How is your research into the gas hydrate cycle coming along?
The same way the gas hydrates do.
How is that research working out for you?
So, you never did any research?
Can but only to a point, after that corellation goes to pot and temp and CO2 go there own way. I learned that from IPCC.
Gas hydrates have never at all been mentioned by climatologist or the IPCC because it's a big secret.
Yuuuup along with several other gases from a plethora of sources that's what I'm saying.
Archer, D., and B. Buffett, 2005: Time-dependent response of the global ocean clathrate reservoir to climatic and anthropogenic forcing. Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems, 6, Q03002, doi:10.1029/2004GC000854
From the IPCC reference list.
Alright, so where did the extra C02 come from?
CO2 concentration lags rising temperature it does not result in rising temperatures. Where does the heat come from?
When? In the past 13 interglacials or ours?
Can CO2 exist in a solid form?
It's no crock it happened in the past 13 interglacials too.
YouTube says reptilian aliens live amongst us so that makes it fact?