Bill would end Elections Canada vote drives


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It's not democracy when the party you vote for looses, .....
But when they win .....It's a resounding majority .........
doesn't matter whose party wins, we are all going to continue to lose until we make the message clear


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
doesn't matter whose party wins, we are all going to continue to lose until we make the message clear

And staying home and limiting oneself to just voting isnt going to do that. People complain all the time about politics but dont tend to do anything about it. Waiting for someone else to come along and fix the problem will get people nowhere.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
And staying home and limiting oneself to just voting isnt going to do that. People complain all the time about politics but dont tend to do anything about it. Waiting for someone else to come along and fix the problem will get people nowhere.
perhaps, but from my perspective we have very limited influence on such things unless we are willing to put forth a huge effort and that may be said for all aspects of things within our lives... abortion, penal system sentencing, euthanasia, our health care system, death by choice etc... and each of our personalities is different and so are our gifts. To make a difference in this world we must work on knowing ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses and our skills and gifts, follow your passion and make a difference in the world where we best can.

Not all are called to work on our political system.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Not voting makes a statement without getting fined or jailed, though. Make voting mandatory and making a statement that way would be criminal. Not fair.

Yeah, the a statement of indifference, apathy or just laziness. Politicians or candidates dont care about those who do not vote. They are useless to them and are doing nothing against them so they are a simple write off. Hell, they count on it and always have. Those attack ads dont change peoples votes, they just encourage more people to stay home.

The better option would be to show up and spoil the ballot. Shows you care about the system and are willing to show up and show dissatisfaction. It is the closest thing we have to a "None of the above" option. Voting isnt just a freedom, its a civic duty. You can be charged for refusing to perform others, why not voting too?

Not all are called to work on our political system.

If the problem gets bad enough, they may be. Many people throughout history have gone into fields not by choice but because they had to. Not always because someone was forcing them to, but the situation was.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
If the problem gets bad enough, they may be. Many people throughout history have gone into fields not by choice but because they had to. Not always because someone was forcing them to, but the situation was.
Usually those people who are pressed onto a path they have otherwise no knowledge of or have resisted are the hardest fighters. Desperation produces results. Our current politicians may soon realize this in ways they had not counted upon.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I don't see why the government has to advertise and beg people to vote. If they want to vote they can. Or are we saying the average Canadian is too stupid to do so? Elections Canada should monitor the operations of the elections, prepare the lists, and investigate any fraudulent activity. That really should be their only role.

And taking it one step further, advertising, because it can be targeted, can be a tool for influencing an outcome of an election and should not be undertook by an impartial body such as Elections Canada. For example, if they target young people in urban centres, they may be swaying the vote to the NDPers or the Shiny Ponies. Targeting seniors may sway to the more Conservative side. Even if they don't do it intentionally it can leave a stench of meddling.

So I have no issue with this particular provision of the bill.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
perhaps, but from my perspective we have very limited influence on such things unless we are willing to put forth a huge effort and that may be said for all aspects of things within our lives... abortion, penal system sentencing, euthanasia, our health care system, death by choice etc... and each of our personalities is different and so are our gifts. To make a difference in this world we must work on knowing ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses and our skills and gifts, follow your passion and make a difference in the world where we best can.

Not all are called to work on our political system.
I suppose a person could just plunk down the entry fee and run a stay-at-home campaign as "None Of The Above" ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I suppose a person could just plunk down the entry fee and run a stay-at-home campaign as "None Of The Above" ;-)
yeah but they would die early of boredom...:D

gotta get some grease on ya at some point

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Yeah, the a statement of indifference, apathy or just laziness. Politicians or candidates dont care about those who do not vote. They are useless to them and are doing nothing against them so they are a simple write off. Hell, they count on it and always have. Those attack ads dont change peoples votes, they just encourage more people to stay home.
I can appreciate that but it's your opinion. But, sometimes people have more than just one reason for doing (or not doing) something.
Statistics Canada asked Canadians who didn’t vote in last May’s federal election – where turnout was a near-record low of 61 per cent – what kept them away. Twenty-eight per cent said they just weren’t interested. Twenty-three per cent were too busy. The rest said they were out of town, ill or didn’t like any of the candidates.
The alarming decline in voter turnout - The Globe and Mail
The better option would be to show up and spoil the ballot. Shows you care about the system and are willing to show up and show dissatisfaction.
I agree.
It is the closest thing we have to a "None of the above" option. Voting isnt just a freedom, its a civic duty. You can be charged for refusing to perform others, why not voting too?
Oh, yeah. Well maybe we could add another charge, too. One like charging people for refusing to report a crime. Or for refusing to report even suspicious activity.
We could charge them for refusing to vote even though they are brand new and haven't a clue about any of the candidates.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Nanny state?

You're the one supporting a bill on democracy that deliberately benefits one party lol