now instead of stoning or beheading witches, heretics or those of other beliefs, it is against anyone, that irritates those are afflicted with the need to feel righteous.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Good grief Coldstream, the biggest evil in the world today, is organized religion. The present Pope is moving in the right direction, but is it just a tad too late??

It is the root cause of all prejudice, from skin color, race, sexual gender, and preference, language and all other religions. Freedom of religion, is not supposed to include freedom to foist one's personal beliefs on the rest of humanity.

Besides constitutions should not be written in stone, else we would still be stoning heretics, witches, and loping off the heads of those who do not follow a particular religion. Oh but wait a minute, , there are still some evil religious believers about, seen by the reasonably civilized as terrorist these days, doing exactly those things. Now instead of stoning or beheading witches, heretics or those of other beliefs, it is against anyone, that irritates those are afflicted with the need to feel righteous.
Lots of churches in the Chatham Valley .Your neighbours must be positively frightening .


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
So, let me ask. . .

Do you disapprove of the holding in the 1967 case Loving v. Virginia, which struck down anti-miscegenation laws, and whose opponents advanced exactly the same arguments you are advancing here?

No, i fully supported the striking down of anti-miscegentation laws. And the opponent's arguments there were counter opposite to those against homosexual 'marriage'.

Marriage is formed a free choice of one man and one woman to commit themselves to a life long bond of love, mutual support, the procreation and nurturing of children (by the grace of God).. for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, excluding all others... and regardless of race, ethnicity or creed.

The concept of homosexual unions is a gross distortion of the institution. A homosexual partnership bears NO resemblance to a truly cooperative and complementary heterosexual union. It is formed of deep confusion, mutual misery, exploitation built of the profound emotional, psychological, moral DISORDER of homosexuality and its practice. It is a proximity of hermetic solitudes, nothing more. It is a true dead end of human geneology and destiny. NO law will make it anything else.

No, bones.. i never worried about the 'mongrelization' of the races of Southern bigots. I do worry about those who have discarded all sense of a universal moral and natural law.. for the dark world of relativism, gratification, and radical rebellion against their Creator.
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