Time to Rethink School Sports?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I know, but I have to give the benefit of the doubt. I want to be given the benefit of the doubt, so I will give the benefit of the doubt.

Plus,I sometimes type stupid sh!t, in my head I mean one thing, but it shows up on the board a bit different. I don't like jumping to conclusions. I am afraid of heights.

Twila, you need not worry so, people do give you that benefit. It was earned.

My kids don't make a salary to play school sports. Neither does there coach.

Now you want your kids to be paid to play school sports. What a sense on entitlement you have.
Must have Political blood in you
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Now you want you kids to be paid to play school sports. What a sense on entitlement you have.
Must have Political blood in you

And bill it to all those filthy rich seniors who are just wallowing in dough. Snivelling wretches!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I coach a lot, and so does my wife. Not school sports, but hockey and soccer. All coaches are competitive, in my opinion. Goes with the territory. The ones that do well manage themselves emotionally, as they expect their players to do. This is when kids learn to deal with success and failure. And if you have a coach that flips out all the time, you're not really teaching them much of a lesson. I like to win. I want my kids to win. When we don't win, we look at why we didn't and we work on those aspects and hopefully--hopefully--the kids learn that by giving it their all and playing as a team they are more likely to win. I.e. hard work and sacrifice brings success.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
This is when kids learn to deal with success and failure.

And isn't that one of the biggest points about playing sports? How to deal with success AND failure? Best kids learn young how to manage those emotions.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And isn't that one of the biggest points about playing sports? How to deal with success AND failure? Best kids learn young how to manage those emotions.

I never saw so much childishness at a game as when my boy was in junior hockey at age 9 or 10 - the kids were good just content to play, half of them didn't even care about the score, but some of the bloody parents just blew my mind. This was at the time Wayne Gretzky was just getting famous and I'd swear half the parents there thought their kids were going to the N.H.L. One kid actually did (the name Jason Bowen ring a bell Talloola?) He was a defenseman and played a dozen games or so for either Philly or Pittsburgh and spent the rest of the time on the farm team. He was as big as me when he was 9 years old but as clumsy as a cub bear with his "member". -:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I coach a lot, and so does my wife. Not school sports, but hockey and soccer. All coaches are competitive, in my opinion. Goes with the territory. The ones that do well manage themselves emotionally, as they expect their players to do. This is when kids learn to deal with success and failure. And if you have a coach that flips out all the time, you're not really teaching them much of a lesson. I like to win. I want my kids to win. When we don't win, we look at why we didn't and we work on those aspects and hopefully--hopefully--the kids learn that by giving it their all and playing as a team they are more likely to win. I.e. hard work and sacrifice brings success.

I have no problem with trying to win but I remember the first year my daughters played basketball. They played a team that could not pass, dribble or shoot but the kids knew how to run a pick play. Clearly the coach was not spending time working on the fundamentals of the game. Here we are six years later and that team is far behind the other schools in the league. When the focus is on winning and not developing skills we don't perform that well later on. That's probably why we suck internationally at volleyball and basketball. I see kids sitting on the bench every game because they aren't good enough and parents accepting this. Hockey was going down that road a few years back but managed to turn it around.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Oh for Christ sake, when I went to school we practiced like a machine both Basketball
and Volleyball not to mention track and field. When we screwed up the coach would be
on us like bugs on a bumper and rightfully so.
It does not matter if the kids are trying to become pro's they are playing on a team and they
are there to do the best they can at all cost. That is what being part of a team is.
Also there is no need to slap a coach man or woman for doing their job. A coach is there to
get the best the last ounce of what you have to be the best you can be.
All this crap about not counting scores and no body checking and no rival chants and no...
whatever is enough to turn ones stomach the parents and teachers need to grow up but not
the kids.
People there is no reason a fan or parent should even contemplate hitting a coach let alone a
woman. I have had someone strike a woman in my presence I and I am willing to bet they
didn't like my reaction. Sport is sport its also about winning and losing and tons of emotion .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sport is sport its also about winning and losing and tons of emotion .

That says everything that is wrong with team sports. It should be about having fun and getting exercise.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Sport is sport its also about winning and losing and tons of emotion .

That says everything that is wrong with team sports. It should be about having fun and getting exercise.

Bingo- exercise is an important component, discipline is another.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
The problem with our kids is not schools. It's parents expecting our schools to do our jobs as parents and I find it rather funny to read about bad parents whining that schools are failing at doing what parents are supposed to be teaching there kids

Yes cause we are so lazy we now have our government raising our children for us.
And we wonder why our kids do badly internationally?

Bad parenting. That's why