23 Percent Of American Honeybee Colonies Died This Winter, Feds Report


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually Walter is partly right here. There is some abnormal behavior but for the
most part the collapse is normal dependent on cold and food supply. I farm so I
am concerned and the Bee guy says its a lot to do about nothing for the most
part. The real problem is we have a lot of environmentalists scaring people cause
they really want to ban all pesticides, especially neo nicks. Neo Nicks only cause
problems if they are applied to seeds. But the Enviro folks who have their own
science based on them talking to each other until they believe it lump all problems
together. There are differing opinions even amonst bee folks but of coure the sky
s falling crowd knows everything


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Historical bee data comes from the archives.

PS It's where Noah kept the bees

Get it?
Good, so now f-ck off Goddam bee haters.