Florida employee 'punished for using phrase climate change'


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
An employee of Florida’s environmental protection department was forced to take a leave of absence and seek a mental health evaluation for violating governor Rick Scott’s unwritten ban on using the phrases “climate change” or “global warming” under any circumstance, according to a complaint filed against the state.

Longtime employee Barton Bibler reportedly included an explicit mention of climate change in his official notes from a Florida Coastal Managers Forum meeting in late February, during which climate change, rising sea levels and the possible environmental impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline were discussed.

On 9 March, Bibler received a formal reprimand for “misrepresenting that ‘the official meeting agenda included climate change’”, according to a statement from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (Peer), a nationwide non-profit that champions public employees’ rights and providers resources and guidance to whistleblowers using its network of members across the country.

Bibler was instructed to stay away from the office for two days and told he could return to work only after a mental health evaluation from his doctor verified his “fitness for duty”, the complaint said. In the letter to Florida’s inspector general, Candie Fuller, the state’s Peer director calls for a full investigation to the matter.

Bibler told the Miami Herald that he “didn’t get the memo” about the gag order, so when he introduced himself by congratulating other officials on the call for the “exciting” work they were doing to address climate change, the “reaction was mostly shock”.

News of the governor’s ban on the phrases first surfaced in early March, when the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting found that the ban came from the top after Scott took office and appointed Herschel Vinyard Jr as DEP director.


Florida employee 'punished for using phrase climate change' | Environment | The Guardian


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

I bet they can't use other fictions like faeries, elves, gnomes, leprechauns, ancient alien astronauts and eskimos as truths.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
This just in - conservatives are lefties in disguise.

Who woulda thunk it.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
It sounds like this guy expressed his personal opposition to the IKeystone XL pipeline during work. That's a no-no. When you are a civil servant, you loyally implement the bidding of your political masters. You're there to represent the people, not yourself.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
It is all about thought control,then again I am the first to say,I dislike "lingo terms","catch phrases",and bellieve where I live,my area is the biggest catch phrase community in Alberta.I examined the whole catch phrase thing,I once examined if I could get people to use catch phrases,I kept a black book of sorts,my favorite place to play these games were political venues,namely Conservative gatherings.In the real world of politics,these are the only venues I can affort to attend.
With thought control,comes programming of delivering the word,the word helps with thought control,or what I call distractions in the bigger scheme of what is really happening.These distractions limit or assist with broader thinking,hence the agendas are controlled,real issues are easily skimmed over.

Government employees have all kind of thought control going on they should know better. With this caseI just think the response from the gods above is not correct and a little over the top on control,then again it is all about control.This employee should have updated his thought control lessons,he/she still has opportunity to impress his employers,he can strive better in his classes of thought control
Jason Kenney totally reminds me of someone who diligintly did his thought control lessons and knows the scripted lingo,(except on twitter)
Interesting enough I advanced my auditing to "who"says the catch phrases and what type of time these phrases are given in the scheme of delivering the message, and where the repeaters are positioned in the command of authority.I enjoyed watching those catch phrases being presented,more so I enjoyed how people absorbed these catch phrases as their own in exchange.
I had so much fun with this,and at present I am having a belly laugh remembering these incidents.Watching someone in a postiion of power,delivering the cach phrases is one thing,but when they repeat these words to convince people of conversation can be only left to the readers imagination.
o.k readers,if you could stand this long forum, give me your favorite catch phrases which interfere with weak thought process's,and more so commands being the dominant topic of conversation during an election and remember to include those repeat lingo phrases,that recycle themselves into election issues.

I have a story about a person who went to work for a MP,she had to quit,this is sort of a long story,but the moral of the story,if you cannot get on with the program,then you should not be there,this honest,god fearing woman had to leave the MP office,stating she could not do want they wanted of her,she said she felt immoral working thereInteresting enough Alberta has been built on recycling "catch phrases,we have no shortage of them.
Lets hear them.

It sounds like this guy expressed his personal opposition to the IKeystone XL pipeline during work. That's a no-no. When you are a civil servant, you loyally implement the bidding of your political masters. You're there to represent the people, not yourself.
repersent the people?,it is more like support the poltical agenda.
where do you live?

It sounds like this guy expressed his personal opposition to the IKeystone XL pipeline during work. That's a no-no. When you are a civil servant, you loyally implement the bidding of your political masters. You're there to represent the people, not yourself.
repersent the people?,it is more like support the poltical agenda.
where do you live?


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Watch Scott's Disaster Chief Refuse to Say "Climate Change" in Hearing

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been fighting all month against claims by former state employees that his administration banned the use of "climate change." With state workers now upping the ante — including news yesterday one state employee was ordered into a mental health exam for demanding to use the forbidden words — Scott has remained firm: There's no such policy, he insists.

Well, his state disaster chief's tragicomic performance in a Senate hearing yesterday isn't likely to help the governor's case. Bryan Koon, chief of the Florida Division of Emergency, stammered and smiled his way through a line of questioning when state senators tried to goad him into uttering those two magic words. He refused to take the bait.

Skip ahead to the 89th minute for the climate change clash:

Video: Watch Scott's Disaster Chief Refuse to Say "Climate Change" in Hearing | Miami New Times