Jews who could afford it started bailing out of Europe at the turn of the 20th Century. Canada has some kick as$ Jewish communities that are very tight knit. I enjoy the hell out of going to Winnipeg. Even though my Grandmother married a Catholic they still consider me Jewish and welcome me with open arms. Support for Israel isn't as strong as you might think, it's more about supporting the people rather than the country. Rabbi Karen at their Temple says she doesn't get full respect in Israel as she does here because of being a female moderate. Only two out out of almost 100 kin have been to Israel. As my cousin puts it,"I'm not a f-cking Hebrew, I'm Yiddish, I have nothing in common with the hardcores".
Aren't you the lucky one, use being from the Ukraine and being Jewish as a base for who you blindly support and who you blindly condemn. The Yiddish communities are no different than any other group that came from the 'old country', they bunched up for comfort and because they were scared of all other groups that were different in any war. The 'old country' was always a 'controlled group' and isolation was the norm so all the fear stories were just that.
Now if you were a true fuktard like boomer you slam people when you are in a nice safe place. Go to Syria and get a haircut as see who walks away in the parking lot or wear the t-shirt celebrating the murder of children if he's such an ardent supporter. I currently put you about as far behind him morally as the skin on your teeth.
Jews have it set up that any child born to a Jewish mother is automatically a Jew, gathered of not. They would have ceased to be an identifiable group centuries ago. You can be any religion you want and that can change many times during a long life, where you are when you draw your first breath makes you a part of that nation. Jews are under as much control as anybody else, defeating the Bank of England got them a Crown reserved for our version of King of the land. That title made them the king of many lands by means of war and other strong arm methods and money is their strong arm and the only title they haven't gotten yet is that of king of kings and they do have the ability to make it appear as if they made all events come true. Hopefully it will be a clean break but events like this hardly ever work out better for the poor. In the last 100 years 100M Gentiles died so Israel could be created and kept 'unstable' just so 'peace' could come at such and such a date and the prophecies about how God enters the picture isn't blood free by any means.
Since neither side is bringing up the Passover not being connected to the blood moons they are both following a common script. Try not to lose sight of that as this Passover is going to be a big deal in the US (as far as FOX and the like goes)
No limits on homesteaders. Most upgraded thee land as required, sold out and went into business. Jewish faarmers are as rare as Jewish day labourers.
How did they miss the part about God making that their occupation in the 430 years He parked them in Egypt? They entered escaping from a famine so their numbers were already 'small' and when they left Egypt their numbers were larger. They were direction on how to do the scattering in 70AD, they missed those as all food was made clean and being in the nations was as small groups in a larger community. I assume that means if a city has 10 ethnic groups they should be mixed thoroughly so they have 1 voice.
Reality over the next month will focus on Passover more than usual I would think.
Anybody cover that speech to AIPAC speech yet? The salt test would suggest that Israel (rather than Iran) has the ability to cause terror attacks in 5 different nations, that thought hasn't changed since I saw the speech so I'm going to go with it might hold some water depending how the rest of the lyrics of the message went. Not the same scared rabbit walking down the streets of Paris that's for sure. If Iran and the bomb is a big issue then ISIS with a bomb is the best 'fix' available.