In some models I've seen Northern California is part of Cascadia.
Yeah, I've seen the same thing. San Francisco and Vancouver are indistinguishable in many ways.
In some models I've seen Northern California is part of Cascadia.
Yeah, I've seen the same thing. San Francisco and Vancouver are indistinguishable in many ways.
Fruitloop mayors and a bias against work.
Until we are merged.
Born in Canada... this is home. So there....
US Eh?
All its going to take is some major projects that involve these players to get an economic union (deeper than Nafta) off the ground.
There's no real advantages to Canada joining the United States.
Of course, that support might could be down some since we turned into a police state.
Don't really care for the colour scheme. Too much blue for the
United States of Canada, assuming Canada absorbed the USA
and there was some give & take on governance.
If a British Monarch was to much to bare for our new bedmates,
we could have a referendum to chose between Celine Dion or
Justin Beiber or Avril Levigne.
Because they are so oppressed lol
I live in California del Norenos. So I can appreciate how the Quebecois feel.
2 things need to happen before there is any chance of having this conversation.
- Stop printing money like lunatics
- Outlaw any beer that is below 4.5% alc/vol.
PS - Once ya learn how to drink rye, then we'll talk
Yeah, I've seen the same thing. San Francisco and Vancouver are indistinguishable in many ways.
The article is a bit dated but its facts remain unchanged. Any bet Canadians will never be willing to give up their socialized health care ?