We no longer live in the Victorian era when women were not allowed to vote. When women were given the right to vote, they had to be married. Women were considered their father’s possession until married which then women were legally her husband’s possession. – no different than owning a dog or livestock, except that it was illegal to beat your dog and life stock, where as it was legal to beat your wife and children! Protection of animals came foremost than the protection of women and children. Even in the 1970’s, married women wanting an abortion had to have her husband’s written consent.
It was only through WW1 and WW2 that women were expected to place their feminism into the closet and to work like men – all for the war effort. After the war, social status once again dictated society. For women, a life of leisure meant more spending money and an easy life which Hollywood was brainwashing society as the new way of life or women could live the true reality of hard work raising a family and making ends meet.
The bottom line of feminism is the ability to live in comfort for yourself and your family and to keep up with the Jones just as Hollywood conditioned us to be. The war brought women out of the Victorian era of suppression of culture, economic class and poverty. The poor and oppressed (men and women) were also starting to gain their independence from the wealthy robber barons. Power was being distributed down towards the working class, so that by the 1960’s wages increased and created vacancies in the lower paying positions that business desperately needed filled. So government opened up immigration and promoted a new post-war work force called women’s liberation, to fill the lower paying vacancies. At the same time a new consumer was generated which gave women power – spending money power. The shopping mall was invented. Women now needed more money.
The next generation of modern women knew she could now work and have a family too. So education for women changed from going to university to find a suitable husband to provide for them and their children to going to university to gain an education to become financially independent themselves.
Money is power. Status is everything. Yet, even in 2013, women are socially mistreated as inferior through sexual abuse, lower wages, and bullying. Women are more vulnerable to poverty due to pregnancy and child raising, which is why women have been suppressed and exploited throughout history. Predators will prey only on the weak or they will create a weakness in their victims to use against them.
This is not a slam against men, this is a slam against men who abuse those who are more vulnerable. Money and position in society is power and some men feel threatened and even humiliated by this. Women are feminine – strip off her clothes and a women is feminine – Women are physically weaker than most men – Women use a different part of their brain – the mommy brain – the hunter and gatherer brain- the barracuda brain to rip apart an enemy brain – and men with high testosterone want to dominate, not be dominated by women. Testosterone dominates over estrogen, whereas estrogen lures and seduces testosterone – the male testosterone brain can’t deal with this so they must dominate their female herd. Some men are still living in the wild.