Still waiting. Now apologize, then f*ck off. :lol:
Finally! Apology accepted.
Wow, was it your hate for homosexuals that caused you to get into a drunken stupor and post that emotional nonsense?
In the mean time, back on topic...
Like Ford, you hate homosexuals, can you shed some light on why you hate homosexuals, so we can gather some idea as to what drives people like you and Ford?
This measure should be cost-sensitive and it should satisfy certain predetermined standards to make sure we aren't just flipping them out or stripping their powers without good reason.
What you think is a good reason, isn't going to be the same as what everyone thinks is a good reason.
The last three years if proof enough that people with a political agenda will use any and all means to oust someone they simply don't like for partisan reasons.
I say again, there is no real mechanism to remove a Premier or Prime Minister. Better yet, tell me ONE instance of a Premier or Prime Minister being "removed".
and actually, all I hear from the left right now is how Harper has "carte Blanche, and before him from the right how Chretien had "carte blanche".
Are you enjoying the round dance?
I can get the boys to break out the drums and get SCB to sing if you want.