UN: Global warming 95% likely to be manmade


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Having reading comprehension troubles Boomer?

YOU are the one that post fantasy pics of cities underwater... preaching and telling everyone that something must be done.

Yet YOU are aren't doing anything except making you own carbon footprint bigger. You're not changing. Are we clear?

As long as my Carbon Foot print is smaller than yours which you have obviously demonstrated by your flagrant disregard to the facts that Climate Change is real..

Enough said, I need to take my bottles into the recycling center today..


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The reason that you don't see it ES is because, you, and your pappy, and his pappy before him, didn't make a living out of clear-cutting the forests of BC.

Had you been one of the gents that spent their lives razing the forests and mountain sides of all life, you might have seen first-hand how global warming was causing the loss of trees in that province

You have 3 generations clear-cutting & razing of forests but the disappearance of trees is due to a 0.5 degree increase in median temperature. :roll:



Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
The reason that you don't see it ES is because, you, and your pappy, and his pappy before him, didn't make a living out of clear-cutting the forests of BC.

Had you been one of the gents that spent their lives razing the forests and mountain sides of all life, you might have seen first-hand how global warming was causing the loss of trees in that province

How does intentionally missing the point add to this discussion?

Climate change holds the potential of not just taking down human civilization but potentially wiping out our and many other species.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As long as my Carbon Foot print is smaller than yours which you have obviously demonstrated by your flagrant disregard to the facts that Climate Change is real..

Enough said, I need to take my bottles into the recycling center today..

Not participating in your religion gives me a bigger carbon footprint? lol

You're getting ready to clear land for a new house!

Climate change holds the potential of not just taking down human civilization but potentially wiping out our and many other species.


Ok... have you bought your carbon credits this year?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Amazing how no one, especially those multiple generations of loggers, don't stop and think about the beetles and their little beetle families.

Where the hell is PETA on this!?

Not to mention loss of habitat for all of the other woodland creatures.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
If you don't even acknowledge the science on climate change as even existing then how can you comment on its veracity?

Ignorance based opinion really isn't a good platform to build a future on...


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
If you don't even acknowledge the science on climate change as even existing then how can you comment on its veracity?

Ignorance based opinion really isn't a good platform to build a future on...

What special education and training gives you the right to comment? Was it all those years of raping the trees:lol:
Just what are you doing to counter globull warming besides whining about it?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
We in BC already have an environmental tax on almost everything and its time
to end it. The environmental game should be just about over and has been
milked for all it should be time to move on. Yes there are environmental issues
but nowhere near the scale we were led to believe. Besides the most serious
offenders pay nothing while we destroy our economic base to accommodate
the scare mongers. I for one am fed up with this nonsense. Either everyone
participates in insanity or none of us do. Environmentalism has become and
ideological religion and has nothing to do with the state of the planet.
There I feel better I said what many are thinking.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
We in BC already have an environmental tax on almost everything and its time
to end it. The environmental game should be just about over and has been
milked for all it should be time to move on. Yes there are environmental issues
but nowhere near the scale we were led to believe. Besides the most serious
offenders pay nothing while we destroy our economic base to accommodate
the scare mongers. I for one am fed up with this nonsense. Either everyone
participates in insanity or none of us do. Environmentalism has become and
ideological religion and has nothing to do with the state of the planet.
There I feel better I said what many are thinking.

Yet again... the Tea Party guy shows up.

Dude... you are so conservative whether you'd admit to it or not.

What special education and training gives you the right to comment? Was it all those years of raping the trees:lol:
Just what are you doing to counter globull warming besides whining about it?


Thumbs up


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
What special education and training gives you the right to comment? Was it all those years of raping the trees:lol:
Just what are you doing to counter globull warming besides whining about it?

Science courses?

And I said foresters, most of my family members specialized in silviculture, the regrowing of forests after logging. That's the problem with making assumptions without facts.

Read the IPCC reports, study the work of people like James Hansen and Lonnie Thompson instead of deciding that you don't like the conclusions that they come to so you're not going to accept their evidence.

Then see how that fits with your personal experience.

There's no doubt in my mind that people that claim it isn't happening, isn't serious or isn't us doing it are being dishonest, either with themselves or the rest of the world.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There's no doubt in my mind that people that claim it isn't happening, isn't serious or isn't us doing it are being dishonest, either with themselves or the rest of the world.

Then it is time for you to get your mind checked out. Just saying


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Then it is time for you to get your mind checked out. Just saying

You're on the side of industry which tried to claim that things like thalidimide, DDT, Dioxin, PCBs and much more were perfectly safe. When it comes to profit, rampant stupidity often rules.

I'm basing my views on the science.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
As long as my Carbon Foot print is smaller than yours which you have obviously demonstrated by your flagrant disregard to the facts that Climate Change is real..

Enough said, I need to take my bottles into the recycling center today..

So your assumption is that ES must be poluting worse than you based upon his disbelief in the voodo magic? There is no basis for this assumption.

Furthermore, since he does not believe in it, he is under no obligation to do anything about it.

You on the other hand believe in it. The fact you have not taken all steps available to you shows that your belief is only about what others might do as long as it doesn't inconvenience yourself.

So this begs the question: why should ES be inconvenienced so you can feel good at night?

P.S. Are you walking your recycling to the curb or are you driving your gas guzzler to a depot?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Science courses?

And I said foresters, most of my family members specialized in silviculture, the regrowing of forests after logging. That's the problem with making assumptions without facts.

Read the IPCC reports, study the work of people like James Hansen and Lonnie Thompson instead of deciding that you don't like the conclusions that they come to so you're not going to accept their evidence.

Then see how that fits with your personal experience.

There's no doubt in my mind that people that claim it isn't happening, isn't serious or isn't us doing it are being dishonest, either with themselves or the rest of the world.

Hey, let's stop using wood on a global level. The trees take CO2 from the air and give shade & absorb heat...yeah that's it. If we all just stop using wood and put the forests back everything will be just finer than frog's hair. We can get the global climate to drop the 0.5 degrees it has climbed in the last 70 years, maybe even the 0.8 degrees it climbed in the last 135 years.

I still get frost in September, snow before halloween and minus f*cking 40 for christmas and guess what....the polar ice-caps grew over 60% last year. Kiss my a$$ over global warming. There is nothing outside the normal ebb & flow of climate change.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Hey, let's stop using wood on a global level. The trees take CO2 from the air and give shade & absorb heat...yeah that's it. If we all just stop using wood and put the forests back everything will be just finer than frog's hair. We can get the global climate to drop the 0.5 degrees it has climbed in the last 70 years, maybe even the 0.8 degrees it climbed in the last 135 years.

I still get frost in September, snow before halloween and minus f*cking 40 for christmas and guess what....the polar ice-caps grew over 60% last year. Kiss my a$$ over global warming. There is nothing outside the normal ebb & flow of climate change.

It's more complicated than that.

Old growth forests are net contributors to CO2 atmospheric content as old trees die and decompose. By cutting down limited expanses of forest and replanting, you're revitalizing that stage of forest growth that consumes the most CO2.

And the single year ice had a 60% greater extent than last year, but that's the highly variable ice that does change from season to season. The trend in ice volume for the Arctic is towards less and less ice, it's down by more than 50% from several decades ago, making the entire sea ice cap vulnerable to loss at some point.

Of course the climate is changing, it's in the actual evidence if you care to look. It's not an easy reality to accept, but doing nothing about it out of fear or apathy isn't sane.