Time Travel Will Be Possible In 85 Years


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Confession: I have been travelling forward in time all my life. Hope to continue my travels, at least in the short term.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
I read a theory of time travel once that the only way it would work was to make some kind of passage or road through time. The road's ends would exist in different times and could only exist in a time since the roads creation. In other words, you couldn't go back to a time before time travel was invented.

There might not be any, simply because it could be the case that they cannot travel back to before time travel was invented.

Ah, I missed this. We probably read the same thing.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Leave the intelligent discussions to the men. Why don't you bog off and join those harridans on Mumsnet and talk babies, boyfriends and boils?


Better yet, why I don't go find some intelligent men to discuss things with and you try not to cry too loud cuz those lefties are being all mean to you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I read a theory of time travel once that the only way it would work was to make some kind of passage or road through time. The road's ends would exist in different times and could only exist in a time since the roads creation. In other words, you couldn't go back to a time before time travel was invented.

It's basically Einstein's theory of general relativity which states you can't travel back in time to before the time machine was invented and which Stephen Hawking says answers the question of why, apparently, time travellers aren't visiting us. It could well be the case that as soon as somebody invents a time machine which will be able to travel back in time he won't be able to use it to travel back any meaningful distance in time at first and will initially just spend most of his time greeting time travellers from the future who have travelled back to meet the inventor of time travel.

That theory could be wrong, though, and it could well be the case that time travellers from the future are already visiting us. In the year 1980, Renedlesham Forest in Suffolk was visited by strange, futuristic craft which were witnessed by personnel from a nearby airbase. One strange craft left behind a message in binary code which, when translated, seemed to say that the craft and its occupants are time travellers from the year 8100.

Time travelling forward in time is possible, of course. We're all travelling forward through time right now, and the faster you move through space the slower time passes from your point of view, which means the faster you move, the faster you travel forward through time.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
We are traveling through space idiot not the concept of time, years minutes and seconds are angular measure there is no such THING as time. Age is distance.
you mean like the difference in distance to the floor of a 20 yr old and a ninety yr old nipples ?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Time travel forward could be possible Since time is relative to speed/size.
Shrinking you're mass would slow time. Enlargement would speed up time.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Time travel will be possible long before 2100. John Titor was about 38 years' old when he travelled back to 2000 and 2001 from 2036. I remember his original internet discussion forum posts at the time.

Titor's 2036 photograph of his time machine

There might not be any, simply because it could be the case that they cannot travel back to before time travel was invented.

Resolution of camera's in 2036 really sucks.