Ferguson riots: Clashes, looting in Missouri following vigil for teen shot dead by po


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If you had watched the show where he said that, you would have also heard that Silverman admit he couldn't explain it.
So instead of being stupid and believing what others of like mind tell you to believe, check it out yourself.
It's easy enough to find the clip and watch it "In context"
Please don't tell me you are all to stupid to not know the land stops the tidal bulge from traveling around the globe uninterrupted. I would hate to ask this class how high the 'tidal bulge' was when the planet had no land masses to interfere with the movement of the bulge. (I'll even throw in for free that when the surface is magma that water is not part of the equation)

Part two (for those who got part one right) is explaining why the trench just east of Japan is being promoted as a subduction zone but it lacks the mass of land that is on the other side of the Pacific that is called BC that is material scrapped off the surface before the Pacifiv Rift goes fully under the NA plate. The land from the east side of the Rockies going west is all scrapings as that is where the rift began some 200M years ago. If it takes that long to travel across the Pacific where is the mud and fish poop or does the magic of the science of this era allow something to sucked into something that 2,000 time as dense. (wow, same ration for certain board members) Carry on smelling your own fingers my little minions, wait for the light to come to you wouldn't want to see how badly you stumble around if not in the company of an adult. (no that isn't me or I would have said it differently) Sleaze on.

Do a right***** and a left***** equal one ***** or two *****s?

Autocensored word is w-h-o-r-e.
Step away from the pencil, grab a fiddle and the ***** and start dancin ....


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Mine runs on hydrogen, I'm taking in water vapor, that dusty, cobwebbed place you call your brain could use some.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Prove any of it as being wrong, if you could you already would have, now this is just how your tears show up, as a 'big ol can of whine'.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Prove any of it as being wrong, if you could you already would have, now this is just how your tears show up, as a 'big ol can of whine'.
I don't need to prove anything to a conspiracy nut such as you, the only thing you deserve is derision and/or contempt!
I keep wondering if you're myopic, narrow-minded or just too plain stupid to reason like a normal human being.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't need to prove anything to a conspiracy nut such as you, the only thing you deserve is derision and/or contempt!
I keep wondering if you're myopic, narrow-minded or just too plain stupid to reason like a normal human being.

"Normal" is the key word here! -:)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Huxley saw this coming. The sheeple still don't get it.