Merger of the Century: Why Canada and America Should Become One Country


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I would move!

I have zero desire to have their problems overwhelm us like a tidal wave. People that like that type of gun toting, everyone for themselves mentality should just move a few feet to the border and hop over permanently. Let the rest of us continue on with our moron Prime Ministers that we keep electing.

Hey, Sal, we have one main problem to overcome! How to get morons to quit running for politics! Or better yet, get intelligent people to run. -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Hey, Sal, we have one main problem to overcome! How to get morons to quit running for politics! Or better yet, get intelligent people to run. -:)
Not possible. The very fact that Colin Powell declined to run for President is an example. One has to be at least borderline mentally ill to run for political office. That or profoundly stupid. Or both.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Not possible. The very fact that Colin Powell declined to run for President is an example. One has to be at least borderline mentally ill to run for political office. That or profoundly stupid. Or both.

Well there is one problem in the U.S. ................the president earns about as much as the C.E.O. of a large McDonald's franchise.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Well there is one problem in the U.S. ................the president earns about as much as the C.E.O. of a large McDonald's franchise.
The Presidential salary is $400,000. But I have every confidence that you understand that this is a small fraction of the President's compensation.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The Presidential salary is $400,000. But I have every confidence that you understand that this is a small fraction of the President's compensation.

I probably don't fully understand that. I would think his travel, meal and lodging costs would be covered while he's on the road and that he may be able to submit a receipt for a shoe shine and laundry after a certain amount of time.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I probably don't fully understand that. I would think his travel, meal and lodging costs would be covered while he's on the road and that he may be able to submit a receipt for a shoe shine and laundry after a certain amount of time.
For example, Reagan received $2 million per speech in speaking fees after he left office. Should the President (or any other prominent politician) be so bold as to write a book, his party and rich supporters will buy millions of copies.

Surely you didn't think the genius of money and influence would be significantly hampered by the feeble, foolish, half-hearted anti-corruption laws we pass to satisfy the chumps?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I'd be heading to New Zealand.

Why are people so afraid of the Big Bad Boogie Man to the south..

We are all Children of a Common Mother..

Besides, with the way Ontario and Quebec treat western Canada, the real questions should be:


The best thing for us Western Canadians is to join the US. We have a lot to offer - 2.5 TRILLION barrels of oil in the Alberta oilsands, greater than all the oil in the Middle East. About 300 billion barrels are recoverable using today's technologies. Oil offshore BC estimated at two to three times the size of Alaska's total oil fields. Natural gas, water, minerals and wood coming out of the yingyang.

If the three Western provinces and the Yukon territory joined the United States as three states, the US would grow by nearly 30% in area or gain an additional million square miles of territory but only gain an additional 8 million people. That's less than the population of greater Chicago in territory as large as Alaska, Texas and California combined.

Benefits to the US:

Territorial contiguity with Alaska

The largest concentration of oil in the world (as large as the entire STATE of New York)

Highly educated workforce



An additional 1 million sq miles of land



The most awesome natural beauty anywhere in North America

Much easier to defend northern border with porous Canada

Best weed and magic mushrooms in North America

Benefits to Western Canadians:

No more marginalization by the East

No more half vote status (i.e., Western Canada needs two votes for every one in Eastern Canada for the same number of MPs)

BC becomes the second largest US state after Alaska and ranks #24 in population. Alberta becomes the 4th largest state and ranks #31 in population. Saskatchewan becomes the fifth largest state in size and 45th in population

US dollars

Can work anywhere in the US without needing Green Cards

No more six month waiting period to get a gun

No more 18-month waiting period to get an MRI scan while suffering excruciating pain for a disintegrated knee

No more 12-month waiting period to see a heart specialist AFTER suffering a heart attack or stroke

Drawbacks for the US:

Can't pretend "Canada is our greatest friend" anymore

Whiny Eastern Canadians and Europeans

Confused new American-Canadians who can't figure out if they're Republicans or Democrats - a lot are to the left but not as far left as the Liberals who govern Canada

Change venerable flag and must include three maple leafs among the 50 stars

Federal Reserve give par to Canadian dollars during expansion

Drawback for Western Canadians

Can't look down upon the 'arrogant' Americans anymore

No more health care for all

Become hated as we travel overseas for vacation

Can't holiday in Cuba anymore

Can't get Cuban *****s for $10 anymore

Can't get Cuban cigars anymore

Can't get Cuban *****s using Cuban cigar club acts anymore :(

All the US needs to do is mount a marketing campaign towards Western Canadians extolling the advantages of joining the union. Failing that, help Quebec separate from Canada. The moment that happens, we'll be begging for membership within a New York minute rather than live in a Canada even more dominated by Ontario.

