US, Canada should merge into one country


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Until we are merged. ;)

Born in Canada... this is home. So there....

Over my dead and bleeding body, Boom.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
US Eh?


Don't really care for the colour scheme. Too much blue for the
United States of Canada, assuming Canada absorbed the USA
and there was some give & take on governance.

If a British Monarch was to much to bare for our new bedmates,
we could have a referendum to chose between Celine Dion or
Justin Beiber or Avril Levigne.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Of course, that support might could be down some since we turned into a police state.

In 13 years.. bet'cha it's doubled..

People voted in NAFTA, it hasn't destroyed Canada and killed Health Care as once threatened by Liberals.. who I might add, kept NAFTA in place..

It's a growing grass roots cause.. and I know many people who are now pushing for this.. politicians, doctors, lawyers, professors ..

Watch the video, Les Horswill is a brilliant man.

Should the US and Canada Become One Country? - YouTube

Journalist Diane Francis spells out the threat from China and Russia..

Canada can not protect it's borders..


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Don't really care for the colour scheme. Too much blue for the
United States of Canada, assuming Canada absorbed the USA
and there was some give & take on governance.

If a British Monarch was to much to bare for our new bedmates,
we could have a referendum to chose between Celine Dion or
Justin Beiber or Avril Levigne.

.... For the Senate.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
2 things need to happen before there is any chance of having this conversation.

  1. Stop printing money like lunatics
  2. Outlaw any beer that is below 4.5% alc/vol.

PS - Once ya learn how to drink rye, then we'll talk

Rye................yuck, firewater. Any respectable whisky drinker drinks Scotch! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
The Canadian system is a publicly funded insurance program where costs are controlled and both hospitals and doctors are private. Any Canadian can go to any doctor or hospital in the country. Each province has its own system and its own unique way of funding it. In spite of this decentralized approach, there are agreements among all provinces that provide for treatment of any Canadian citizen regardless of where the need occurs. The great success of their system causes almost all Canadian politicians, even conservatives, to defend it vociferously. It is called single payer because there is only one "payer"; there is no alternative program, such as private health insurance, to which Canadians can turn for basic health care. Since the wealthy as well as the middle income people have no alternative, they make sure it is funded adequately. This together with cost controls insures that everyone including the poor, who use the same system, receives the same high quality care ... 99% of the Canadians I've talked to like their system. They say it is such a peace of mind and the service at the doctor's office and hospitals is really quite good. If the ordinary run of the people like it, that's all we need to know."
According the Harris Poll of all industrial nations, Canadians are the most satisfied with their health care.

Single Payer Health Care System

The article is a bit dated but its facts remain unchanged. Any bet Canadians will never be willing to give up their socialized health care ?