Ethnic and cultural cleansing in Ukraine


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Ethnic and cultural cleansing in Ukraine
by Andrew Korybko
While the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has just inked an agreement with the leaders of the Donbas People’s Republic, Andrew Korybko dwells on the reasons for the uprising: it is not simply a question of refusing to recognize the coup government in Kiev, but an attempt to ward off an official project entailing the ethnic cleansing of the Russian-speaking populations. On the centennial anniversary of “Russophilic” individuals (Rusyns) from modern-day Ukraine being sent to concentration camps, history appears set to once again repeat itself. The Ukrainian Defense Minister has publicly voiced his plan to corral the citizens of Donbass into special “filtration” camps prior to forcibly resettling them in different parts of Ukraine.

A few days later, Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk declared the pro-federalists in the East to be “subhuman”.

This choice of words not only wasn’t condemned by Kiev’s American patrons, but was actually defended by State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki, who strangely said that Yatsenyuk “has consistently been in support of a peaceful resolution” [1]. Raising concerns even higher that a full-fledged cleansing is being planned, Ukraine’s land agency said that it will be giving “free land” from the east to the military, Interior Ministry, and Special Services troops battling the federalists [2]. With Ukraine on the verge of large-scale ethnic and cultural cleansing, it is little wonder at whose expense this Lebenstraum-like “free land” will be given.

This flagrant violation of fundamental human rights is being absolutely ignored by Western governments, which are usually the first actors to prematurely blow the whistle on any suspected human rights violations and threaten military intervention.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Demonstration in support of Donbas (Paris, 5 July)
On 24 June 2014, Russia’s Ambassador before the UN Security Council, Vitaly Churkin, stated that:

"Upwards of 450,000 Ukrainian citizens have crossed the border and remain in Russia. The majority are living with friends and family, but in the border regions alone there are more than 220 temporary shelters, including tent cities. There are currently more than 19,000 people living in such accommodation, including more than 5,500 children. However, it is difficult for the central and southern districts to absorb such an influx, and new welcome centres are being established across Russia. Across the country, people are collecting humanitarian aid for the residents of south-east Ukraine.
I will not hide the fact that we are deeply disturbed that some of our colleagues on the Council who are so prone to play the humanitarian card when they find it politically expedient seem indifferent in this case. [1]

The war will not stop unless Western states cease to support it.

For this reason, the France-based organisations Comité anti-impérialiste, Collectif France-Russie, Comité Valmy, éditions Démocrite, La voix de la Libye, Rassemblement pour la Syrie, and Réseau Voltaire are convening a:

"Demonstration in support of victims of war in Donbass"
Saturday, July 5, 2014 at 15h,
Place de la République, Paris

What is wrong with 100% freeing yourself from Muscovite Soviets?

Out of your frying pan into the Zionist death wringer. They will clean it to the bone while you applaud? Your idea of freedom is suspect at the least.

142% zionist control is not freedom it's genocide


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Zionists are the Soviets bonehead.

They can live with Putin in the New Tsar's palace.

The Soviets ain't in Russia no more, square head. They got the boot to the head, remember they begged to immigrate. You think the fascist Ukraine pigs will be better than the Soviet pigs were. They're the same zionist pigs.

President Poroshenko Uses RAND Corporation “Action Plan” for Eastern Ukraine including Ground Assaults and Air Strikes

Confidential document on Ukraine by the RAND Corporation leaked. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko follows the action plan proposed by RAND analysts.

This Memorandum on the “advisable course of action” automatically means that the peace plan confirmed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is slated to fail.

The document provides three stages for the conduct of a military operation in eastern Ukraine.

The first stage implies total isolation of the region considering that all local citizens are terrorists or sympathizers.

The Region should be encircled with troops and sealed off entirely from any flow of goods and persons. Broadcasting services, Internet connection, telephone and mobile communications in the region shall be shut down.

The second stage is named Mop-up.

Ground assaults shall be preceded by air strikes against the strategic facilities. The use of non-conventional arms is allowed.

The document also provides for internment camps outside the cleared settlements. People featuring traces of combat engagement shall be tried in court for terrorism.

During the third stage Back to Normal power supplies and communications shall be restored. The borders shall be strengthened to avoid possible provocations. All the refugees should be checked for possible support for separatists in internment camps.

