Immigration Overload: More Than 1,000 Unaccompanied Children Flood Texas Border


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Here is an idea... how about enforcing all laws and not picking and choosing.

(waiting for it)

good idea:



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
way to go ya mutt.

Dear Comrades, we know it for a fact that G.W. <spit> was a racist pig <spit> and New Orleans was not handled properly because he hated black folk. The rumor is that our Dear Leader has a beef with Latinos? I outright reject that outrageous lie.

Long live the King Dear Leader!

Forward! - See more at: The rumor is Obama has a beef with Latinos



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
NYT says over 50,000 illegal children have crossed the southern border since April.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
How many of you folks are living with the reality of illegal immigration from Latin America? The experience has many unfortunate consequences from the standpoint of education, the economy, traditional American culture, wages for working Americans, uninsured motorists, the environment, etc. If you don't live it you can't truly know what it's like.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
You have no idea what I may or may not ever have detested. But keep up the dwama, Queenie.

You've revealed yourself in many ways over time. Scooped up off the reservation by Uncle Sam and your path smoothed until you became a rich man...part of the one percent. How would I know such things if you hadn't revealed them to me. There are even specific phrases you use when you are offended. You are "a walking contradiction, partly fact and partly fiction" Kris Kristofferson once wrote.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
"What's particularly disheartening is my belief that the waves of illegals coming here are being orchestrated by the established order for the purpose of replacing Traditional Americans with a more docile and dependent population that will extinguish my identity and creed."

God forbid, but I think there may be some truth to that statement and that's what's scary.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
"What's particularly disheartening is my belief that the waves of illegals coming here are being orchestrated by the established order for the purpose of replacing Traditional Americans with a more docile and dependent population that will extinguish my identity and creed."

God forbid, but I think there may be some truth to that statement and that's what's scary.

Lot of truth in that statement. And the waves of illegals were the Irish and the Polish and the Italians and the Germans and the Russians and the Chinese and the Africans. And they were brought in by the English and Dutch overlords of America, and they certainly did replace traditional Americans and extinguished our identity and creed.

You've revealed yourself in many ways over time. Scooped up off the reservation by Uncle Sam and your path smoothed until you became a rich man...part of the one percent. How would I know such things if you hadn't revealed them to me. There are even specific phrases you use when you are offended. You are "a walking contradiction, partly fact and partly fiction" Kris Kristofferson once wrote.
Proving how stupid you are. Exactly how y'all think Uncle Sam "scooped me off the reservation?" I joined the Air Force, dip****. Just like you coulda. I used military education benefits to get my education, just like you could, if you weren't so damn stupid. And I made my money by looking sharp for opportunities, and striking while the iron was hot, just like you coulda, if you weren't so damn stupid.

Being an Indian didn't have nothing to do with it, except that I had more ground to make up in my teens, thanks to the piss-poor education I got at the Indian school before I left. For which I thank you and yours.

Let me make it abundantly clear, beyond even the ability of a fool like you to f*ck it up. I have never received any benefit or preference in my life except for veteran's preference. You got a problem with that?
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Lot of truth in that statement. And the waves of illegals were the Irish and the Polish and the Italians and the Germans and the Russians and the Chinese and the Africans. And they were brought in by the English and Dutch overlords of America, and they certainly did replace traditional Americans and extinguished our identity and creed.

Proving how stupid you are. Exactly how y'all think Uncle Sam "scooped me off the reservation?" I joined the Air Force, dip****. Just like you coulda. I used military education benefits to get my education, just like you could, if you weren't so damn stupid. And I made my money by looking sharp for opportunities, and striking while the iron was hot, just like you coulda, if you weren't so damn stupid.

Being an Indian didn't have nothing to do with it, except that I had more ground to make up in my teens, thanks to the piss-poor education I got at the Indian school before I left. For which I thank you and yours.
I guess I need to clarify that statement - because, as usual, someone takes the "racist" bent instead of what we're trying to say or asking for clarification. (pardon me all to hell because I wasn't clear enough). It's the latter part of the statement ...a more "docile and dependent population" - that concerns me.

We're already having an issue with university students being brain-washed by leftist professors not allowing people to "think for themselves" and who refuse to let individuals that alternative opinions speak on campuses; but who are hypocrites when it comes to "free speech" and now we're importing people who are too afraid to "think for themselves" for fear authority and of being deported. This isn't good for ANYONE - I don't care if you're black, white, purple or pink!!! That's what's scary!



Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
What's particularly disheartening is my belief that the waves of illegals coming here are being orchestrated by the established order for the purpose of replacing Traditional Americans with a more docile and dependent population that will extinguish my identity and creed.

Lot of truth in that statement....Proving how stupid you are...

You're a walking contradiction, partly fact and partly fiction.