Ferguson grand jury makes decision; announcement tonight


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
On my many trips to the Western U.S. years ago I found Americans to be a friendly, compassionate and law abiding people. Apparently much different from the modern day f**kers living to the east who seem to think that to protest one has to cause mayhem and break things. Not everything in the world is right but you don't correct it by being an A$$hole!:)

Since when has Missouri been in the east?

Also, LA riots. Cant get much further west than that and that was about 20 years ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Since when has Missouri been in the east?

Also, LA riots. Cant get much further west than that and that was about 20 years ago.

Another one who can't read, I said "to the east". My trips to the Western U.S. didn't include L.A.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Another one who can't read, I said "to the east". My trips to the Western U.S. didn't include L.A.

Perhaps you need to draw a map of your chuckwagon excursions to the US so we could better understand your geography.

Personally, I don't think geography has anything to do with it.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Another one who can't read, I said "to the east". My trips to the Western U.S. didn't include L.A.

Oh I am fairly confident we both can read.

Do you think the problem MIGHT be on your end?

Perhaps you need to draw a map of your chuckwagon excursions to the US so we could better understand your geography.

Personally, I don't think geography has anything to do with it.

A THIRD who doesn't understand him!

Or maybe Ski can't read either?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I did reread it. Can you clarify it?

You had trouble understanding as well it seems. :)

I was talking about the Americans I met in Wash. Ore. Nev. etc. and I was referring to the trouble makers in Ferguson MO. I didn't think that was hard to understand!:)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Was Seattle included in your travels?

Since we had to excluded LA, Oakland, San Francisco, etc.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't think so, all the years I spend travelling "at this end" I never encountered a problem. Was it just luck?:)

Well three out of three responders (thus far) to your post collectively said...

"WTF are you talking about?"

I think it might be your end...just saying.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
One of the USTREAM channels had people asking why are the police standing still as that is going on? Could it be provocateurs? In fact, a streamer had his camera stolen as people were chatting with him. He said it was a cop who did it.

Wouldn't surprise me.

Hey Gopher... I thought you'd like this. It is an article of THAT guy getting his phone swiped and the thief leaves it on while he makes his escape.

You've got to watch it to the end when he explains that he just got an iPhone6... and WHO he got it from.

VIDEO: Ferguson Protestor Has Phone Stolen--While Live-Streaming Riot


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I know little about the people in that suburb.

Blacks outnumber whites 2:1. Most violent crime and property crime rates are higher than the national average.

If it's anything like the burbs in Toronto, most people are good people, minding their business, taking care of their families and such. Most likely have no criminal background. There's likely a demographic of repeat offenders and usual suspects though.

Not sure if the police have ever killed a citizen there before.

But when someone is, the squeaky ones will appear won't they. And in this case they were wrong and are still wrong with their invective towards cops, whites and so on.

One of their cute slogans is 'Fuk the police'. Yeah? Why exactly?

Why not 'fuk the thugs', the car thieves, the criminals?

It's the goddamn imported agitators, community 'organizers' and social media trolls fueled by the professional race-baiters, progressives run amok and white-guilt MSM that are the problem. They pawn themselves (often times ignorantly but also with the mob-think tactic) and play the game for the amusement of their handlers.

If anyone thinks this horsesh!t isn't greased by by troublemakers, name-makers and neckbeard cowards, they're highly deluded.

I'm sure most of the citizens there can read, can listen and can understand what the Grand Jury concluded based on facts, evidence and other forensic information. It was explained. They all heard McCulloch. If they don't want to, that's another story. All the attention whoars (like that fukkin' sharpton pinhead) will show up and cast their magic spell over the restless and the easily-swayed. They have to else why would they be relevant.

It's time for the true 'leaders' of that community (and their helpful 'organizers' ) to tell the people, Cosby-up and speak to the main issues, the truth about the events and make clear that this was not cop-on-black, white-on-black or republicans on democrats. It was a big aggressive thug attacking a much smaller cop who refused to stop when commanded and was killed as a result.

I won't hold my breath but it's time.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Woman saying ‘we’re ready for Ferguson’ accidentally shoots self in head, dies | WGN-TV

Woman saying ‘we’re ready for Ferguson’ accidentally shoots self in head, dies.

Full story in link, but really, in this case the headline tells the whole story.

Was funny on Page 1 too :lol:

Coast to coast, US boiling with rage over Ferguson verdict (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Michael Brown's family claims Ferguson investigation was 'broken'

I can see from the parents the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Ignorant people.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No riots in Seattle?

If there was they were small ones! Had a panhandler hit me up for a quarter!

Was funny on Page 1 too :lol:

Coast to coast, US boiling with rage over Ferguson verdict (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Michael Brown's family claims Ferguson investigation was 'broken'

I can see from the parents the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Ignorant people.

Is there any reason at all why she shouldn't be awarded a Darwin? (Posthumously of course):)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If there was they were small ones! Had a panhandler hit me up for a quarter!

Drifting a bit eh?

On my many trips to the Western U.S. years ago I found Americans to be a friendly, compassionate and law abiding people. Apparently much different from the modern day f**kers living to the east who seem to think that to protest one has to cause mayhem and break things. Not everything in the world is right but you don't correct it by being an A$$hole!:icon_smile: