Time Travel Will Be Possible In 85 Years


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
In theory, it's possible - but you can't go back to a date before the medium's invention

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, what's with the rules...

how come i can't go back...I want to go back to Egypian times...


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Colin Stuart, Science Communicator and author of The Big Questions in Science said: ‘Time travel to the future has already been achieved, but only in tiny amounts. I would say we are looking at 2100 as a very optimistic timescale for travelling weeks into the future.’

but if we can travel in 85 years we can come back to now...that's what he meant...if we can in 85 years come back...where are they/we

They would be in some point in time > 2100 as they can only go farther into the future.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
yeah sigh...wolfie just said that

burst my bubble the two of ya

It's one of those things that just can't possibly be true. By going back in time, you would be changing the past and altering the future and it would just be a giant paradox. It really only works in Star Trek.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
If time travel is in fact possible where are all the travellers from the future-eh?!

My future self already came back in time back on June 14, 1999 to try and give me a better out come in life, however I felt that by doing this, it would have drastically altered the time line from its natural course. Before he arrived, there were dozens of other people travelling back in time and screwing things up.

I took it upon myself to kill my future self, take his time traveling wristband and smartphone with documented future-history to determine when time travel was finally established. I then went into the future four days before time travel was to be accomplished and destroyed all documents, prototypes and other research information using a 30 second timed anti-matter explosive device to wipe out the entire complex which I obtained 53 years ahead of that specific time and then jumped back through the time portal before the explosion to return back to my own time and when the portal closed, the time traveling wristband & smartphone de-materialized... thereby stopping time travel and resetting the time line back to its natural course and also preventing all the past time line screwups by the other few time travelers.

Therefore, Time Travel will not be possible in 85 years and that is why you have not seen any travelers from the future.

You're welcome.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It's one of those things that just can't possibly be true. By going back in time, you would be changing the past and altering the future and it would just be a giant paradox. It really only works in Star Trek.

but...what if there are parallel universes...maybe it could work then


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
My future self already came back in time back on June 14, 1999 to try and give me a better out come in life, however I felt that by doing this, it would have drastically altered the time line from its natural course. Before he arrived, there were dozens of other people travelling back in time and screwing things up.

I took it upon myself to kill my future self, take his time traveling wristband and smartphone with documented future-history to determine when time travel was finally established. I then went into the future four days before time travel was to be accomplished and destroyed all documents, prototypes and other research information using a 30 second timed anti-matter explosive device to wipe out the entire complex which I obtained 53 years ahead of that specific time and then jumped back through the time portal before the explosion to return back to my own time and when the portal closed, the time traveling wristband & smartphone de-materialized... thereby stopping time travel and resetting the time line back to its natural course and also preventing all the past time line screwups by the other few time travelers.

Therefore, Time Travel will not be possible in 85 years and that is why you have not seen any travelers from the future.

You're welcome.

Oh sure, ruin it for the rest of us why don't ya! ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
My future self already came back in time back on June 14, 1999 to try and give me a better out come in life, however I felt that by doing this, it would have drastically altered the time line from its natural course. Before he arrived, there were dozens of other people travelling back in time and screwing things up.

I took it upon myself to kill my future self, take his time traveling wristband and smartphone with documented future-history to determine when time travel was finally established. I then went into the future four days before time travel was to be accomplished and destroyed all documents, prototypes and other research information using a 30 second timed anti-matter explosive device to wipe out the entire complex which I obtained 53 years ahead of that specific time and then jumped back through the time portal before the explosion to return back to my own time and when the portal closed, the time traveling wristband & smartphone de-materialized... thereby stopping time travel and resetting the time line back to its natural course and also preventing all the past time line screwups by the other few time travelers.

Therefore, Time Travel will not be possible in 85 years and that is why you have not seen any travelers from the future.

You're welcome.

well, that was rather selfish, you could have at least waited until I had gone back to Egypt for a bit


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
If time travel is in fact possible where are all the travellers from the future-eh?!

They keep running into me. Time Travellers taste good for some reason, perhaps the tachyon particles they are bathed in make it so?;)

Are you kidding? 85 years of missed Daylight Savings Time, that's why. It all adds up.

They just don't know how to set the clocks...sort of like grandparents and the VCR (when the VCR was still relevant of course).;)

In theory, it's possible - but you can't go back to a date before the medium's invention

Why not? Perhaps the machine (or device) is surrounded by it's own field and therefore isn't subjected to the paradox of being in a time before it's been created.

It's one of those things that just can't possibly be true. By going back in time, you would be changing the past and altering the future and it would just be a giant paradox. It really only works in Star Trek.

Who's to say that the future hasn't already been altered? We wouldn't know, as the alternate timeline becomes "our" timeline.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Time travel will be possible long before 2100. John Titor was about 38 years' old when he travelled back to 2000 and 2001 from 2036. I remember his original internet discussion forum posts at the time.

Titor's 2036 photograph of his time machine

If time travel is in fact possible where are all the travellers from the future-eh?!

There might not be any, simply because it could be the case that they cannot travel back to before time travel was invented.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
It's one of those things that just can't possibly be true. By going back in time, you would be changing the past and altering the future and it would just be a giant paradox. It really only works in Star Trek.

Who says it hasnt happened? There isnt really a way to know. Reality often is stranger than fiction.

Time travel will be possible long before 2100. John Titor was about 38 years' old when he travelled back to 2000 and 2001 from 2036. I remember his original internet discussion forum posts at the time.

Wow, you're gullible.