Canada to Bump Up Immigrartion

Should Canada Change It's Immigration Policy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Don't Know

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
The Conservative government in Canada is looking to up the number of immigrants it brings into the country during 2015. The country's minister responsible for immigration says they'll bring in between 260,000 and 285,000 immigrants in 2015...................

Canadian government to bring in 285,000 immigrants in 2015

So the government will increase immigration but these for the most part will be good immigrants who will contribute to our society economically is a good reform.

Under the current bizarre system of qualifying points a young German engineer in perfect health with no criminal record who shares similar cultural values and integrates relatively seamlessly into Canadian society and seeks out Canada on his own is less eligible to become a permanent resident than an older uneducated sickly Somali from a refugee camp who is recruited by a paid head hunter and who only knows lawlessness, gangs and practices extreme forms of Islam and is so far removed from our culture his first experience with a flush toilet will be at the airport in Nairobi waiting for his prepaid flight to Canada.

If the Conservatives seriously reform immigration to curb abuse of programs for "nannies" and girls who are trafficked as sex slaves, to slow down the Muslims who are doubling in Canada every decade they will secure my vote on that issue alone.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In SK it's Catholic Filipinos with wicked credit ratings being imported. We had sh-tloads of Sudanese who had to repay the UN to relocate to take jobs at the GTH. All the Muzzies must be going to ON.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
I voted no because it is the ministry of immigration should dictate how many they can follow and check a year.
That said Doctors are seriously needed here but they have an impossible criteria to attain, what gives? This is not a new problem.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006

I'm not sure it needs to change, the growth in number of immigrants has been mostly from economic class immigrants over the past decade:

I think the changes they made in the past few years to prioritize immigrants with skilled trades was definitely an improvement.

Recently I saw a clip talking about the interpreters hired by US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and how difficult it actually is to immigrate to the US under that program. Maybe Canada could pitch in and use more of our refugee spots for groups like that.

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
Recently I saw a clip talking about the interpreters hired by US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and how difficult it actually is to immigrate to the US under that program. Maybe Canada could pitch in and use more of our refugee spots for groups like that.

Those people are proved backstabbers* who knew what they were getting into when they decided to take the yanqui dollar and now they find out they're worth nothing to both sides-less than nothing on their own side.

So is that a 'well founded fear of persecution based on beliefs'?

Or just desserts from a wilful throw of the dice?

*Note that the yanquis are proved backstabbers as well.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West

Those people are proved backstabbers* who knew what they were getting into when they decided to take the yanqui dollar and now they find out they're worth nothing to both sides-less than nothing on their own side.

So is that a 'well founded fear of persecution based on beliefs'?

Or just desserts from a wilful throw of the dice?

*Note that the yanquis are proved backstabbers as well.

Canada already has a program to provide for the immigration of some interpreters on a case by case basis.

And your assessment of interpreters as "backstabbers" is way off. Almost all interpreters take varying levels of risk to themselves, their families and in some cases tribe or village in order to help Canadian soldiers and do so out of a genuine desire to help improve the lives of their countrymen and do their part towards ending the conflict in their region.

They are far more heroic and brave than your asinine statement suggests.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Easy Troop, Billy's been stuck in the double wide for far to long and really has no idea, apart from what he gleans off the net, as to what the real world is actually like.

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
Canada already has a program to provide for the immigration of some interpreters on a case by case basis

And your assessment of interpreters as "backstabbers" is way off.
Anyone who interprets @ torture sessions is a backstabber, period.

Almost all interpreters take varying levels of risk to themselves, their families and in some cases tribe or village in order to help Canadian soldiers and do so out of a genuine desire to help improve the lives of their countrymen and do their part towards ending the conflict in their region.

They are far more heroic and brave than your asinine statement suggests.
We are talking about the US funded backstabbers not the Canadian ones.

OTOH a back stabber is a backstabber no matter who he carries the knife for.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In SK it's Catholic Filipinos with wicked credit ratings being imported. We had sh-tloads of Sudanese who had to repay the UN to relocate to take jobs at the GTH. All the Muzzies must be going to ON.

Yeah, things are changing. Just under half the kids on my doorstep on
Halloween seem to confirm your statement above. Kind of an eye opener.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
In SK it's Catholic Filipinos with wicked credit ratings being imported. We had sh-tloads of Sudanese who had to repay the UN to relocate to take jobs at the GTH. All the Muzzies must be going to ON.

Haven't noticed many more here in God's chosen province:roll:

But then, we have sufficient already.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
OTOH a back stabber is a backstabber no matter who he carries the knife for.

To be a back stabber they would have had to have been on the other side at some point. They just happen to speak the language and live in the area.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
FWIW-Mexican food is several orders of magnitude better than Filipino swill-they are nice people but their food is crap.

Your personal opinion. My opinion, Mexican food is hog swill and anyone that enjoys it has no pallet what so ever.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well what passes for Mexican food in your hinterland hellhole is certainly hog swill.
My Mexican take out is made by real Mexicans, not the imaginary ones you pretend to know on the net. Equally, my Filipino take out is made by real Filipino's, again, not the imaginary bases of the net, like yourself.

Both are excellent, depends on what I'm in the mood for.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
There is a hierarchy in East Asia. Chinese, Koreans and Japanese all think of themselves as being at the apex. The Chinese I know refer to the Filipinos as the Mexicans of Asia.