Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
So Why Does Tim Hudak Want to Kill the Ontario College of Trades?

Every Ontario Conservative is singing from the same Hymnal. "Close the Ontario College of Trades, close the Ontario College of Trades .... Hallelujah, Hallelujah."

Seemed strange to me because before they starting singing about it, I'd never heard anyone wanting to make this an election issue.

I've been following Canada's Neoconservative movement long enough to know when something is up. And it didn't take long to discover what it was.

The driving force behind this, is a group calling themselves Stop the Trades Tax. Anytime a "grassroots" movement uses the terms "friend of" or "stop the tax", you can be sure that they are short on grass but long on roots, and those roots usually lead back to a lobbyist and an industry or corporation.

Stop the Trades Tax was the brainchild of Karen Renkema, former Vice-President of Council of Ontario Construction Associations. In 2007, it was announced that Renkema would be leaving that job and going to Queens Park to act as a lobbyist for one of their members.

Renkema is now also the Chair of a group Ontario Skilled Trades Alliance, which some believe is simply a proxy for the construction industry.

According to Jeff Koller

[Ontario Skilled Trades Alliance] call for reduced journeyperson to apprentice ratios (where have we heard that before?) and oppose any new compulsory trade certification, saying that those things kill jobs and inhibit economic growth.
Koller disagrees, but you can see where Hudak got his talking points.

We know from Randy Hillier's "leaked email" that the PCs were going after the construction industry for funds, on a promise to allow them to hire non-union workers. And what better way to lure campaign funds, than the commitment to cancel a program that is impeding the industry's ability to increase their profit margin, and eliminate competition from smaller firms.

And Renkema is clear. She will not compromise, and even the hint of a mere review, has her steaming mad. In fact, in most of their press releases, they bash the Ontario Liberals for allowing The Ontario Trades College to exist.

Now you can't google Stop the Trades Tax without generating a myriad of PC MPPs and candidates signing a pledge to get rid of it. (Yes those dreaded pledges)

I wanted to find out what actual trades people thought of this and found on a Carpenter's union website, a list of reasons why the Ontario College of Trades was important:

And says Unifor national president Jerry Dias, Hudak is misleading the public about the Ontario College of Trades.

“The College of Trades is good for the trades. The decisions affecting the skilled trades are being made by the trades for the trades, and not by politicians like Tim Hudak,” he said.

“It’s about time the Conservatives quit bashing the college and rather embraced the structure and worked with all the stakeholders to make it a successful body.”


Pushed to the Left and Loving It: So Why Does Tim Hudak Want to Kill the Ontario College of Trades?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I searched the images. Pics in papers next day did not show crime scene. One pic I found of crime scene did not show glasses. The image could have been suppressed or was a later created image which your brain latched on to. Maybe in an attempt by a marketer to sell you a Yoko Ono album?

Of course in 1980 google did not exist so maybe the image has just been lost.

It just occurred to me but it may have been a still shot at the end of that documentary they did on Lennon's life, Imagine I think was the title? So it could have well been staged. Maybe, anyway I just remember an image like that and it stuck with me so when I saw the cartoon, that's what it reminded me of.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
It was dull grey rainy Sunday on the waterfront where I live, but at least it gave me a chance to collect my thoughts, wonder what is happening to this country I sometimes no longer recognize.

And of course try to figure out who the hell I'm going to vote for in the Ontario election.

Because with only three days to go before voters go to the polls it's crunch time in the Big O.

And it has been the weirdest election I've ever seen.

As well as the worst.

With the NDP tacking to the right to try to steal votes from the Hudak Cons.

And the Liberals tacking to the left to try to steal votes from the NDP.

Kathleen Wynne says she’s “afraid of Tim Hudak” and the only way for left-wing voters to stop him is to abandon the NDP and rally behind her.

“I’m afraid of Tim Hudak. I’m afraid of this plan of Tim Hudak’s,” the Liberal Leader said after a rally in Mississauga Sunday. “I’m afraid that if he’s the premier of Ontario, that we’ll be in another period of chaos.”

Leaving me, who like most people in this province needed an election at this time of the year like I needed a hole in the head, feeling like I'm being held hostage by both parties.

Or trapped in a never-ending Con nightmare.

