The Crisis on the Border


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
You keep hearing the media say KIDS KIDS KIDS crossing the border while the photos tell another story.....



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If we want your land, we'll come and take it. Till then, enjoy.

How will you pay for the expedition? Where will you find guides? Have you ever been to the jungles of Canada?
Stupid American I doubt if your armed forces can subdue continental USA let alone Canada. Will you dispatch F-35's to pummel us? hahahahaha I hope so.

Yeah, 50,000 kids're gonna be the end of us.

You're already at the end, the gun aged young and hungry mob from Central America are ideal clean up material.

You keep hearing the media say KIDS KIDS KIDS crossing the border while the photos tell another story.....

Carriers of the end.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Do you Canadians really believe that in the fullness of time the phenomenon of illegal immigration to America won't cause adverse consequences for the Canadian people which we cannot currently foresee?


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Do you Canadians really believe that in the fullness of time the phenomenon of illegal immigration to America won't cause adverse consequences for the Canadian people which we cannot currently foresee?

Yes. Excuse me for a moment, I need a bit of a siesta.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Do you Canadians really believe that in the fullness of time the phenomenon of illegal immigration to America won't cause adverse consequences for the Canadian people which we cannot currently foresee?

Not if you keep doing what you're doing. So far so good.

Canada pretty much has the Not Quite Welcome sign up.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
That seems racist. ;)

Not at all. I have a theory.

The United States acts as a sieve. This sieve is shaken back and forth by American politics. The two contending parties, indistinguishable to the clinical observer, push and tug until all the insensitive and crazed fall through and are retained within American borders. Those who remain above this fray, the intelligent and sensitive, regardless of race and ethnicity, find their way to Canada as either visitors or landed immigrants. There are, on occasion, exceptions who come to lecture us Canadians about the perils of "others", but except by a few who stangely find voice on social media, are largely ignored.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Not at all. I have a theory.

The United States acts as a sieve. This sieve is shaken back and forth by American politics. The two contending parties, indistinguishable to the clinical observer, push and tug until all the insensitive and crazed fall through and are retained within American borders. Those who remain above this fray, the intelligent and sensitive, regardless of race and ethnicity, find their way to Canada as either visitors or landed immigrants. There are, on occasion, exceptions who come to lecture us Canadians about the perils of "others", but except by a few who stangely find voice on social media, are largely ignored.

We are not even a sieve... we are a block. Why go any further when all will be provided in the US? We're the end of the road...just get here. Canada wised up years ago.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
You keep hearing the media say KIDS KIDS KIDS crossing the border while the photos tell another story.....

And what you just did is as bad as the propaganda that created this photo.

It's easy to eat this propaganda garbage and feel some sort of misdirected righteousness.

the picture is BS. The other one you posted is as well.

Why not post a pic of wetbacks as well, and the cubans who swim to land. Paste in all refugees, the one';s with real cause and the ones faking it.

The children are an issue until itself.

Photo oping them with this BS is propaganda directed to the lowest common denominator.

you eat this stuff up because of what you are.
it's that obvious.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Not at all. I have a theory.

The United States acts as a sieve. This sieve is shaken back and forth by American politics. The two contending parties, indistinguishable to the clinical observer, push and tug until all the insensitive and crazed fall through and are retained within American borders. Those who remain above this fray, the intelligent and sensitive, regardless of race and ethnicity, find their way to Canada as either visitors or landed immigrants. There are, on occasion, exceptions who come to lecture us Canadians about the perils of "others", but except by a few who stangely find voice on social media, are largely ignored.

Your theory is predicated on a series of flawed assumptions. You are assuming Canada is not susceptible to all elements of cultural transmission. All aspects of American culture are transmitted to Canada as a result of media penetration, economic connection, blood ties, and all of the elements that make Canada and America part of the North American wing of Western Civilization. Similarly, Canada penetrates America. It doesn't matter whether the penetration and connection are symbiotic or parasitic. It is what it is.

Further, insensitive and crazed Americans visit and move with impunity around Canada. I'm always welcome in Canada by my relatives just as I always welcome them to California. Over the generations the good, the bad and the ugly move back and forth in a seamless fashion.

Those who come to lecture Canadians about the processes of history aren't ignored by Canadians. Each of us can learn from the actual experience of others which is outside our own experiences. Take yourself as an example.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
You have to wonder why this type of migration from the south.. Mexico and Central America is such a recent phenomenon.. really only a major social movement since the early 80s. There is an answer.. Free Trade.

Free Market economics has destroyed Mexican and Central American rural agriculture. It has produced a mutant form of industrialization on the Mexican American border where factories owned by America's top manufacturing companies produce product, paying subsistence wages.. and supplying only the American market.

They are surrounded by the shanty towns, without sewage, power or services for the shacks and hovels of which they are made. These are the Maquilladoras.. which employ only young women who are less likely to organize and demand better working conditions. Once they get pregnant they are fired.. leaving a family without a way to survive on the U.S. border.

This is the fault of NAFTA and Central American trade agreements and it is coming home to roost on the greed of American commerce.. who have lost all sense on national and social responsibility in their manic pursuit of profit. They have fed their own workers and those of other countries to the flames, playing one off against the the other... leaving both desperate and impoverished. Desperation is the key factor in their profit equation.

Put on top of that the effects of monetarism... the commodification and free trade in currency and credit.. has completely undermined these ecomomies ability to build real industry and agriculture.. turning them into ones dominated by violent, gangster drug cartels.

There's no answer to this without addressing the original problem.. the utter failure of the Global Free Market Economy.
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Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Not at all. I have a theory.

The United States acts as a sieve. This sieve is shaken back and forth by American politics. The two contending parties, indistinguishable to the clinical observer, push and tug until all the insensitive and crazed fall through and are retained within American borders. Those who remain above this fray, the intelligent and sensitive, regardless of race and ethnicity, find their way to Canada as either visitors or landed immigrants. There are, on occasion, exceptions who come to lecture us Canadians about the perils of "others", but except by a few who stangely find voice on social media, are largely ignored.
The Haitians fleeing Florida would serve your theory quite lucidly.

most of them after spending 5 to Seven years serving Floridians
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