Immigration Overload: More Than 1,000 Unaccompanied Children Flood Texas Border


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
So why don't you guys become the 51st state?? :lol:

My citizenship they will rip from my cold dead hands. Got it? ;)

Except I'm still toying with moving to Boston for their awesome 'retirement program' (social assistance program) lol. Then I could brunch with Eagle. :D


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
In a nutshell here is the problem. The true right way to handle this would be to deport
13 to 15 million people who are in America illegally. The problem is legalistically it is
nearly impossible to round up and deport that many people.
Then comes the hard part. Some are to be deported so who gets to stay and who has
to go. Debate around that is endless.
Secondly there is special status for some all those Cubans many just as corrupt as
those from elsewhere get to stay under special conditions.
If they want to put an end to this state clearly all those who are illegal must leave and
re apply for citizenship. Good luck with that
either people are legal or their not and trying to pick and chose makes the problem worse.
coyotes should be shot period


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
My citizenship they will rip from my cold dead hands. Got it? ;)


...and the Mossad

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs - Mossad's Use of Canadian Passports: Two Reports


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
poor screening eh...always blame the Canadians when it's bad and take the credit when it's good

s'okay though...we got our own happy little land and we don't care cause we're red and white without the blue :lol:... *dancing as fast as you can* be failing fast, we'll just watch and support ya from the side lines like all good extended family do


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
are you kidding we can't even help our own impoverished

I live in the area with the greatest concentration of illegal aliens per capita in the USA because of the proximity of Big Business Farms in the Pajaro and Salinas Valleys. Those are corporate farms which need uneducated and unskilled people who are willing to work for slave wages. My hometown is simply overwhelmed by the Third World. It's going to get worse, not better. Santa Cruz County has become like Caracas or Bogota with rich, poor, and a dying middle class. The Third Worlders have no connection to American history, culture or traditions. What distinguishes them from prior generations of immigrants is that they will never be assimilated because that principle is no longer operative. Instead, they have become a separate tribe.

These facts tend to produce curious effects in the resident population of Americans. The extreme left here is fine with the Third Worlders in the abstract, but does not want to live or associate with peons or their gangbanger children. The other groups of Americans have become fatalistic or radicalized by the inundation of ignorance and poverty from the Third World.

The experience of being replaced reminds me of what happened to the First Peoples in America. Some attempted to accommodate the white replacements while others attempted to stem the tide. Neither approach worked. I have turned to detachment and gallows humor. That's why I suggest we eat the Children's Crusade from Central America breaking on this shore.

What's particularly disheartening is my belief that the waves of illegals coming here are being orchestrated by the established order for the purpose of replacing Traditional Americans with a more docile and dependent population that will extinguish my identity and creed.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Really, please drive from TJ or take a bus and see how easy it is..

Checkpoint for vehicles... lots of these locations, checking for guns, drugs and illegals

Mexican military checking buses and passengers..

It's the cartels bringing these kids through..

Mexico's immigration is stronger than the USA and Canada's


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
What's particularly disheartening is my belief that the waves of illegals coming here are being orchestrated by the established order for the purpose of replacing Traditional Americans with a more docile and dependent population that will extinguish my identity and creed.

Not trying to be funny or sarcastic but what are traditional Americans? I've not heard this term before.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
In their own way. Unique people that is for sure.

I can only begin to imagine how hard it must have been for them. Those first settlers would look at present day humans and think us a bunch of lazy slobs.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Not trying to be funny or sarcastic but what are traditional Americans? I've not heard this term before.

I coined the term. It refers to two groups of people who composed about 95% of the residents of the USA prior to the Vietnam War. Those groups were non-hispanic whites descended from settlers from Europe and the black descendants of slaves from Africa. Most of the remnant population of indigenous peoples had intermarried into one group or the other. Together they created a unique culture, and shared a creed based on personal autonomy. That culture was moving in fits and starts toward integration. New immigrants could join, but they had to accept assimilation.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I can only begin to imagine how hard it must have been for them. Those first settlers would look at present day humans and think us a bunch of lazy slobs.
Yeah, people like to say their working hard to make a better life for their kids, then piss and moan about how their kids are lazy and coddled.