Right-wing places in Alberta


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Neo Con and New Liberal(see the wiki links in first post) are essentially same, they are all like to eliminate Individuality and advocate the few ones that control government's total control. It's just same thing different facade forms; this happened in Kingdoms several decades ago too, George Orwell noted this too, said regardless how they tag themselves as left or right they all turning to few control all, and eliminate individual. they just under different facade forms, like say to fake right ones would be attracted by a left thing under a right tag, like say they would think Bush's spy individual is protect, and Obama's is spy. Truly right ones will never be attracted by this, because he knows to see the more essential part of things instead of tag, and he knows the individuality is the eventually way to distinguish left and right, as well as spirituality.

I don't need to find any "community", this fake collective conception is what left like to use, I only need to find specific persons, I have got a lot, living in different countries.

I go to Alberta want to start businesses in here, add another businesses' brand of this area(I treat businesses as one so use singular), also get another passport. If a person does not get 3 or 5 passports he will be slave of a government, literally.

I am not a Neo Con or anything, I just myself. I know people also from individual, not the tags. Tag level only is a early level to understand things. I used wikilinks of neo con and new liberal just for give people a rough image about what I am talking about.

"The left you are referring to are called radicals or socialists."

The left I say is the one whom plays "fake collectivism", use that to eliminate individuality.
Radical the conception itself presumes a person is define its view by the stream, that he minus both two views ruin each other a certain percentage and follow that to do things. That's how retarded and subjects to do. They will only in worse and worse situations.
Social this word means following, now it has turned to a fake collective conception that left like to use.

democracy in nowadays eventually is oligarchy. The ones whom don't see this definitely always are the ones not in high position. The nowdays' system is new system, I always would like to refer it as Proxy System(they put some ones in front as proxy of the people, but actually they are proxies of masters). The government of current English Speaking Countries want to let subject think this is a system started from long time ago, also let subject think they are same as their masters. But this is NOT true, this is a new system that created only few hundred years ago. At Japanese Culture it referred this system very clearly as 近代国家(transliteration: Kindai Kokka, literally Near Generation Country), before that it was another system, and subjects would not think that is "THEIR" country. They know very clearly that it is master or masters' country. In medieval ages regardless in England or in Japan, countryman"国人[kokujin] of Japanese" only means the ones whom really have power, not those subjects.

There is no mother tongue or non-mother tongue. Current day's English as has been influenced by all Indo-Aryan Languages it is not so total different as most people in here thought. Study some etymology and phonology, you will understand its origins, derived forms, possible akins very easily, for example, regarding etymology, use a simple example: fire: Middle English, from Old English fȳr; akin to Old High German fiur fire, Greek pyr

Regarding phonology, use a sample example about Water and Wasser, What and Was, this happened in consonant shifting. You can pronounce any accent you want, and create accents yourself.

In another side, I think if a person only know one or two languages then he is not himself, he is a slave of a certain culture. Ukrainian and Russian are similar, and the ones whom master Ukraine think if a country does not have its own language then it is not an independent country, so emphasize Ukrainian different with Russian Language is very important. Same metaphor, a person must know(here know not only mean say some words in another accent a little, but means know the etymology and phonology) a lot of languages then he can belong to himself, instead of a slave of a culture.

Regarding that link, thank you for your remind regarding that link though, but I don't need to join that party. I just myself, and to know people from individual, in a relative more individual freedom loving area, and start another businesses' branch and get another passport. Also get a better position on little planet.

----------------- von Essenz


"What makes you think we want you here?“
You really have serious problems. You are a little thing that have no power instead of following masters. Depends on what you think you can decide whether I go to a place or not. I bet you in your life never get a high position and always be decided by this or that. That's why you rant here and put your energy in internet to troll another person's post instead of to do some positive things to yourself.

Plus, as I said, the one whom hide under fake collectivism "we" definitely very pathetic(I say pathetic means they themselves as individual as feel itself is pathetic) in their life as individual, that's why they identify themselves with masters, also that's why the masters like to see, stupid little subjects are similar everywhere, that's why masters have game to play.

"Where on earth did you get the idea that AB was right wing bastion? O'Reilly?"
That little play is your neo con left brothers like to watch, isn't it? You only know these little neo con channels, right?

correction: "add another businesses' brand of this area" ——> add another businesses' branch of area that I have
Why didn't you just say "I'm looking for a Libertarian friendly community"?


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
add: Regarding Perry.

