NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Get real, this is a product of the Patriot Act and we know who was in charge when that
started. It is continuing under Obama but he didn't start the decent into madness it was
the work of "W" remember him?

Hope and Change



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This all started under Bush, why wouldn't Obama run with it?

The people were stupid enough to allow the Patriot Act in the first place knowing full well it gave powers that can be used for good or can be used for tyranny.

Both Bush and Obama went the tyranny route.

The blame for this one falls on the people.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Oh we were so hard... so very hard for it. Geez. Is that all the left can come up with these days? "Well Bush did it!"... is that all?

Hope and Change baby... Hope and Change
I didn't say it should be like this but all the righties fought hard for this, with the arguments of "if you are innocent you have nothing to hide..' etc. You reap what you sow. The cow is out of the barn.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I didn't say it should be like this but all the righties fought hard for this, with the arguments of "if you are innocent you have nothing to hide..' etc. You reap what you sow. The cow is out of the barn.

Oh we fought so hard... ALL of us... we battled so hard for this... exactly this. Gooood Grief!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I heard those exact words time and time again when I said "this is going to be abused, they've gone too far".

I don't know if you personally supported it or not, I wasn't hear at that time.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Oh no... no no... he is all Democrat... 100%

Reminds me of the end of the Bush Era when he had fallen out of favour with everyone, including the Republicans, and the right were trying to cast Bush as "Welll, actually, he's a liberal."

I guess when your guy screws up you try to belatedly trade him to the other team. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reminds me of the end of the Bush Era when he had fallen out of favour with everyone, including the Republicans, and the right were trying to cast Bush as "Welll, actually, he's a liberal."

I guess when your guy screws up you try to belatedly trade him to the other team. :lol:

Wow... can you grasp at any more straws?

Damn...you just had a Dennis Miller moment.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Its not about one side or another, and its not alright if "our side does it" as you put it.
There has been secret records for decades but there was some sense of civic responsibility
or the appearance there of. When W came to power he changed all that. He invoked the
Patriot Act which allows the chambers of freedom to be by passed for expediency and int
that the latest build up of secret spying in civilians really began. The current administration
has to its detriment continued the practice. It is not about who is to blame its about the
government spying on its citizens. The opening of this thread blames Obama and the record
should be set straight before an informed discussion begins. other wise we are working on
the premise that it started with Obama which it did not. Unfortunately this is the continuation
of rabid right wing propaganda that spews out like errant milk spills over on your morning
cereal, and it continues do demean the Republican Party, in that they remind the voters of the
Chicken Little story the sky is falling, and it isn't, in fact the walls of America are collapsing.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Doesn't seem to be top secret any more. :D

I wanna massacre the NSA. Not any of the rest of America, just the NSA. Oh, fer pete sakes, I forgot I'm a Canuck in Canada so the NSA probly aren't paying me any attention. Well, there goes my chances of getting their knickers in a knot. :/

Or not! We are, after all, the source country of terrorist infiltrating the US. They probably have your number too. The Kootenays are a hot bed of radicalism, after all.
No cops in sight yet, unless they're disguised as coons and birds.

This all started under Bush, why wouldn't Obama run with it?

The people were stupid enough to allow the Patriot Act in the first place knowing full well it gave powers that can be used for good or can be used for tyranny.

Both Bush and Obama went the tyranny route.

The blame for this one falls on the people.
...... and their polarized, partisan nonsense.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No cops in sight yet, unless they're disguised as coons and birds.

Oh, they are just waiting for the right time. This is still data collecting time. The purge is yet to come.

...... and their polarized, partisan nonsense.
It is polarization that is destroying the US. There is no way they could work toward fixing the mess they are in.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Just a bonehead.

But back to life, back to reality:

Piers Morgan Now Claims Obama 'Worse' Than George W. Bush

During Thursday night's edition of CNN's “Piers Morgan Tonight,” the liberal host harshly criticized President Barack Obama and his administration for allowing the National Security Agency to secretly obtain the telephone records of millions of Americans.

While interviewing Senator Bernie Sanders, Morgan asked the socialist from Vermont if he believed Obama's actions on surveillance are “worse than anything George W. Bush did.”

The CNN host led up to his question by quoting the editorial board of the New York Times, which stated on Thursday that the administration “has now lost all credibility on this issue.”

Has what Barack Obama been doing -- and his administration -- not just with all these revelations in the last 24 hours, but also the IRS, going after AP and FOX News, and so on, has what he's been doing worse than anything George W. Bush did?

Sanders took advantage of the opportunity to criticize the previous Republican president by stating:

Well, I think Bush started the process, and what I had hoped, and I think millions of Americans had hoped, that Barack Obama, who knew something about constitutional law, would not only change Bush's policies in a number of ways but certainly with regard with civil liberties.

“I think it's fair to say that many of us are deeply disappointed that he did not end many of those programs and provide a lot more transparency than he has,” the senator added.

Morgan responded: “You could argue he was right to say he'd be different. He's worse!”



Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
People voted for governments to listen to the people and this proves that they are.