There Goes America


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
How can the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution be squared with the Free Exercise of Religion Clause of the 1st Amendment? That's the real issue. Most of you Canucks have no idea what I'm referring to do you? If you don't understand that issue what good is your opinion on the Supreme Court decision that came down today?

The issue was not pursued to allow Gays to get married in a 'religious institution' such as a Church but more for the legal recognition which allows them to the same privileges married hetros have such as survivor benefits from pensions, tax issues, etc,.

Yes we will hear of anecdotal a holes trying to fight with some religious institution to get married but my thinking on that is why bother fighting with them........

For everything gained something is lost. That's a universal rule which requires a cost/benefit analysis on a societal level.

Should queers in SSM be allowed to have equal rights? Yes from the standpoint of Individual Liberty. That ideal demands Personal Autonomy. Personal Autonomy insists that each individual make his/her/its own decisions.

But to the extent the male/female marriage is diminished by becoming merely one type of relationship, the traditional nuclear family is diminished. How so? There is something more important than love. It's the family structure based on blood lines. Lineage. People are hardwired by evolution to do anything for the lives of their issue by blood to ensure their DNA survives into the future.

Today's decision by the Supreme Court demotes the traditional family and opens the way for new conceptions of family. If three people love each other why shouldn't they be permitted to marry? Why shouldn't childless adult incestuous couples be allowed to marry. After all, it's just love isn't it?

Why did the single male/single female based family evolve? Why not have families structured like wolfpacks? What role does society legitimately have in structuring its organization for maximum future success? I doubt these issues were considered by the Supreme Court, but the issues aren't going away.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The traditional marriage crowd must be vary insecure about their place in society
I see nothing wrong with people being happy its not my choice of lifestyle but it is
also none of my business if someone else wants to be different.
The anti gay lobby is really systematically driven by the ugly side of fundamentalist
The only thing that is driving the SSM issue is the survivor rights benefits in union and government pension plans .
All else is B.S.
But at this point it's a done deal so who cares .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Okay, okay, everybody just calm down. It's only the end of civilization as we know it. Not that big of a deal.

When dogs and cats start living together, then you can panic......cuz that's just wrong.

Oh poop. My dog sleeps with the cats all the time. What we goin to do? Will it make rivers run uphill?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Great news. Now the debate can be over like it is up here in Canada.

Thankfully, the equal protection clause of the Constitution made it possible.

"...he would rather burn himself to death than sanction same-sex marriage..."

A little dramatic, but I'm guessing the Churches with now use on religious grounds not to marry a same sex couple.

I doubt a Catholic Church, Jehovah Witness or Mormon Temples will he hosting Gay Marriages any time soon.

A local reform Catholic church reportedly did perform such a marriage a while ago. As for the case itself, I believe the Court only considered the legality of state laws which prohibited recognition of SSM. The case did not involve whether a church could be compelled to perform one. Most likely that will not be addressed by the Court in the future as that involves separation of church and state considerations.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Why not a wife for every day of the week... if you can afford it. ;)

...or as this late Saudi King, one for every day of the month. 30 wives.

variety is the spice of life

Solomon had a wife fir every day of the year and then some.

If it's in the Bible, then it's ok.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
The only thing that is driving the SSM issue is the survivor rights benefits in union and government pension plans .
All else is B.S.
But at this point it's a done deal so who cares .

My mother-in-law has been living in Ohio with a woman for about 30 years. They own a house together. They have set up living wills and everything is in both their names but if one of them gets sick or goes to the hospital, the other will not be allowed in or consulted as a spouse. It would have to fall to my wife or her sister. Which seems kind of unfair. So what is the big deal about granting them 'married' status? How is anybody else's marriage threatened or diminished? It's not. And survivor benefits and pensions are big deals.

The middle flag pole is likely all that will be tolerated eventually. Every other flag is offensive to poor sensitive soles somewhere.

Coyotes and squirrels are people too. Why shouldn't they be allowed to marry?

You need a biology lesson. Your animal classification skills are weak.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Coyotes and squirrels are people too. Why shouldn't they be allowed to marry?

I'm sure that was the cry of the day back then too..........

Mildred Jeter, an African-American woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, were indicted in 1958 for violating Virginia’s ban on interracial marriages after they married in the District of Columbia and then returned to Virginia.

They brought their case before the Supreme Court, which decided that Virginia's anti-miscegenation laws could not stand consistently with the Fourteenth Amendment.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
So now the homosexuals can schtupf each others hinies with their wieners with a marriage certificate in hand. Still doesn't make it a marriage.