Special focus shall be made on information security. All foreign media shall be blocked there.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Stage 1: Suspend Constitution, impose martial law

Stage 2: Internment camps for male adults, those who resist to be killed on the spot

Stage 3: Property of convicted and displaced to be nationalized

Slavic thugocrats slaughtering each other? Awww.

Wackjob Muslims slaughtering each other? Awww.

Your an American aren't you? Soon enough you'll be slaughtering each other, again. We will wait for your commentary at that time. Hopefully your amusement at carnage will have been slacked by then.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC


an American aren't you? Soon enough you'll be slaughtering each other, again. We will wait for your commentary at that time. Hopefully your amusement at carnage will have been slacked by then.
We're slaughtering each other right now, kid. 15,000 homicides a year. 20,000 non-homicide gun deaths a year. 25,000 traffic deaths a year. 5000 workplace deaths a year.

Think of it as evolution in action.

Keep up the outrage. Probably good for your heart. Or something.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

We're slaughtering each other right now, kid. 15,000 homicides a year. 20,000 non-homicide gun deaths a year. 25,000 traffic deaths a year. 5000 workplace deaths a year.

Think of it as evolution in action.

Keep up the outrage. Probably good for your heart. Or something.

Yes of course you're. While you're list of minor untimely deaths is compelling it is not on the scale I had in mind. There are no burning cities yet, there are no forced relocations yet, forgetting the aboriginal episodes for the moment, I know much of you're country has already, and you have no defined fronts yet. I wonder if your military will fire on civilians, yes of course they will, especially the airfarce which is full to the brim with whacko fundies. I think the only thing you can look forward to down there is some intervention by off world powers not excluding the Gods. You've really fu cked up a fine republic hasn't you. Well not you personally, but you have paid taxes I assume, so you do bear some responsibility for the approaching messiness.

No kidding they took Chechnya, a chunk of Georgia, the Crimean and are losing Ukraine.

All liberated by Russians who drove out the nests of zionist instigators.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yes of course you're. While you're list of minor untimely deaths is compelling it is not on the scale I had in mind. There are no burning cities yet, there are no forced relocations yet, forgetting the aboriginal episodes for the moment, I know much of you're country has already, and you have no defined fronts yet. I wonder if your military will fire on civilians, yes of course they will, especially the airfarce which is full to the brim with whacko fundies. I think the only thing you can look forward to down there is some intervention by off world powers not excluding the Gods. You've really fu cked up a fine republic hasn't you. Well not you personally, but you have paid taxes I assume, so you do bear some responsibility for the approaching messiness.
Yeah, well, when the opinion of a ZOG conspiracy moron becomes important to us, we'll give you a call.

And I don't pay taxes.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
All liberated by Russians who drove out the nests of zionist instigators.

Liberated them back into the Soviet fold?

Does Ukraine have a military pact with tel Aviv?

Are Ukrainians building drones with Tel Aviv?

Are Ukrainians extracting and selling gas from Israel Leviathan gas field which is delivered to the EU by Gazprom through Ukraine?

Are Ukrainians shooting satellites into space in partnership with Tel Aviv?
Last edited:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yeah, well, when the opinion of a ZOG conspiracy moron becomes important to us, we'll give you a call.

And I don't pay taxes.

Oh goodness another blue pill junkie. How many trees have you planted in the Holy Land? hahahahahahaha Since when was obvious visible truth construed as conspiracy? You dumb yankees been brain banged so hard you're immune to reason and common sense and yer eyes lie to you.

Liberated them back into the Soviet fold?

Does Ukraine have a military pact with tel Aviv?

Are Ukrainians building drones with Tel Aviv?

Are Ukrainians extracting and selling gas from Israel Leviathan gas field which is delivered to the EU by Gazprom through Ukraine?

Are Ukrainians shooting satellites into space in partnership with Tel Aviv?

It's just business.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Riiiiight. So is cleaning the house of Soviets. Stalin put them there, Stalin Jr. Can take them back home were they belong.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh goodness another blue pill junkie. How many trees have you planted in the Holy Land? hahahahahahaha Since when was obvious visible truth construed as conspiracy? You dumb yankees been brain banged so hard you're immune to reason and common sense and yer eyes lie to you.
Sure thing, skippy. Got your bunker dug yet?