Ontario's economy to top Canada's provincial growth rankings in 2015


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Fix your economy Alberta.

Ontario's economy to top Canada's provincial growth rankings in 2015: RBC Economics

TORONTO, March 12, 2015 /CNW/ - Ontario is expected to top provincial economic growth rankings in 2015, something that has not happened since 2000, according to the latest RBC Economics Provincial Outlook released today.

RBC forecasts real GDP growth for the province to accelerate from an estimated 2.5 per cent in 2014 to a five-year-best rate of 3.3 per cent in 2015, before easing modestly in 2016 to 2.7 per cent. These forecasted rates represent upward revisions from the numbers published in the December report - 3.1 per cent for 2015 and 2.3 per cent for 2016.

RBC notes that economic developments over the past several months have been overwhelmingly favourable for Ontario's economy.

"The plunge in oil prices, sliding value of the Canadian dollar, surprise interest rate cut by the Bank of Canada and mounting evidence of the U.S. economy hitting its stride - these factors should all boost growth in Ontario," said Craig Wright, senior vice-president and chief economist, RBC. "The positive effects from the drop in oil prices and related developments will coalesce at a time when the provincial economy is already displaying rising momentum."

In 2014, there was clear evidence that activity picked up, particularly in the trade sector where merchandise exports grew by an 8.0 per cent in nominal terms. Also encouraging, nearly all major export categories recorded gains, including consumer goods (up 14.4 per cent) and motor vehicles and parts (up 8.5 per cent).

Despite a weak start to the year because of poor weather, housing was another sector that showed surprising strength in 2014. Early signs suggest that home resale activity started 2015 on strong footing. RBC says consumer spending is also off to a solid start, with motor vehicle sales building on an 11.5 per cent surge recorded last year.

Lower oil prices and a sharply weaker dollar will further energize external trade and the consumer sector in 2015.

"We anticipate that Ontario's exports will continue to make headway into the U.S. market and lower gasoline prices will put more spendable money in the pockets of consumers," said Wright. "Low interest rates and a growing economy will also maintain a positive backdrop for the housing market, and we expect further increases in home resales and housing construction this year."

One sector still underperforming last year was non-residential investment, where capital expenditures by businesses remained quite stagnant despite an increase in machinery and equipment purchases. The combination of relatively weak capital spending over the past many years and closures of productive capacity in the province's manufacturing sector raised concerns about Ontario's businesses' ability to capitalize on opportunities, at home and abroad, and, therefore, Ontario economy's ability to grow. RBC says that, with exception of the auto sector, there remains sufficient spare capacity in Ontario's economy to accommodate a spurt in growth of the order of 3.3 per cent in 2015 and 2.7 in 2016.

"Any capacity constraint is unlikely to be a severe issue at this stage and, if anything, the emergence of capacity related pressures should encourage firms to invest in the province," added Wright.

The RBC Economics Provincial Outlook assesses the provinces according to economic growth, employment growth, unemployment rates, retail sales, housing starts and consumer price indices. The full report and provincial details are available online as of 8 a.m. ET today at rbc.com/economics/economic-reports/provincial-economic-forecasts.html.


Ontario's economy to top Canada's provincial growth rankings in 2015: RBC Economics


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The U.S. has the biggest debt of all and it's still considered a successful economy.

But please, continue with your red herring arguments.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Fix your economy Alberta.

well... Alberta Premier Prentice did bring forward his '10-year plan' to get Alberta off the continuing "Boom-Bust" cycles... so there's that! But geezaz, RBC sure has Alberta in the shyter for the next while... notwithstanding, of course, the risk of a recession in Alberta!



The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I love how some folks salivate at the idea that Alberta might undergo a slowdown. You are aware that Alberta is part of Canada right, and that prosperity in Alberta is good for the whole Country. In fact I would go so far as to say that if it wasn't for the energy sector of the both Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada would have been hurting quite badly.

I hope Ontario sees great prosperity, and British Columbia and every Province in this nation, because this is a Country and it benefits all to have a good economy.. Closing thought: I bet you won't find too many Maritimes that wish for Alberta to fail.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I love how some folks salivate at the idea that Alberta might undergo a slowdown. You are aware that Alberta is part of Canada right, and that prosperity in Alberta is good for the whole Country. In fact I would go so far as to say that if it wasn't for the energy sector of the both Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada would have been hurting quite badly.

I hope Ontario sees great prosperity, and British Columbia and every Province in this nation, because this is a Country and it benefits all to have a good economy.. Closing thought: I bet you won't find too many Maritimes that wish for Alberta to fail.

I think this is more about a heavily Liberal part of the country, thinking they are better than a strong Conservative part of the country, and rubbing our noses in the fact that our economy is slowing down..

Liberals don't care about the country as a whole, they just care about their entitlements.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Of course the old dyke wants Alberta economy better, she know where all the transfer payments come from. ;) :lol:

"old dyke"... per CC Board Rules, is that an acceptable labeling of a Premier of one of Canada's provinces? How does it make you feel when you write something like that?

and yes, winner winner, chicken dinner!!! We have another poser who knows diddly squat about equalization and transfer payments.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
"old dyke"... per CC Board Rules, is that an acceptable labeling of a Premier of one of Canada's provinces? How does it make you feel when you write something like that?

and yes, winner winner, chicken dinner!!! We have another poser who knows diddly squat about equalization and transfer payments.

BooHoo.. did I hurt your feelings Waldo.. crying about something else now.. fukk off ya loser.

Ontario Debt Clock



House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Liberals don't care about the country as a whole, they just care about their entitlements.

what entitlements are specific/unique to your targeted Liberals? Even the most partisan dipshytes should recognize their opponents, rightly or wrongly in position/approach, do "care about the country".

BooHoo.. did I hurt your feelings Waldo.. crying about something else now.. fukk off ya loser.

again, I asked you how you feel when you write something like "old dyke"?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Just stating facts... is she not an old dyke?? She's certainly not a young one. ;)

so your use of the term "dyke" wasn't intended as an offensive, derogatory labeling... good to know! Hint/Note: you could have labeled her a lesbian... if you truly felt it significant to whatever point you thought you had. But hey, it begs the question why you would speak to the sexual orientation of any Canadian Premier. Why would you do that, hey?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Toronto's economy may do well on the backs of thousands of Ontarians who pay extortion fees like they were hydro bills - but Ontario's economy is in the toilet and going down. Hydro One-Enough is Enough


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
so your use of the term "dyke" wasn't intended as an offensive, derogatory labeling... good to know! Hint/Note: you could have labeled her a lesbian... if you truly felt it significant to whatever point you thought you had.

Nope a dyke refers to the dominant of two female partners.. the female partner closest resembling a man. She's pretty manly looking.

Just another mouthpiece of the of Liberal Left. No respect for her as an individual, and could care less that she is a premier of a province, with a debt worse than Greece.

But hey, it begs the question why you would speak to the sexual orientation of any Canadian Premier. Why would you do that, hey?

Why does it offend you so much?? Is it not a fact, and her sexual orientation would affect her governing and policies. If you're in public office, things like that are public, are they not?

If she can't handle the criticism, maybe she should step down as a public figure.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Nope a dyke refers to the dominant of two female partners.. the female partner closest resembling a man. She's pretty manly looking.

Just another mouthpiece of the of Liberal Left. No respect for her as an individual, and could care less that she is a premier of a province, with a debt worse than Greece.

But hey, it begs the question why you would speak to the sexual orientation of any Canadian Premier. Why would you do that, hey?