Ah, one can only dream.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Hey, Sal, we have one main problem to overcome! How to get morons to quit running for politics! Or better yet, get intelligent people to run. -:)
I don't think intelligence or lack thereof is the problem, I think corruption is what happens when they get owned by big corporations and the system is bigger than the sum of it's parts. Sucks but until we change the system, look for more of the same.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why are people so afraid of the Big Bad Boogie Man to the south..

We are all Children of a Common Mother..

Nope, I don't have an ounce of English in me. So my "mother" is not the same as the collective "we".

Besides, with the way Ontario and Quebec treat western Canada, the real questions should be.

The attitude from East to West is really no different than it is West to East. See Drury as a prime example. I have family that spans Canada from East Coast to West Coast, there is no "attitude". We are all Canadian, no more and no less.

The best thing for us Western Canadians is to join the US. We have a lot to offer - 2.5 TRILLION barrels of oil in the Alberta oilsands, greater than all the oil in the Middle East. About 300 billion barrels are recoverable using today's technologies. Oil offshore BC estimated at two to three times the size of Alaska's total oil fields. Natural gas, water, minerals and wood coming out of the yingyang.

If the three Western provinces and the Yukon territory joined the United States as three states, the US would grow by nearly 30% in area or gain an additional million square miles of territory but only gain an additional 8 million people. That's less than the population of greater Chicago in territory as large as Alaska, Texas and California combined.

Benefits to the US:

Territorial contiguity with Alaska

The largest concentration of oil in the world (as large as the entire STATE of New York)

Highly educated workforce



An additional 1 million sq miles of land



The most awesome natural beauty anywhere in North America

Much easier to defend northern border with porous Canada

Best weed and magic mushrooms in North America

Benefits to Western Canadians:

No more marginalization by the East

No more half vote status (i.e., Western Canada needs two votes for every one in Eastern Canada for the same number of MPs)

BC becomes the second largest US state after Alaska and ranks #24 in population. Alberta becomes the 4th largest state and ranks #31 in population. Saskatchewan becomes the fifth largest state in size and 45th in population

US dollars

Can work anywhere in the US without needing Green Cards

No more six month waiting period to get a gun

No more 18-month waiting period to get an MRI scan while suffering excruciating pain for a disintegrated knee

No more 12-month waiting period to see a heart specialist AFTER suffering a heart attack or stroke

Drawbacks for the US:

Can't pretend "Canada is our greatest friend" anymore

Whiny Eastern Canadians and Europeans

Confused new American-Canadians who can't figure out if they're Republicans or Democrats - a lot are to the left but not as far left as the Liberals who govern Canada

Change venerable flag and must include three maple leafs among the 50 stars

Federal Reserve give par to Canadian dollars during expansion

Drawback for Western Canadians

Can't look down upon the 'arrogant' Americans anymore

No more health care for all

Become hated as we travel overseas for vacation

Can't holiday in Cuba anymore

Can't get Cuban *****s for $10 anymore

Can't get Cuban cigars anymore

Can't get Cuban *****s using Cuban cigar club acts anymore :(

All the US needs to do is mount a marketing campaign towards Western Canadians extolling the advantages of joining the union. Failing that, help Quebec separate from Canada. The moment that happens, we'll be begging for membership within a New York minute rather than live in a Canada even more dominated by Ontario.

Ah, one can only dream.

I see a whole lot of benefits to the states, and very little in tangible benefits to Western Canada. If it was such a "grand" idea, then why the Cascadia movement?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Talk like that will get your Canadian citizenship revoked.

Can't I was born in Canada.. just like Ted Cruz.. I just married a US Citizen and followed the process to get my citizenship in the USA..

I see a whole lot of benefits to the states, and very little in tangible benefits to Western Canada. If it was such a "grand" idea, then why the Cascadia movement?

The Cascadia Movement is just a bunch of Greeners.

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Can't I was born in Canada.. just like Ted Cruz.. I just married a US Citizen and followed the process.

Extremists are the ones that cause problems Boomer, reasonable down to earth people know better.

Whatever differences we have, we generally get along very well.