Controversial Jewish Defence League to open new Canadian chapters


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Controversial Jewish Defence League to open new Canadian chapters in wake of violent protests over Gaza

"In its 2000-01 report on terrorism, the Federal Bureau of Investigation described the group’s U.S. wing as a “violent extremist Jewish organization.” Members have been linked to numerous violent acts in the U.S. and Israel since the JDL was founded in 1968. In 2001, its leader was arrested and charged for a plot to bomb a mosque and the office of an Arab-American congressman."

Controversial Jewish Defence League to open new Canadian chapters in wake of violent protests over Gaza


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Not to point out the obvious but Jewish PR stations might be better in, say, . . . . Gaza City. Far as I know the ones that chose to stay here are like the Jews in Iran, no plans to relocate at the present. Is that banking mentality oozing out? It's like the Pitbull, perfect normal dog except for that little bit that is like autism in a person. You just have to accept that part is going to be there forever and so the leash stays on that long, forever.
Perhaps after this one is over there can be a segment on FOX and the usual suspects where they complain that Hamas is lulling Israel into a false sense of security so their 'loyalty' had to be 'tested' by enduring Cast Lead XXV without shooting back or posting any videos that would put a bad light of the IDF.

Investigating all 'crimes against Jews' to the fullest would be a good thing. Are these investigations going to take place with the help of the Jewish community or are they going to be a stumbling block. At the moment it sound like they are PR rooms for Israel but paid for by Gentiles so Gentiles can be tricked into accepting the Jewish version of all things over what any Gentile publication come up with. Knowing that almost every plan in the past failed it makes joining this group a real temptation just so I can see the implosion, that is sure to happen, from the inside.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So Gentiles could start up Jewish sensitivity claims, a lot of said classes and send the bill in and also be in line for a whole new list of deductions come tax time. I'm thinking it would be wise to include that 50 years max clause and then renewal of said contract. It is also understood that 'hiring the man' means taking care of the family and they like to vacation lots so . . . . Come in one and all here is your bank card and pin #. Free wine and bread ahead and to the left or 'welcome to Dodge' is any other door. The collection plate comes around once a week so make sure to grab enough to last that long. If you thrift out through most of the year you can see all the best spots in the world in a decade using the money saved by staying at home most of the evenings and weekends.

There's no business like Shoah business.
How much does the RCC and the World Bank have in combined finances? I'd be happy to see OT banking laws brought in and even the 50 year slave thing would mean a man is a slave once and then he is old and his kids are the ones that pimp themselves out and that income covers the expenses of all family members. Believe it or not stealing something and not paying for it causes more problems in the long run that stealing the same thing but leave 2x as much money as the item would be worth on the open market. Holy Land = a few tankers just to hold the ink. So what if Haitai was willing to buy their freedom by taking out a 'loan' that lasted for 250 years they eventually got the loan paid off.

Giving the original inhabitants $1T would mean $4,000,000 per year to service that dept when usury is not allowed in. The money that poured into the area in the form of donations would probably dwarf that amount and the world only pays $1/gallon at the pump to finance the deal. That is 1/10 of the cost of maintaining a military to defend it all (that is never used) Want a new plane, show me how one was lost with the crew aboard first.
Today the number can be estimated pretty closely, check with Colpy's department.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
JDL is a bigot filled terrorist group. They once attacked a group of Puerto Ricans in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, NY only to learn a little while later that a couple of their victims were Jewish. Even the government of Israel acknowledged that he was a racist and hater who lived to stir up trouble. He drove a former girl friend to suicide and got shot down for all his evils.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It's Muslim terrorists you want to worry about, not Jewish ones.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State