you're visibly upset.
no wonder you could never muster together a scientific discussion with petros.
we understand. :lol:
are you the dancingMan's agent? Again, thank you for your Locutus Brand™ of moderation
says you... the guy whose complete act is to prowl denier blogs, come back with your C&P gems... and not say a single damn word of your own! You, the guy who actually believes charlatans like bloggers "Goddard, Tisdale, Homewood, Briggs, etc", are actually scientists!!! :mrgreen: There is no discussion to be had with the imbecilic dancingMan!
here's a clue for you, Locutus... no matter how hard you try, the BROs won't let you into their clubhouse! You're management! :mrgreen:
I see zipper would rather have waldo dance for him than answering the question.
again, you showed your ignorance in not knowing what the consensus actually is... I say ignorance, because you blasted forward with your "bullshyte" call without having a clue what you were calling bullshyte on! And again, there's no dance here... other than yours! Again, I put forward a detailed account of what the consensus actually is. Of course, you chose to completely ignore it; instead, you keep coming back further showcasing your big-time fail!
Leaving waldo and his imaginary friend to make 97% between them. Coincidently the sum of their IQs.
drive-by arteeest!... that's quite the zinger! Your intellect ON DISPLAY!