Harper portraying himself as economic safe haven when his whole strategy is in ruins


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Part of what really pulled is out of the economic recession was tighter regulations in the banking sector. It prevented loan sharks from giving money to people who can't pay back.

So, for starters, we need legislation that fosters a sustainable economy instead of riding the roller coaster of the market without some safeguards.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
It's a bonus for factories selling to the US.....
Yeah, it gives the US our goods really cheap. It also makes it difficult for Canadians to buy the products we produce. Of course the salaries in these plants go up but it still makes it difficult for the average joe to buy our own products.

Part of what really pulled is out of the economic recession was tighter regulations in the banking sector. It prevented loan sharks from giving money to people who can't pay back.

So, for starters, we need legislation that fosters a sustainable economy instead of riding the roller coaster of the market without some safeguards.
Well, Canada never had that problem. Our banks are the envy of the world. That has been the reason Canada has avoided the world wide recession until now. However, going to war finished that advantage rather nicely.

I foresee that banks very soon will have to pay us to borrow from them LOL.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Yeah, it gives the US our goods really cheap. It also makes it difficult for Canadians to buy the products we produce. Of course the salaries in these plants go up but it still makes it difficult for the average joe to buy our own products.

IT's plain to see you don't understand, the raw materials are the same price over here but selling to the US means more money for your goods... I.E.: If you get 20% more for a ton of of paper, means the mill here will probably start another paper machine meaning more people employed.
You just mad cause your dollar doesn't go as far in Florida.....:lol:


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
IT's plain to see you don't understand, the raw materials are the same price over here but selling to the US means more money for your goods... I.E.: If you get 20% more for a ton of of paper, means the mill here will probably start another paper machine meaning more people employed.
You just mad cause your dollar doesn't go as far in Florida.....:lol:
Oh I understand okay. If we sell our goods to the US for 1>00 but have to pay 2.00 for what we buy from them, and we are big buyers of US products, guess who comes out on top. Not the average Canadian.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You're delusional and you're mad cause your dollar don't go so far in florida ......Keep crying

The cross border shopping will just go down like it's done before


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You're delusional and you're mad cause your dollar don't go so far in florida ......Keep crying

The cross border shopping will just go down like it's done before

Like I've said before, jealousy is such an ugly emotion. Like JLM, had you made smarter decisions when you were younger, you too could head south in the winter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Like I've said before, jealousy is such an ugly emotion. Like JLM, had you made smarter decisions when you were younger, you too could head south in the winter.

It is not a matter of can or can't. Why would anyone want to go to the US with such a disparity in the $$$? Unless it is tax deductible. The only people that would do that are either filthy rich and don't care or like you having no concept of money.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It is not a matter of can or can't. Why would anyone want to go to the US with such a disparity in the $$$?

Cause its warm. And it's still relatively cheap. A three day trip to Phoenix including flights, hotel and rental car is $1100 per couple. Tickets to a coyotes game are $30 bucks and you get to golf, sit around the pool and get some sun. A three day trip to Calgary, driving, hotel and Flames tickets would be as much and I cant golf or work on my tan. Most seniors that winter down south own property so the low dollar doesn't cost that much


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You're delusional and you're mad cause your dollar don't go so far in florida ......Keep crying

The cross border shopping will just go down like it's done before

Cannuck is just pissed off because we weren't burdens on the seniors like he is. Now that the country is in a financial bind, decent Canadians stay in Canada and spend their money here to support Canada. :) :) :) :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
For another grand you could do two weeks in Mexico.

Depends on where you go. $2000 for two weeks in Mexico including flights won't get you anything too nice. We spent a week in Cancun at an all inclusive last year for $3000. Cancun's a nice place but once you leave the resort, it's hellish expensive.

....decent Canadians....

You mean poorer Canadians. You sound more like a Dipper every day.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That's possible, I was a Dipper for 30 years. Sort of like when you get sh*t on your boots, it can be hard to get it off! :)

I wouldn't know. I was always a stand on my own two feet kinda guy so the Dippers never appealed to me
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House Member
May 18, 2010
Harper and his team of Ministers are doing a great job running Canada. Without him at the helm we would all be worst off.

Pretty Boy is just a puppet, trained to give a pat answer to a question. The dude has no substance.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Harper and his team of Ministers are doing a great job running Canada. Without him at the helm we would all be worst off.

Pretty Boy is just a puppet, trained to give a pat answer to a question. The dude has no substance.
Filthy rich?? Doesn't that depend on how much time and effort spent over the working life on the amount of debt it took to get where I am now?? We operated a dairy farm and in case you are unaware of what that takes, I will enlighten you. It means 7 days a week, two to three hours morning and night just on the milking. We did that while caring for three children, which included a set of twins who spent a month in a Montreal Children's Hospital before medicare came in .

We went into farming before any kind of subsidies or expert help was available to help us. So, if you have any intention of spewing guilt around ....forget it. I haven't a smidgen of it. We did that for 30 years, earning enough to not even pay income tax for many years....merely hard work, and food from the garden.

Sold the farms for a humongous amount of money. So, moan and groan all you want about the rich and the poor, but understand that many of the rich earned every penny of what they have.

So be jealous or as so many of my friends and neighbors are, be happy that it is possible to become rich through one's efforts in countries such as Canada.

Oh, and depending on one's opinion, better or worse, I also own the houses in both countries outright.

Harper and his team of Ministers are doing a great job running Canada. Without him at the helm we would all be worst off.

Pretty Boy is just a puppet, trained to give a pat answer to a question. The dude has no substance.
All I can say,.....you will never be wealthy or even reasonably well off, if you believe that.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Methinks you'd be telling fibs again.
I'm not surprised. Your understanding of politics as always seemed pretty limited.

Harper and his team of Ministers are doing a great job running Canada. Without him at the helm we would all be worst off.

I'm really not surprised that you feel year after year after year of deficit budgets is "a great job".


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Cannuck is just pissed off because we weren't burdens on the seniors like he is. Now that the country is in a financial bind, decent Canadians stay in Canada and spend their money here to support Canada. :) :) :) :)
Naah ...Cannuck just thinks that what is in his mind is reality..

I think I posted before, when I took early retirement in 2000. The wife and I made a choice, for several reasons, and not necessarily financial, to either go south for the winter...or...do our traveling with truck and trailer in the summer...
We decided to try both the first year, we went to a bluegrass festival in May, then went skipping back and forth across the country until September.....We liked it so much we decided to fore-go Florida or Texas, and we concentrated on festivals for 12 years.
The macular degeneration that the doctor had warned me about and prompted me to travel so much, not only didn't develop but disappeared completely.
I still attend two festivals a year, but got tired of traveling.....it's our choice, not financial, although medical coverage in the states is exorbitant, to say the least...