Wow, Putin is dragging Russia into the dark ages.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Putin is right (I never thought I'd say that).

Married heterosexual couples should have priority over gay couples and single parents when it comes to finding new homes for children.

A married mother and father is the best environment for a child to be brought up in. Studies have shown it.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Studies have proven you wrong. So this is more about your prejudice than facts.

my question would be, where did you get this prejudice from, that wonderful family that adopted you?

The Wonderful Family that adopted me think totally opposite to my view.. actually just got off the phone with my Dad who said I wasn't looking at the big picture on this issue.. if two people want to raise a child in a loving setting why not...

I guess 20 years living in Texas, created a die hard Republican.. I am pro-gun, pro-death penalty, many strong conservative views..

I do have a few Liberal views.. gay marriage.. in a civil court, why not. Universal Health Coverage.. middle ground, Inter-rational marriage.. love the idea.

The rest of my family are in Trudeau's camp... I'm for PM Harper and President Bush..

And yet so many children of single parents turn out OK.

Yes, some do..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Putin is right (I never thought I'd say that).

Married heterosexual couples should have priority over gay couples and single parents when it comes to finding new homes for children.

Married heterosexuals won't be able to adopt if the region they live in has tolerable laws, whatever that is supposed to mean.

Putin is wrong. Very wrong. Even the now defunct premise that heterosexuals make better parents, if you accept this to be true, then the laws he's enacted are still wrong for the example I listed above.

In fact, though I don't often like to draw parallels to Orwell's work, because frankly it's overused, these laws are definitely a step down that path (thoughtcrimes).


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Married heterosexuals won't be able to adopt if the region they live in has tolerable laws, whatever that is supposed to mean.

Putin is wrong. Very wrong. Even the now defunct premise that heterosexuals make better parents, if you accept this to be true, then the laws he's enacted are still wrong for the example I listed above.

In fact, though I don't often like to draw parallels to Orwell's work, because frankly it's overused, these laws are definitely a step down that path (thoughtcrimes).



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I find it hilarious that people would think it's a good idea to have the government tell them what is acceptable to think, to the point of imposing jail sentences. Especially someone like BOOMer. Maybe you like the idea of the NSA data mining after all.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Putin is right (I never thought I'd say that).
In your opinion.

Married heterosexual couples should have priority over gay couples and single parents when it comes to finding new homes for children.
Why married couples?

A married mother and father is the best environment for a child to be brought up in. Studies have shown it.
Again, why married? I think you just stuck that in there because of your narrow-mindedness.

BTW, Boomer, I was adopted. My adopted dad died when I was quite young, so I was essentially raised by a single parent. I don't like Putin's archaic and draconian ideas. The guy's pretty much a knuckle-dragging troglodyte in my view.


Jan 6, 2007
First Boomer, sexuality is only a choice for bisexuals, and even then, they're still bisexual. The fact that I married a man doesn't change my inclination toward women.

Second, a loved child with a support system, is a loved child with a support system. Within hetero marriages it can be lacking, while single moms may ensure their children are surrounded by great family. I don't disagree with you that the ideal is a stable home with a range of influences and viewpoints which is what tends to be provided by in stereotypical hetero marriages, but, that only applies as an ideal, it doesn't apply to individuals. Within actual hetero marriages there are women who are cruel and cold, men who are ***** whipped beyond any recognition of masculinity.... there are men who beat their wives in front of their kids, etc.

Adoption should be based on the individuals applying, not the 'ideal family unit'.

For anyone wondering about the true source of these rules.... it is NOT Putin, it is the church that put him in power, and keeps him in power. It runs Russia right now, and it is enacting these rules, not in the interest of children, but in the interest of attempting to control the democratic process in one of the most underhanded ways possible.... by threatening the welfare of children and families.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The Wonderful Family that adopted me think totally opposite to my view.. actually just got off the phone with my Dad who said I wasn't looking at the big picture on this issue.. if two people want to raise a child in a loving setting why not...

I guess 20 years living in Texas, created a die hard Republican.. I am pro-gun, pro-death penalty, many strong conservative views..

I do have a few Liberal views.. gay marriage.. in a civil court, why not. Universal Health Coverage.. middle ground, Inter-rational marriage.. love the idea.

The rest of my family are in Trudeau's camp... I'm for PM Harper and President Bush..

Yes, some do..
And many children from traditional, mom n' pop families turn out horribly wrong.

What does this tell you?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
CHILDREN are conceived when sperm from a man and the ovum of a woman merge. Simple as that. Being gay is a choice therefore when you chose to be gay
Again, that's scientifically proven to be absolute bullpucky. You chose to be heterosexual? I didn't chose any such thing but I am. I also didn't chose to be ambidextrous or brown-haired or attracted to dark-eyed people.
you also chose to give up the ability to create a life.
Who says homosexual people can't create life? You really think that homosexuals are sterile? roflmao Holy f'k!

A child needs both Mom and Dad... Not two Moms, and not two Dads. A father can never make up for the place of a mother. This subjects is usually about the couple, but we need to stop and remember the child. The child needs both parents to have a healthy house. Being raised by two dads or two moms is no different than living in a divorced house... You have plenty of one parent, but none of the other.
As I said, I was essentially raised by a single parent. I'm obviously smarter than you, have done countless hours of service for my fellow humans, etc. I'm probably even better looking than you. lol

And yet so many children of single parents turn out OK.