And above all wondering why is the brutish tea bagger Tim Hudak STILL standing ?????

After having his Million Jobs Plan, the one that was hatched in the ghastly incubators of the Koch brothers, blown to bits by one economist after the other.

Why is he still refusing to admit he was wrong? Why won't he admit that he just can't count, and that his plan to create jobs by killing them might finish off Ontario.

And plunge the whole country into another recession.

Why is he still peddling that scam like a con artist?

On Tuesday, he said he was sure of his math (partly because his father made him do math problems in the car on road trips, which “explains why I’ve got this background in economics”).

Or a faith healer.

By Wednesday morning, he was speaking with theological certainty: “I stand by my numbers. It’s going to create the jobs that I say.” “I know I am right.”

Or one of those American televangelists who claim that if you buy their Miracle Spring Water you'll get a cheque in the mail.

And why after that shabby show, and his obvious limitations, and the fact that his platform was Made in America by some of that country's most reactionary elements, would the Globe's editorial board endorse Hudak?

Or not recognize that this shouldn't just be a pathetic caveat:

Mr. Hudak is also running on a platform of simplistic slogans. The Million Jobs Plan has been rightly mocked for failures of basic arithmetic. The promise to cut 100,000 government workers contains some reasonable ideas borrowed from Don Drummond’s Liberal-commissioned report on right-sizing government, but the rest is just about offering a nice round number for campaign purposes. The pledge to cut red tape by one-third is similarly just a slogan, not a plan to govern. The Tory platform is about signalling to the electorate that they are erasing the “progressive” from Progressive Conservative.

It should be grounds for declaring him unfit to hold office.

But then doesn't that tell you how low we have fallen? Or how old, tired, and mediocre our politics have become.

Oh well. What all of the above tells me is that I'm going to have to vote for the progressive party that has the best chance of winning the riding.

As well as doing my best to encourage my friends and neighbours to get out and vote.

Because when you hold an election nobody wanted, turnout could prove decisive.

And all that counts is stopping Hudak.

For if he is elected he WILL help Stephen Harper finish off this country.

Let there be no doubt about that.

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
And all that counts is stopping Hudak.

For if he is elected he WILL help Stephen Harper finish off this country.

Let there be no doubt about that.

What a pile of horse crap.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
What a pile of horse crap.

Hudak is right. Lieberals are running scared. The shouts of doom and gloom if your opponent wins are the last cries of the desperate.

3/4 major newspapers have endorced Hudak. I can only assume the Star -- the rag of Lieberal support no matter what -- would have endorced Wynn. This government deserves defeat regardless of the alternative. And this has Wynn scared.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Meh.... Hudak's new (and calmer, reasonable-sounding) ads are typical of a narcissist when the cops show up. He's stirred the pot then pretends "Who? Me? They're picking on me."

I wonder what happens if there's a three-way tie for first place....


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Meh.... Hudak's new (and calmer, reasonable-sounding) ads are typical of a narcissist when the cops show up. He's stirred the pot then pretends "Who? Me? They're picking on me."

I wonder what happens if there's a three-way tie for first place....

Instead of being screwed by 1 party you would get to be scewed by 2 or all 3.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Hey kids! Isn't this fun? Lets see what the Count sees and see if you see it or are one of those .

First up lets get Horvath out of the way. The debate only showed her to be a deer in the headlights.
Was that really her , or did her spin doctors tell her to look wide eyed? It came off really bad.

Now we have Hudak. He can't argue that the Liberals have not kept Ontario's economy running , for they have under the worse economic crisis . Oh yeah Dalton and the gang did some creative electioneering the last time , but hey it's only money. thats what deficits are for , ask Sainted Flaherty about that.

So Hudak promises a million jobs and wants to kill 100 thousand government jobs. Everyone scratches their head and wonders WHAT???

Simple, lets pander to the rural and the small town mentality. Just like dear old Harris did and won and won .
The big cities don't vote for Conservatives in Provincial elections, so lets play the work hard card, to all those working class small town farming community folk. All those big city high fulloootin government workers standing around doing nothing, lets ax em , YAY!!!
After all they do not understand what life is really about, but you do.
And these people are the only morons that would believe their siding they bought for their house will out live their grand children and Hudak actually has the secret to knowing how to create an unimaginable amount of jobs.

