Sen. Graham Warns: 'Next 9/11' Is in the Making


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I don't know what's going on but to see Graham in a picture not holding hands with John McCain is very unusual..........

The highest ranking Shia cleric in Iraq asks all Muslims to fight back against ISIS insurgents

Iraq's most senior Shia cleric has issued a call to arms as Sunni-led insurgents seize more towns.

The call by a representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani came during Friday prayers, as the militants widened their grip in the north and east and threatened to march south.

The UN says hundreds have been killed - with militants carrying out summary executions of civilians in Mosul.

The US and Iran have promised to help the fight against the insurgency.

Led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the insurgents have threatened to push to the capital, Baghdad and regions further south dominated by Iraq's Shia Muslim majority, including the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, whom they regard as "infidels".


BBC News - Iraq conflict: Sistani 'issues' Shia call to arms against militants


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Obama is working hard to destroy America. Only Putin can save us. Plus, he has such a sexy bod! Not that we're gay or anything.

LOL Classic..

Okay, Muslim men are pussies.. 25,000 strong army and they put down their arms are ran away in the face of 800 crazy militants..

However, these same brave men can trow racks are a helpless women, because they blame her for infidelity.. WTF?? Maybe if the Man was man enough in the bedroom, she wouldn't have cheated..

I will never look at a Muslim the same way without laughing as the cowardice yellow camel jockey ...

They don't deserve freedom, because they have not earned it.. Freedom isn't FREE and it comes at the cost of lives.. if you're not willing to fight for it.. let it be stripped from you and you have nothing.

Fukk their backward religion and sh*t on the Koran..



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
LOL Classic..

Okay, Muslim men are pussies.. 25,000 strong army and they put down their arms are ran away in the face of 800 crazy militants..

However, these same brave men can trow racks are a helpless women, because they blame her for infidelity.. WTF?? Maybe if the Man was man enough in the bedroom, she wouldn't have cheated..

I will never look at a Muslim the same way without laughing as the cowardice yellow camel jockey ...

They don't deserve freedom, because they have not earned it.. Freedom isn't FREE and it comes at the cost of lives.. if you're not willing to fight for it.. let it be stripped from you and you have nothing.

You are obviously the result of some bacterial slime from the shallow end of the gene pool Booger.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia should get an award for the funniest line ever used on the forum

that could only be surpassed by: "Palin was right"

I think it's more tragic than funny. It strikes me hard that Booger is not alone and these imbeciles like him actually are engaged in taking the reins for the remainder of this century. What would give me joy is to be proven wrong but Booger and kin offer no relief from my angst in these trying times. I'm so tired of hearing of the evil of Islam from the lips of the guilty. I expect to some day soon hear that global warming is caused by that much maligned people and that they alone have caused the global recession.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I think it's more tragic than funny. It strikes me hard that Booger is not alone and these imbeciles like him actually are engaged in taking the reins for the remainder of this century. What would give me joy is to be proven wrong but Booger and kin offer no relief from my angst in these trying times. I'm so tired of hearing of the evil of Islam from the lips of the guilty. I expect to some day soon hear that global warming is caused by that much maligned people and that they alone have caused the global recession.

LOL To bad Islam won't rule the world... boo hoo..


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State should get an award for the funniest line ever used on the forum

that could only be surpassed by: "Palin was right"

Republican hero Bush said Americans would be greeted with flowers and candy, that WMD would be found, and that Iraq would be at peace.

Looks like he was wrong, again.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Wait, McCain was wrong on Iraq?

Here’s a whole lot of Sen. John McCain being wrong on Iraq

Wait, McCain was wrong on Iraq? Yup. | MSNBC

In the spirit of James Poniewozik's superb new rule on Iraq, brought to us here by Barb Morrill, I present the following.

Today, David Brooks offered his opinion on Iraq, 2014. The guts are in the final paragraph, where he called for: "a more forward-leaning American posture around the world, an awareness that sometimes a U.S.-created vacuum can be ruinous. The president says his doctrine is don’t do stupid stuff. Sometimes withdrawal is the stupidest thing of all."

Hmmmmm. You know what. I don't think so. The stupidest thing of all is invading a country that hadn't attacked us, posed no real threat to us, had no weapons capable of reaching us, or any capability to produce such weapons for the foreseeable future.

To fulfill the Poniewozik Rule, let's see what Mr. Brooks was saying about the Iraq war before George W. Bush gave the order to invade:
The president has remained resolute. Momentum to liberate Iraq continues to build. The situation has clarified, and history will allow clear judgments about which leaders and which institutions were up to the challenge posed by Saddam and which were not.​
In other words, David Brooks was on board. Who wasn't, might we ask? Barack Obama. Remember what the current president said, at the same time Brooks was leading the charge in favor of invasion?
I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaida. I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.​
So, when it comes to Iraq 2014, who do you want to listen to? The guy(s), like Brooks (or John McCain), who were dead wrong about Iraq 2003, or people like Barack Obama, who was 100 percent right. That's a rhetorical question, in case you're wondering.

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