Yes, some do..
Same can be said for kids of married couples.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The Wonderful Family that adopted me think totally opposite to my view.. actually just got off the phone with my Dad who said I wasn't looking at the big picture on this issue.. if two people want to raise a child in a loving setting why not...

I guess 20 years living in Texas, created a die hard Republican.. I am pro-gun, pro-death penalty, many strong conservative views..

I do have a few Liberal views.. gay marriage.. in a civil court, why not. Universal Health Coverage.. middle ground, Inter-rational marriage.. love the idea.

The rest of my family are in Trudeau's camp... I'm for PM Harper and President Bush..

Yes, some do..
Which tells us what?

C'mon, work with me here. There's a real possibility we can change you from a die-hard to a thinking human being. Worthy of Aristotle or Tatanka Iyotanka.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
First Boomer, sexuality is only a choice for bisexuals, and even then, they're still bisexual. The fact that I married a man doesn't change my inclination toward women.
I don't think that quite covers it, Karrie. I think only some bisexuals chose. I think others are actually drawn more to one gender than the other. As wifey said, if we hadn't married, she would likely be a lesbian. (I'm still sorting out myself about that comment).

Second, a loved child with a support system, is a loved child with a support system. Within hetero marriages it can be lacking, while single moms may ensure their children are surrounded by great family. I don't disagree with you that the ideal is a stable home with a range of influences and viewpoints which is what tends to be provided by in stereotypical hetero marriages, but, that only applies as an ideal, it doesn't apply to individuals. Within actual hetero marriages there are women who are cruel and cold, men who are ***** whipped beyond any recognition of masculinity.... there are men who beat their wives in front of their kids, etc.

Adoption should be based on the individuals applying, not the 'ideal family unit'.

For anyone wondering about the true source of these rules.... it is NOT Putin, it is the church that put him in power, and keeps him in power. It runs Russia right now, and it is enacting these rules, not in the interest of children, but in the interest of attempting to control the democratic process in one of the most underhanded ways possible.... by threatening the welfare of children and families.
Good point. Hadn't thought of that, but it does fit the archaic and draconian profile.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
It's a choice..
Then I guess you chose to be stupid, too.

Two guys screwing each other.. which one is going to get pregnant and conceive the child..
See what I mean about your stupidity? Who says a homosexual guy cannot donate sperm or even have sex with a woman who'd be interested in bearing him a child? And I have heard of a couple lesbians who had sex with men just so they could have a kid.

Talk about rug burn.
So don't go round kissing guys with beards or 5 o-clock shadows. DUH


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Yes, nothing beats the old value system of putting kids in Orphanages and neglecting and abusing them. That's way better than having two moms or two dads, because let's face it... Gays just wann f_ck kids, they're only f_cking each other because no one wants to let them adopt...

Here's some wholesome Russian Values to consider



on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Placing children as adoptees in homosexual households really is tantamount to child abuse.

As for the wider elements of persecution of homosexuality between consenting adults.. i think its futile.. But i guess he's taking a caveat from the West where a less intrusive and prosecutorial approach to adult homosexuality in the early 70s placed into motion a process where, by the 21st Century, the institution of marriage is being systematically dismantled and reduced to an absurdity.. AND where it seems an imminent persecution of churches is gathering for those denominations that refuse to affirm and extend sacraments to homosexuals, by removing their tax exempt status.

It seems you cannot negotiate with Evil.. give an inch and a mile will be taken. Ultimately the goal of the homosexual lobby is to completely overturn the moral structure of Western Civilization (and especially its Christian roots).. which will reduce it to an economic and social ruin. So, although i don't support re-criminalizing homosexuality.. i can see where people outside looking at the mad unravelling of the West.. would see cause to worry.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Placing children as adoptees in homosexual households really is tantamount ot child abuse.

As for the wider elements of persecution of homosexuality between consenting adults.. i think its futile.. But i guess he's taking a caveat from the West where a less intrusive and prosecutorial approach to adult homosexuality in the early 70s placed into motion a process where, by the 21st Century, the institution of marriage is being reduced to absurdity.. where it seems an imminent persecution of Church is gathering for those who refuse to affirm and extend sacraments to homosexuals, by removing tax exempt status.

It seems you cannot negotiate with Evil.. give an inch and a mile will be taken. Ultimately the goal of the homosexual lobby is to completely overturn the moral structure of Western Civilization.. which will reduce it to an economic and social ruin. So, although i don't support re-criminalizing homosexuality.. i can see where people outside looking at the mad unravelling of the West.. would see cause to worry.
There are flights leaving every day for Sheremtevo. Das vedanya, tovarishch!


Jan 6, 2007
I don't think that quite covers it, Karrie. I think only some bisexuals chose. I think others are actually drawn more to one gender than the other. As wifey said, if we hadn't married, she would likely be a lesbian. (I'm still sorting out myself about that comment)..

lol... that kind of proves my point. If she didn't have a choice, you wouldn't be married to her, and she'd be a lesbian. But, she had some choice, some control, to be with you, because she is on the bisexual portion of the sexuality spectrum.