Prince Andrew in some SERIOUS Hot Water


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
You'd think. Funny that. You pick up Playboy and the girls in there are all 18 or as close to it as they can get. They don't generally have life experience and education commensurate wiht the average reader, who's probably a guy between 12 and 80 looking for a wank.

"Barely legal" is also one of the most popular search terms apparently.

He'd have had a whole lot less problems if he'd jus picked up a magazine then.

Why are men looking for girls then? (serious(ish) question) Why aren't men looking for or at women? Why the dalliance in the kiddy pool?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He'd have had a whole lot less problems if he'd jus picked up a magazine then.

Many men have been told that.

Why are men looking for girls then? (serious(ish) question) Why aren't men looking for or at women? Why the dalliance in the kiddy pool?
Great question. Particularly this guy.... of all the women he could have he chose a 17 year old. I never understood it. And of course... women do it too. Teachers it would seem.

A 17 year old who MAY have been forced. Didn't he once wonder how a 17 year old is being flown about to meet with him?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
He'd have had a whole lot less problems if he'd jus picked up a magazine then.

Why are men looking for girls then? (serious(ish) question) Why aren't men looking for or at women? Why the dalliance in the kiddy pool?

It's just the way it is. The lizard brain dosn't answer to the morals of the frontal cortex. Women are attracted to power, and men to youth.

I could flip the question and ask why beautiful women go out with ugly (rich) old men.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
It's just the way it is. The lizard brain dosn't answer to the morals of the frontal cortex. Women are attracted to power, and men to youth.

I could flip the question and ask why beautiful women go out with ugly (rich) old men.

But even at the risk of pedophilia? doesn't the lizard brain want to protect it's lizard offspring? So wouldn't it want to NOT do what it would protect it's offspring from? From the biological perspective, they should be seeking out a potential mate who looks old enough to breed.

Women seek security. Mostly financial security. In order to provide the best possible resources for their offspring. That's biological.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Great question. Particularly this guy.... of all the women he could have he chose a 17 year old. I never understood it. And of course... women do it too. Teachers it would seem.

A 17 year old who MAY have been forced. Didn't he once wonder how a 17 year old is being flown about to meet with him?

I'm thinking that P. Andrew may be a victim of the gene pool not being wide enough.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
From the biological perspective, they should be seeking out a potential mate who looks old enough to breed.

She had those looks for sure. She was a pretty 17 year old girl.

Women seek security. Mostly financial security. In order to provide the best possible resources for their offspring. That's biological.

Is that why so many female teachers get busted sleeping around with their teenage students... financial security?

I'm thinking that P. Andrew may be a victim of the gene pool not being wide enough.

No doubt about that!


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
doesn't the lizard brain want to protect it's lizard offspring?
Women seek security. Mostly financial security. In order to provide the best possible resources for their offspring. That's biological.

The "Lizard Brain" of men seems more ok with just f*cking and impregnating the woman then moving on to the next one. "Spreading their seed" sort of thing. Not sticking around and doing the actual work.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Technically pedophilia is just prepubescent children which is far from what the 'normal man' is attracted to.

yes, you are right.

But when the "normal man" is looking at teenagers that are either younger then or the same age as their own offspring, it gets kind of disgusting. To me, it seems a bit like incestuously pedophilic.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
But when the "normal man" is looking at teenagers that are either younger then or the same age as their own offspring, it gets kind of disgusting. To me, it seems a bit like incestuously pedophilic.

They can reproduce and not so long ago teens the age of the one in question in this thread were getting married and reproducing already. Usually dying or losing the child in the process but they were doing it. My sister had a kid at 17, though with someone much closer in age to her.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
yes, you are right.

But when the "normal man" is looking at teenagers that are either younger then or the same age as their own offspring, it gets kind of disgusting. To me, it seems a bit like incestuously pedophilic.

If they are oogling, staring, being a pig, trying to pick them up, taking advantage... I get you... I agree.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
But even at the risk of pedophilia? doesn't the lizard brain want to protect it's lizard offspring? So wouldn't it want to NOT do what it would protect it's offspring from? From the biological perspective, they should be seeking out a potential mate who looks old enough to breed.

Women seek security. Mostly financial security. In order to provide the best possible resources for their offspring. That's biological.

OK we're talking 17 not 8. There's a bit of a difference there. Specifically the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as menstruation, breasts and hips. Women don't just magically inherit those things on their 18th birthday.

I'm not defending it. I am a student of human nature, not a judge of it. And it has been my observation that men like youth and women like power. Maybe younger women have a better chance of successful child rearing, or a capable of having more children than older women? Maybe women are more likely to successfully look after their first child than future ones.

yes, you are right.

But when the "normal man" is looking at teenagers that are either younger then or the same age as their own offspring, it gets kind of disgusting.

It is disgusting to find a 16 or 17 attractive. But try to tell my cock that on a sunny afternoon at the beach when some high school blonde wearing almost nothing walks by. Sure it makes me feel pervy--I have a daughter close to that age. Still...Shwing!


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
She had those looks for sure. She was a pretty 17 year old girl.

Is that why so many female teachers get busted sleeping around with their teenage students... financial security?
No, that's something different. I don't know why a female teacher would seek out any male younger then themselves.

No doubt about that!

She is pretty. Very pretty. But, to me, she looks too young (like a child). Of course, I say this from a females perspective. No matter how much I try, I will always view this from a female perspective. That's why I'm asking. I'm not attempting to insinuate anything or demand you defend yourselves. I'm seeking clarification from the males.

I honestly don't understand why a female teacher would seek out companionship from a male younger then herself. To me, it makes no sense. At some stage of life you're both going to be doing more talking then copulating and you best have something to talk about. I wonder if they guys are still at the idealistic age and are, there for more talkative and willing to listen. The number 1 complaint women have about their bf/hubby's is that they won't talk and they don't listen.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
But even at the risk of pedophilia? doesn't the lizard brain want to protect it's lizard offspring? So wouldn't it want to NOT do what it would protect it's offspring from? From the biological perspective, they should be seeking out a potential mate who looks old enough to breed.

Women seek security. Mostly financial security. In order to provide the best possible resources for their offspring. That's biological.

The biological drive in a man is to sew his seed in as many females as possible to increase the chance of his DNA continuing. Females who are 16-20 are prime baby producers so it is natural for an attaction.

But given the rules and legalities of today's society we should be rising above the pure biology of the subject should we not?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
OK we're talking 17 not 8. There's a bit of a difference there. Specifically the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as menstruation, breasts and hips. Women don't just magically inherit those things on their 18th birthday.

I'm not defending it. I am a student of human nature, not a judge of it. And it has been my observation that men like youth and women like power. Maybe younger women have a better chance of successful child rearing, or a capable of having more children than older women? Maybe women are more likely to successfully look after their first child than future ones.

It is disgusting to find a 16 or 17 attractive. But try to tell my cock that on a sunny afternoon at the beach when some high school blonde wearing almost nothing walks by. Sure it makes me feel pervy--I have a daughter close to that age. Still...Shwing!

Thanks Zipper. I did truly just want your perspective.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
She is pretty. Very pretty. But, to me, she looks too young (like a child). Of course, I say this from a females perspective. No matter how much I try, I will always view this from a female perspective. That's why I'm asking. I'm not attempting to insinuate anything or demand you defend yourselves. I'm seeking clarification from the males.

This made me grin. Well you can see why us older guys WOULD have to try to defend ourselves a bit.

I have two young sons. One a teen and the other JUST out of his teens so I've seen my share of teen girls being brought it the house. My oldest throws himself at every pretty young woman that walks by. It is IMPOSSIBLE not to notice the latest girlfriend sitting on the couch when I walk in.

Usually "Hello Mr. O'Brien" snaps me out of it. lol

It is disgusting to find a 16 or 17 attractive. But try to tell my cock that on a sunny afternoon at the beach when some high school blonde wearing almost nothing walks by. Sure it makes me feel pervy--I have a daughter close to that age. Still...Shwing!

Its not "disgusting". I mean lets get real here. There are many teens that are pretty and there can be no denial.

It gets disgusting when an older man tries to get with, hook up, etc. with them.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Its not "disgusting". I mean lets get real here. There are many teens that are pretty and there can be no denial.

It gets disgusting when an older man tries to get with, hook up, etc. with them.

I thought that maybe the reason older men try to hook up with the young'uns was to maybe feel young again. It sucks getting older and realizing that the power you had in your youth, was in fact because of your youth.

When I look at men who are around my daughter's age, I can see they are attractive. But that's it. It's more of an observation and an appreciation.

Now if a good looking man around my age shows up...I suddenly develop 2 left feet, can't walk, and my brain shuts down. Usually followed by an increase in blood to my face and a tendency to giggle alot. I was sure that I'd grow out of it, but so far...nope.

There is a distinct difference between looking and touching.

as well as admiring / appreciating and leacherous gawking.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B. can conclusively prove that the photo of Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts, the alleged underaged prostitute is a forgery.
The photo [below] is said to date from 2001 when Roberts was underaged and in London was provided to the Daily Mail by Roberts in 2011.

We consulted with experts in photography and analyses performed using the computer program, Image-Pro Plus by MediaCybernetics.
The key to investigation is the size of the pixels. You would expect a photograph to have the same pixelation throughout. And yet the sections with Andrew and Virginia have different sized pixels that become clear when you zoom in.

Our analyst writes:
Virginia’s and Andrew’s facial photos were taken using different cameras, different shutters speeds; therefore; at different times. Pixels in the photo of the brunette and Andrew are a better match, yet not exact.
It is 99.8% likely that the photo of Andrew and the brunette [Jeffrey Epstein assistant Ghislaine Maxwell] were taken by the same camera, with the same shutter speed, at the same time.
However, the photo shadows, color gradients, and pixel sizes of Virginia Roberts indicate with 99.9% certainty that her photo could not have been taken with the same camera, shutter speed, or at the same time as the photos of Andrew and the brunette [Maxwell]. Higher resolution settings were used to photograph Andrew and the brunette [Maxwell], and neither match the lower quality resolution settings of Virginia’s photo.

Our source next turned to the camera itself.
I have indicated areas on each photo (circles) which can be zoomed to view the photographer as well as a side-mount flash on the camera. Polaroid did make a sidemount flash model instant camera in the late 1990s. The photographer in this shot is not facing any of the subjects in this photoshopped collage, and this would not have been a digitally produced photo.
Our source “performed photo analysis of 4 different [versions of] the photo from 4 different web sources, all with the same outcome.” The source even “printed/scanned one and analyzed it.”

The photo was first presented in 2011 to the Daily Mail by Roberts, according to the Daily Beast.
Roberts received a “big cash payment” from the Mail. As she received money for submitting the fake photo, Roberts may have committed fraud.

BREAKING: We Can Conclusively Prove That #PrinceAndrew Underaged Prostitute Photo is Fake - GotNews


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The biological drive in a man is to sew his seed in as many females as possible to increase the chance of his DNA continuing. Females who are 16-20 are prime baby producers so it is natural for an attaction.

But given the rules and legalities of today's society we should be rising above the pure biology of the subject should we not?

I'm at the beach with ZF the DNA stuff didn't come up, not even one second.