Perry is a left. It advocates elimination of individuality and self, also it wanted to force all school girls from five or six grade to get poisonous vaccines. Vaccine itself is not definitely all bad, but the forced one(masters created a word "mandatory") plus the ones be put a lot of toxinous materials is different. Guy also stay with Bush and Obama(stop Texas Independence), want let Texas corrupt with that scheiße together.

"nothing to add here.

-von RCS"

I am not talking with stuffs like you, I was talking about person whom was trying to tell me some info. You could go to another post or / and start a new one to rant, don't need to stick in here. I am not talking with stuffs like you too. I think don't disrupt another person's post would be a basic thing among here, right? I think I started a question, and wanted relevent answers.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
add: Regarding Perry.

Perry is a left. It advocates elimination of individuality and self, also it wanted to force all school girls from five or six grade to get poisonous vaccines. Vaccine itself is not definitely all bad, but the forced one(masters created a word "mandatory") plus the ones be put a lot of toxinous materials is different. Guy also stay with Bush and Obama(stop Texas Independence), want let Texas corrupt with that scheiße together.

"nothing to add here.

-von RCS"

I am not talking with stuffs like you, I was talking about person whom was trying to tell me some info. You could go to another post or / and start a new one to rant, don't need to stick in here. I am not talking with stuffs like you too. I think don't disrupt another person's post would be a basic thing among here, right? I think I started a question, and wanted relevent answers.

First you have to make sense- When you find it, please come back and let us know. We the collective will then decide if you have indeed found sense or nonsense.
Uber von Goober


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
First you have to make sense- When you find it, please come back and let us know. We the collective will then decide if you have indeed found sense or nonsense.
Uber von Goober



New Member
Nov 30, 2013
"Why didn't you just say "I'm looking for a Libertarian friendly community"?"

The ones whom think themselves Libertarians mostly are left. Also have famous left(the one is not very famous, just as an example: Michael Shermer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) claim it is Libertarian. In libertarian there has left and right too, and left ones are the majority whom claim they are this group. Also a lot of ones whom claim they are libertarian still love the government game. They also let some porn movie actress be candidate.

The majority of those whom claim itself as Libertarian have no spirituality(I don't mean religion, I mean individual spirituality). They like little small things like "reasons", which is want everything fit little descriptions, not try to observe and describe new things. They sooner or later will be total left, just as famous lefts like to claim they are Libertarian. That movement just some little lefts' little play, also helped corrupt Libertarian this word's fame and perception in other persons' view. I observed and participated big Libertarian groups of States, they have no trust nor content between each other, they are very poor(a true freedom lover person will never poor) too, they actually don't believe this what they talk, they use Perceptual Dualism separate the Libertarian with what they really believe in subconsciousness and in consciousness. Those organizations either defunct or will soon defunct or turning to left or become "die-heart" stuffs as you easily see in States.

So, this is one of the reasons why I did not ask that.

Also, if I want to ask anything, I will know ask "XXX friendly", this structure was created after left movement of 60s, at least I did not see this structure in previous English used texts. If I want sth I will just say XXX, instead of "XXX friendly".

I checked the election data, only found Alberta is more closer to the standards I mentioned, also it is prosperous, also no so many gang-minded ghettos and illegals whom like to via government suck an individual and increase government and lefts' power as in States, so I come here and have a check.

I said so many because of I see there could have some people whom would like to provide info, so I describe it more.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I checked the election data, only found Alberta is more closer to the
standards I mentioned, also it is prosperous, also no so many gang-minded
ghettos and illegals whom like to via government suck an individual and increase
government and lefts' power as in States, so I come here and have a check.
I know the perfect places for you. Hobema , Brockett, Cardston, or Stand Off as starters. Gang free and everyone is a millionaire.


New Member
Nov 30, 2013
First you have to make sense- When you find it, please come back and let us know. We the collective will then decide if you have indeed found sense or nonsense.
Uber von Goober

You really have some problems, whether I knew sth still need to convince you or not? How do you think I will attach with you pathetic ones [whom have time spent on internet to rant with each other instead of to do positive things in your life]? Make sense or not, that is your sense, your perception, NOT mine.

Different with you, I am here because of I want to check info, as well as the things of people in a place. Understand?

Need to be decided by someone else, that is your pathetic mutual-ruin ones' thought.

You know what, whether I answer you or not, I still in a very good life, and it will be better and better, and you have a very heavily work, only rant in internet to release your emotions on internet. You the pathetic only identify yourself as masters and treated you and them as one, funny.

