New sex-ed curriculum gets mixed reviews from parents


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Your Gender is all about how you feel.....

Beginning in grade three????

'Your gender is all about how you feel': What the rest of the media isn't telling parents about the new sex-ed curriculum

February 23, 2015

Brian Lilley

When it comes to what's in the new Ontario sex-ed curriculum, the media is emphasizing its lessons about puberty, anatomy and "sexting."
But they're neglecting to mention the most radical aspect of it all.
As I told you last week, this curriculum starts teaching children about “gender identity” and “gender fluidity," beginning in Grade 3.
This means children will be taught that their gender has nothing to do with their anatomy -- that it all depends on whether they "feel" they are a girl or a boy.
And why was this new curriculum leaked early, by the way? Maybe as a distraction from Premier Wynne's other problems...?



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Re: Your Gender is all about how you feel.....

Politcal correctness

"...great disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious."

Destruction of language was a central theme in George Orwell's signature novel 1984, a book that should be required reading for anyone concerned about the state of modern American politics, for in it one finds many parallels between the fictitious tyrannical state of Oceania and modern liberalism.

Remove words, and one removes thought; Remove thought, and one removes freedom. In a conversation with the main character, Winston Smith, one of the "creators" of Newspeak explained:


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Looks fine to me. Would have been somewhat useful. I was fooling around sexually younger than that but didnt know it at the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: Your Gender is all about how you feel.....

Beginning in grade three????

'Your gender is all about how you feel': What the rest of the media isn't telling parents about the new sex-ed curriculum

February 23, 2015

Brian Lilley

When it comes to what's in the new Ontario sex-ed curriculum, the media is emphasizing its lessons about puberty, anatomy and "sexting."
But they're neglecting to mention the most radical aspect of it all.
As I told you last week, this curriculum starts teaching children about “gender identity” and “gender fluidity," beginning in Grade 3.
This means children will be taught that their gender has nothing to do with their anatomy -- that it all depends on whether they "feel" they are a girl or a boy.
And why was this new curriculum leaked early, by the way? Maybe as a distraction from Premier Wynne's other problems...?

Some truth to that. If you reach down and grab hold of something you are a boy. If your hand slips in a hole you are a girl.



Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I taught sex education to middle school kids for a number of years. When I was through with teaching the little bastards none of the boys and none of the girls wanted to experiment with sex. All it took was a little tough love called behavior modification. By the last day of class if I mentioned the word "sex" to the boys they would start puking uncontrollably. And when I mentioned the word "sex" to any of the girls they would start convulsing as if they were having a seizure. Tough love is the secret.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
page 54

Elementary Health and Physical Education curriculum

Co-educational and Same-Sex Classes
"Although all the curriculum expectations can be achieved in either co-educational or same-sex classes, addressing parts of the curriculum in same-sex settings may allow students to learn and ask questions with greater comfort. Same-sex settings may be of benefit to some students not only for the discussion of some health topics, but also for developing and practising some physical skills. Such considerations are particularly relevant in the case of adolescent learners.It is also important to have time for co-educational learning, which can encourage learning about others, and about differences and commonalities among people, and allows for the development of relationship skills. Teachers should base their decisions about teaching in co-educational or same-sex settings on students’ needs. Different strategies may be required at different times, so that students have opportunities to learn in a variety of different groupings.When planning instruction and considering class groupings, teachers should be aware of and consider the needs of students who may not identify as “male” or “female”, who are transgender, or who are gender-non-conforming. For more information about gender identity, gender expression, and human rights, see the website of the Ontario Human Rights Commission at Gender identity and gender expression | Ontario Human Rights Commission. Acknowledgement of and respect for individual differences regardless of sex or gender"

"Acknowledgement of and respect for individual differences regardless of sex or gender identity will encourage student participation and help students learn to collaborate with and respect others. Strategies for encouraging understanding and mutual respect among students include:

creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere in the class and supporting all students to be active participants;

fostering authentic opportunities for students to provide input into learning activities and approaches;

providing opportunities for all students to assume leadership roles"



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
liberals will 'gently remind you' that they are your moral and intellectual superiors.

It's important to consider the fact that this curriculum was also written under the direction of an alleged child pornographer, Mr. Benjamin Levin. He was the Deputy Education Minister at the time, serving under then Education Minister Kathleen Wynne. Levin was charged by police with 7 counts of making and distributing child pornography.

Levin was charged by police with 7 counts of making and distributing child pornography. Although the man has not yet been proven guilty in a court of law, many people are questioning whether "grooming" could have been a reason for introducing these explicit subjects at such delicate ages. If the allegations are true, could it be that the curriculum was designed to “prime” children, so as to make them sexually available?

When it is found that an alleged pedophile was in charge of writing what many parents perceive to be graphic, age-inappropriate Sex Ed curriculum, parents cannot be blamed for wanting no part of the curriculum. Should warning bells be going off when we learn that an alleged pedophile oversaw the writing of curriculum which gets 6 year olds talking about their genitals, encourages kids to masturbate, and wants to get 13 year olds thinking about oral sex and **** sex?

The safety of children is too important to ignore Levin's hand in this curriculum.

Ontario's Radical Sex Ed Curriculum - Campaign Life Coalition


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The fact that ***** and ****** are censored here speaks volumes about this forum, doesn't it?

Revealed: The sex-ed update Ontario badly needs

A new sex-education curriculum, to be revealed Monday, will be the talk — and the teaching — in our schools starting this September.

It’s about time. Five years after capitulating to a contrived outcry from political and social conservatives, the Liberal government is finally modernizing our embarrassingly outdated sex-ed curriculum.

This time, sources say, there will be no backing down from the badly needed update.

No, it’s not dirty talk — just straight talk on sex, sexting, body parts, consent, mental health, and other life (or life-saving) skills for girls and boys. The idea is for teachers to inoculate students against the ways of the world before they surf the world wild web on their own.

Our children deserve to learn it all in classrooms, not be lured in lurid chat rooms.

Yes, children will be taught at an early age that there is something called a *****. Also a ******. Get used to it — Grade 1 kids already are, and child-abuse investigators have long been calling for it.

In Grade 6, the words “******l lubrication” will be up for discussion. Yes, there is talk of “wet dreams.” And if kids ask about masturbation in class, yes, the optional “teacher prompt” advises that it “is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body.”

Revealed: The sex-ed update Ontario badly needs


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The fact that ***** and ****** are censored here speaks volumes about this forum, doesn't it?

no stupid. this is a privately owned site with a business model.

your petulance speaks volumes about you.