Obama; Best salesman ever?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The two most intelligent Presidents we've had were Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt. The rest were wise, foolish, lucky, unlucky, leaders great and poor, but it's not really a position that needs or wants a genius.

You got one out of two..................Jefferson, the 2nd was John Q. Adams.

His brothers George Washington Democrat and Alexander Hamilton Democrat would agree. But little sister Queen Victoria Democrat just thinks it's funny.

Vicky was known to have stated "we are not amused"!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You got one out of two..................Jefferson, the 2nd was John Q. Adams.
Roosevelt authored 36 books, many of which are still standards in their fields.

Not running down John Q, he was a smart and very able man. But he didn't have the sheer mental power and energy of TR.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
William Henry Harrison gave a two-hour inaugural speech on a cold, rainy day wearing neither a hat nor a coat. He died of pneumonia 32 days later.

He totally wins.

Did they leech him? Bleed him? No wonder why he croaked... you gotta leech and bleed them. Anyone tells you different they're Quacks.

Who knows? It was 1841. Those barbarians still believed that disease was caused by an imbalance of the four bodily humours. And those were the smart ones.

We used to stick our forks in the dirt to clean them after supper on campaign.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Apparently a vote may happen if Dear Leader allows and he's already playing his cards ,as it was a very different Stephen Harper who turned up in the House of Commons. An unusually subdued version.

He reached out to the opposition, answered their questions politely, instead of mocking them, or setting his howling Con jackals on them.

But the essential message remained the same: He will lead us into a war he calls both noble and necessary.

And those 2 points can be summed up by one Bernie Sanders.

Just replace Bernie's words with a Canadian version and that is my issue.

Why does Canada have to become another Poodle for Saudi Arabia as Britain and the USA did in the Iraq war?

Why do Canadian Citizens and taxpayers have to defend these people?

Arab Nations Must Fight Islamic State Terrorists

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria will not be defeated until neighboring Muslim nations deploy ground troops against the terrorist organization, Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Tuesday. Sanders also strongly disagreed with Republican House Speaker John Boehner who said on Sunday that the United States may have “no choice” but to send ground troops into Syria.

“The war against ISIS, a brutal and dangerous organization, cannot be won unless the Muslim nations which are most threatened – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, Iran and Jordan – become fully engaged, including the use of ground troops,” Sanders said. “The U.S. and the international community should be fully supportive but the leadership in this war must come from the Muslim world.”

Saudi Arabia, where the autocratic royal family is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, was the fourth largest defense spender in the world in 2013. Saudi Arabia spent more than $59 billion in 2013, more than either Great Britain or France.

“Saudi Arabia has a large and modern air force and a strong standing army. They should not expect that American taxpayers and the U.S armed forces will do their work for them. If the campaign against ISIS is to be successful, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, Iran and Jordan have got to become fully engaged. In the Middle East, this war cannot be perceived as West versus East, Christian versus Muslim or the U.S. versus ISIS. It must be seen as a war in which Muslim countries throughout the region are standing up for their beliefs against an extremist and brutal organization which has grossly distorted the tenets of Islam.”

Sanders also expressed strong disagreement with Boehner over U.S. combat troops in Syria. “The use of U.S. combat troops in Syria could well get us into a Mideast quagmire and perpetual warfare in the region. Instead of spending tens of billions on war in the Mideast, we should be investing in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and creating millions of decent-paying jobs here at home,” the senator said.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Oh I see, it's the U.S.' fault that these f**king savages are running rampant! Grow up!

Okay I will pretend to agree.

It's not the USA's fault.

Whose fault is it that these savages are running rampant...........?