Go to rant in some other place. You don't need to stick in here, I say it again that don't disrupt another person's post would be the basic thing in here. I asked a question and would like some answers relevant with it, that's why I am here, understand? I think a place should be a place with self-respond persons and decent persons(whom care himself, and because of that also care another person) instead of stuffs like this.

You sound like the person that should live next door to walter and/or captain moron.
see the post above, it was to another person, but also roughly suit you too.

Rant in some other places, understand?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You really have some problems, whether I knew sth still need to convince you or not? How do you think I will attach with you pathetic ones [whom have time spent on internet to rant with each other instead of to do positive things in your life]? Make sense or not, that is your sense, your perception, NOT mine.

Different with you, I am here because of I want to check info, as well as the things of people in a place. Understand?

Need to be decided by someone else, that is your pathetic mutual-ruin ones' thought.

You know what, whether I answer you or not, I still in a very good life, and it will be better and better, and you have a very heavily work, only rant in internet to release your emotions on internet. You the pathetic only identify yourself as masters and treated you and them as one, funny.

Go to rant in some other place. You don't need to stick in here, I say it again that don't disrupt another person's post would be the basic thing in here. I asked a question and would like some answers relevant with it, that's why I am here, understand? I think a place should be a place with self-respond persons and decent persons(whom care himself, and because of that also care another person) instead of stuffs like this.

see the post above, it was to another person, but also roughly suit you too.

Rant in some other places, understand?

You lead a very good life- Why move?
I live an excellent and happy life. Every day is a celebration.
Note the difference in attitudes.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Rant in some other places, understand?

You realize you're just slapping a T-Bone around your neck and wandering into a pack of hungry dogs right?

If you want people to not rant in the first thread you've ever posted on a forum that you're new to in which you're seeking information/advice whilst simultaneously insinuating that we're a bunch of internet lowlifes with no actual life, demanding that they stop is probably not the best way to go about it.

If you're actually looking for mocking and ridicule on your style though, two big thumbs up because you've got that one in the bag.



New Member
Nov 30, 2013
You lead a very good life- Why move?
I live an excellent and happy life. Every day is a celebration.
Note the difference in attitudes.

I said it clearly: I want to let it better, start the businesses of this area that I have, and get another passport. Also compare with the most places I lived Alberta would be a good one, also this is the base of next step. I also want to establish relationships with more specific individuals.

A lot of places of this little planet is getting worser and worser. I need to get more advantages. Except that, I have things I want to do.

"Note the difference in attitudes."
You want say sth, say it directly.

You lead a very good life- Why move?
I live an excellent and happy life. Every day is a celebration.
Note the difference in attitudes.

I also did not say I "lead”, I only said I have.

" You realize you're just slapping a T-Bone around your neck "
That's your perception, I don't have anything around the neck.

" and wandering into a pack of hungry dogs right?"
Dogs? They are not dogs, they are just funny. :) I saw a lot of this similar stuffs in varied languages' sites.

" you're new to in which you're seeking "
Oh I new so I need to get low? Another leftism thought.

"we're a bunch of internet lowlifes with no actual life"
Oh I did not say that, I only said those ones whom rant and cynical in the post, esp. the first one. And that made a lot of persons feel I was saying them? How it become like that? They really treat that person as them? They have so many scars that so sensitive?

" simultaneously insinuating "
Oh how did you see that? Insinuate, that is a good word. What I say is what I mean, understand? I don't play any insinuation. If I want to say sth, I will say it directly. You will think about that that because of leftism. I see this forum is left, but I was asking at the Alberta section, and I did not think those ones have as low as this. A lot of indirect and lesser individualism(= self-ruin and mutual ruin) places all have this kind of left stuffs. And their inter-person relationships are very malicious too, their developments as overall are very low too, as the sum of individual choices.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
And their inter-person relationships are very malicious too, their developments as overall are very low too, as the sum of individual choices.
there is good and bad everywhere, it is not left or right, there are malicious people who are left, there are malicious people who are right...in general people who are malicious are just not very happy with themselves.

If you are set on moving to Canada Alberta is a beautiful province with lots of opportunity. If you are setting up a business and need to hire lots of people for your business, it might be hard to find employees because they can be choosey about where they work because there are so many opportunities.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Most rural communities in Western Canada has the values you are looking for. Heck, even rural ON is very conservative.


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Captain Morgan, please accept my deepest apology, we may not agree but you at least sound like you've been to school.