Death knell for AGW


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
So why is it so friggin cold? Or are you another one that believes cold is weather but when the temperature comes up a bit it is global warming? How is your frozen koolaid today?

if it's cold here... is it cold everywhere... across the GLOBE?


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
What difference does it make. We are still nowhere near the pleasant weather enjoyed in medieval times when they grew grapes in England.

There is also a growing number of small scale producers of grapes and wine in southern Quebec and Nova Scotia. The two largest wine-producing regions in Canada are the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia and the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario.

Canadian wine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whew! Thought the globaL cooling had us for a bit.

Why can't one purchase a good Catawba any more..............:roll:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
14,000 years ago Holocene warming Slow warming from the last ice age; large ice melt
10,000 - 8500 BC Younger-Dryas Rapid cooling, prolonged cold period, then Rapid warming
5000 - 3000 BC Climatic optimum Warm conditions; temperatures were perhaps 1 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer than they are today. Great ancient civilizations began and flourished.
3000 - 2000 BC * Cooling trend; drops in sea level and the emergence of many islands.
2000 - 1500 BC * Short warming trend
1500 - 750 BC * Colder temperatures and renewed ice growth, sea level drop of between 2 to 3 meters below present day levels.
750 BC - 150 BC * Slight warming not as warm as the Climatic Optimum.
150 BC - 900 AD * Cooling trend; Nile River (829 AD) and Black Sea (800-801 AD) froze
1100 - 1300 AD Little Climatic Optimum or Medieval Optimum Warm; warmest climate since the Climatic Optimum, Vikings established settlements on Greenland and Iceland.
1300 - 1550 AD * Cool and more extreme weather; abandonment of settlements in the Southwest United States,
1550 to 1850 AD Little Ice Age Coldest temperatures since the beginning of the Holocene. Populations die from crop failure and famine in Europe.
1850 AD - present Contemporary climate Warming trend


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
What difference does it make. We are still nowhere near the pleasant weather enjoyed in medieval times when they grew grapes in England.

please provide consensus scientific evidence that the "Medieval Warming Period" was global in affect. In any case, what is your point in comparing Medieval times England's grape growing to today's relatively recent warming?

Thanks for that.

You will notice that the graph shows a "pause". indeed a downward trend in temperature starting before 2000.

Which kinda blows all the rest of your posts about how all that heat was "hiding" in the ocean completely out of the water. (pun intended)

it's clear you don't understand temperature analysis. The ocean component of that graph is sea-surface temperature (SST)... it has nothing to do with ocean heat content and the deeper layers/depth of the ocean. In any case, I've added the trend line in for you below... of course, trending on a relatively short period like 14 years isn't an appropriate analysis period for climate trending:

Oh, and the very idea that you can track man made warming with a 130 year trend on a 4 billion year old planet is simply hilarious.

what's being tracked is warming over that, as you chose, 130 year period. Attribution causal ties for warming is analyzed and assigned by scientists, whether the period is 50 years, 130 years, 800,000 years... or your 4 billion year reference.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Consensus? That dead horse is being flogged again? 99% of the 33% who believe in AGW falls short by 67% to be a consensus.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
for anyone taking exception to my use of the word consensus in regards the earlier reference to the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) being global, you could provide scientifically accepted publication that the MWP was global... you could provide citation to confirm the temperatures of the MWP were warmer than today... you could provide what significance you presume to draw when comparing the MWP (local, regional, global... whatever) to today's relatively recent warming?

for those that actually know what the consensus is and how its been properly presented, conveyed and interpreted, it is:
... the consensus of scientists working in the disciplines that contribute to climate understanding, the consensus that accepts that climate change is almost certainly being caused by human activities.
- inclusive of endorsement expressions of the consensus of scientists working in the disciplines that contribute to climate understanding, as reflects upon a past, current and active research of climate science and a past, current and active publication of climate science related papers. Additionally, an endorsement expression also reflects upon related official position statements taken by world-wide country national science academies/bodies, scientific organizations and academia; positions that state most of the earth's recent global warming can be attributed to human activities.

- inclusive of qualification expressions of the consensus of scientists working in the disciplines that contribute to climate understanding, associated to their peer-reviewed scientific publications almost consistently showing that the scientific research from and related opinions of, the consensus of this expert body of scientists, state that humans are causing global warming and/or that climate change is being caused by human activities.​


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nobody from Kijiji needs drywall done today or you figured it was a good day to sit on your ***, suck the glass cock while ranting about sh-t you have no clue about thanks to dropping out in grade 9?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
please provide consensus scientific evidence that the "Medieval Warming Period" was global in affect.

There's some evidencer that teh MWP was global in effect. It is unlikely that the MWP was as warm as the last few years, but there is a low probability chance that it may have been warmer. Data are scarce, so uncertainties are high.

How is the 0C treating the AM?

PS it's still fall for 5+ weeks.

Winter is coming.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's going to be up and down for the next couple Ka as the Holocene stabilizes before heading back into the next glaciation.