Trouble is too much of the "evidence" has been proven to be BS. It is kind of like crying wolf once too often. IPCC and the UN have their own agendas which don't necessarily match reality.
gee, that's not a broad wide-sweeping charge you're leveling there... is it? Care to speak to your declared "evidence", who/what made the claim you're speaking to and who/what has "proven" it to be, as you say, BS?
GLIMS): an international collaboration (including the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center) and 60+ other institutions across the globe... all working to provide the most comprehensive report to date on global glacier changes. In that regard, the latest publication from GLIMS: "
Worldwide retreat of glaciers confirmed in unprecedented detail"
The book, Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, presents an overview and detailed assessment of changes in the world’s glaciers by using satellite imagery from optical satellite instruments such as ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) and Landsat.
While the shrinking of glaciers on all continents is already known from ground observations of individual glaciers, by using repeated satellite observations GLIMS has firmly established that glaciers are shrinking globally. Although some glaciers are maintaining their size, most glaciers are dwindling. The foremost cause of the worldwide reductions in glaciers is global warming, the team writes.
The full-color book has twenty-five regional chapters that illustrate glacier changes from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Other chapters provide a thorough theoretical background on glacier monitoring and mapping, remote sensing techniques, uncertainties, and interpretation of the observations in a climatic context. The book highlights many other glacier research applications of satellite data, including measurement of glacier thinning from repeated satellite-based digital elevation models (DEMs) and calculation of surface flow velocities from repeated satellite images.