If this works Harper will have a 10 million jobs plan next time out, wait he already does , the Canada Action Plan lie.

Wynn ahh the last vestige of honesty and sincere apology. Why she sounds more sorry than Rob Ford. It worked for him after all.

Those damn men and their back room , wait a sec, i'm sort of a man ain't I? So those damn old school politicians and their back room dealings. I'm different look at me, I have family values and want the best for you people that have kids and I really get old people.

Any way you look at it the only real hope is no change. Seriously , the pro C media wants you to believe you want change, but you don't.

The fragile economy is just that fragile, why rock the boat with a bunch of noobs who will only try to figure out the mess once they actually get hold of the real books.

Hudak does not know how to create one job let alone a million.
He has not told us, has he? how can you vote for a lie like this? No one still is yet to have a clue as to his plan to create any jobs.All he does he say things like Jobs! Good Jobs! Real Jobs, Full time Jobs , not part time jobs, jobs.
That is it.

Horvath is a deer in the head lights, clueless and bragging about being poor most of her life, well whoopy do guess what being poor is not really a character builder.

Wynn , sit back let her continue to allow the economy to build itself.

Allow it to build itself. Thats what Liberals do best. No Lie!


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Hey kids! Isn't this fun? Lets see what the Count sees and see if you see it or are one of those .

First up lets get Horvath out of the way. The debate only showed her to be a deer in the headlights.
Was that really her , or did her spin doctors tell her to look wide eyed? It came off really bad.

Now we have Hudak. He can't argue that the Liberals have not kept Ontario's economy running , for they have under the worse economic crisis . Oh yeah Dalton and the gang did some creative electioneering the last time , but hey it's only money. thats what deficits are for , ask Sainted Flaherty about that.

So Hudak promises a million jobs and wants to kill 100 thousand government jobs. Everyone scratches their head and wonders WHAT???

Simple, lets pander to the rural and the small town mentality. Just like dear old Harris did and won and won .
The big cities don't vote for Conservatives in Provincial elections, so lets play the work hard card, to all those working class small town farming community folk. All those big city high fulloootin government workers standing around doing nothing, lets ax em , YAY!!!
After all they do not understand what life is really about, but you do.
And these people are the only morons that would believe their siding they bought for their house will out live their grand children and Hudak actually has the secret to knowing how to create an unimaginable amount of jobs.

If this works Harper will have a 10 million jobs plan next time out, wait he already does , the Canada Action Plan lie.

Wynn ahh the last vestige of honesty and sincere apology. Why she sounds more sorry than Rob Ford. It worked for him after all.

Those damn men and their back room , wait a sec, i'm sort of a man ain't I? So those damn old school politicians and their back room dealings. I'm different look at me, I have family values and want the best for you people that have kids and I really get old people.

Any way you look at it the only real hope is no change. Seriously , the pro C media wants you to believe you want change, but you don't.

The fragile economy is just that fragile, why rock the boat with a bunch of noobs who will only try to figure out the mess once they actually get hold of the real books.

Hudak does not know how to create one job let alone a million.
He has not told us, has he? how can you vote for a lie like this? No one still is yet to have a clue as to his plan to create any jobs.All he does he say things like Jobs! Good Jobs! Real Jobs, Full time Jobs , not part time jobs, jobs.
That is it.

Horvath is a deer in the head lights, clueless and bragging about being poor most of her life, well whoopy do guess what being poor is not really a character builder.

Wynn , sit back let her continue to allow the economy to build itself.

Allow it to build itself. Thats what Liberals do best. No Lie!

Hey Doc welcome back man.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Hey Doc welcome back man.
Unfortunately you have me at an advantage for I do not know who or what some of you people(?) keep referring to me as. Now it is a Doctor?

Our last conversation here were along the lines of your fixation on pedophilia , and my feelings were those of "The Lady doust protest too much". I would suggest you take down that aspect of your blog. When it comes to the genre of Horror , writers should leave a somewhat ambiguous profile in the imaginations of their readers and not focus on one aspect of their real life fixations.
And your welcome, my generosity in helping the art world knows no bounds.