Immigration Overload: More Than 1,000 Unaccompanied Children Flood Texas Border


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California

Looks like a group of Canadians in the current era.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I can only begin to imagine how hard it must have been for them. Those first settlers would look at present day humans and think us a bunch of lazy slobs.
In ways it was far easier than Europe. Lots of game to eat. Wood for building and heat was hard to come by in Europe. Disease rampant, crazy crime, oppression, taxes, persecution, no work, no land, famines, wars.

For them it was a Paradise until the English came.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Yeah, people like to say their working hard to make a better life for their kids, then piss and moan about how their kids are lazy and coddled.

I really do hate to nitpick but that would be 'they're', 'they are' or 'dey'.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Last week Obama was criticized for doing too much. This week it's not enough. Where will the next wind blow?

Yeah - and isn't it amazing how he is responsible in the eyes of the deluded right wing for opening up Guatemala's, Honduras's, Belize's, El Salvador's, and Mexico's borders as well as our own???

Another song in the endless broken record of the delusional right wing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I would not be able to look those children in the eye and tell them "sorry, don't want ya. Too bad a fluke of nature had you born in the wrong country and too bad you have to live under insane violence and poverty, but you didn't fill out the right forms."

These poor innocent children. It's heartbreaking.

Unfortunately if they sre not stopped it will be bank breaking as well. They are not our problem.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
In ways it was far easier than Europe. Lots of game to eat. Wood for building and heat was hard to come by in Europe. Disease rampant, crazy crime, oppression, taxes, persecution, no work, no land, famines, wars.

For them it was a Paradise until the English came.

Had you ever seen the historic display by Hells Gate on Hwy 1? The first time I saw it, I couldn't believe what these men did. The men must have been built like Thor. Walking for miles and miles up steap terrain and lugging all their gear.

My max is 35lbs and 22km over 2 days. I have light stuff, special backpacking equipment the explorers never had. They were lugging around the same terrains without the aid of a path.

Unfortunately if they sre not stopped it will be bank breaking as well. They are not our problem.

I understand the financial issues involved in allowing unrestricted immigrants across. I just feel very sad for these children.

Poverty creates a endless supply of criminals and terrorists.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yeah - and isn't it amazing how he is responsible in the eyes of the deluded right wing for opening up Guatemala's, Honduras's, Belize's, El Salvador's, and Mexico's borders as well as our own???

Another song in the endless broken record of the delusional right wing.

Why did you add Belize to that list.. the Belize economy is great, the dollar is pegged 50% of the USD, Commonwealth Nation and Laws. It's like living in Canada, just warmer.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I live in the area with the greatest concentration of illegal aliens per capita in the USA because of the proximity of Big Business Farms in the Pajaro and Salinas Valleys. Those are corporate farms which need uneducated and unskilled people who are willing to work for slave wages. My hometown is simply overwhelmed by the Third World. It's going to get worse, not better. Santa Cruz County has become like Caracas or Bogota with rich, poor, and a dying middle class. The Third Worlders have no connection to American history, culture or traditions. What distinguishes them from prior generations of immigrants is that they will never be assimilated because that principle is no longer operative. Instead, they have become a separate tribe.

These facts tend to produce curious effects in the resident population of Americans. The extreme left here is fine with the Third Worlders in the abstract, but does not want to live or associate with peons or their gangbanger children. The other groups of Americans have become fatalistic or radicalized by the inundation of ignorance and poverty from the Third World.

The experience of being replaced reminds me of what happened to the First Peoples in America. Some attempted to accommodate the white replacements while others attempted to stem the tide. Neither approach worked. I have turned to detachment and gallows humor. That's why I suggest we eat the Children's Crusade from Central America breaking on this shore.

What's particularly disheartening is my belief that the waves of illegals coming here are being orchestrated by the established order for the purpose of replacing Traditional Americans with a more docile and dependent population that will extinguish my identity and creed.

wow, sounds pretty what is the answer, how do you begin to fix it?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Why did you add Belize to that list.. the Belize economy is great, the dollar is pegged 50% of the USD, Commonwealth Nation and Laws. It's like living in Canada, just warmer.

You got a point there - after all if people can afford to pay $4000 to send a kid overseas they sure can afford to pay for luxuries at home. And the weather is just awesome. Oh well, I hope they know what they are doing.