Good argument for gun control


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
The city of Chicago had over 500 murders last year. Almost none with high capacity weapons. Therefore, your argument fails to hold water.
And most by illegal guns. In a city with the strictest gun controls in the country.

But why go after the real criminals when it is so much easier to make criminals out of law abiding citizens with the stroke of a pen and they are so much more passive?

Every time someone makes another argument in favor of restricting the 2d Amendment invariably the ideas they give prove that their ideas are illogical and insupportable.

Imagine if some one said during the Cold War that "let's disarm the USA in order to avert a Soviet strike" would be the way to insure peace throughout the world. Such a buffoon would put into an asylum where they belong. In Africa, the minority Hutus were victims in Burundi where they were hacheted to death. Disarming them completely would only have increased the slaughter.

You don't stop violence by disarming victims. You disarm the aggressors and this makes for a more peaceful society. This is just logic and common sense.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Every time someone makes another argument in favor of restricting the 2d Amendment invariably the ideas they give prove that their ideas are illogical and insupportable.

Imagine if some one said during the Cold War that "let's disarm the USA in order to avert a Soviet strike" would be the way to insure peace throughout the world. Such a buffoon would put into an asylum where they belong. In Africa, the minority Hutus were victims in Burundi where they were hacheted to death. Disarming them completely would only have increased the slaughter.

You don't stop violence by disarming victims. You disarm the aggressors and this makes for a more peaceful society. This is just logic and common sense.
Good post.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Every time someone makes another argument in favor of restricting the 2d Amendment invariably the ideas they give prove that their ideas are illogical and insupportable.

Imagine if some one said during the Cold War that "let's disarm the USA in order to avert a Soviet strike" would be the way to insure peace throughout the world. Such a buffoon would put into an asylum where they belong. In Africa, the minority Hutus were victims in Burundi where they were hacheted to death. Disarming them completely would only have increased the slaughter.

You don't stop violence by disarming victims. You disarm the aggressors and this makes for a more peaceful society. This is just logic and common sense.
Are international affairs and domestic society parallel cases?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yup! The Japanese during WWII chose not to attack the western coast because several of the Jap brass attended univesity in California and knew that citizens were armed to the teeth. Same for Alaska and BC at the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
But why go after the real criminals when it is so much easier to make criminals out of law abiding citizens with the stroke of a pen and they are so much more passive?

BINGO! You are 100% right on point with this post. It is much easier to go after law abiding citizens under the guise that they are doing something about gun violence.

Imagine if some one said during the Cold War that "let's disarm the USA in order to avert a Soviet strike" would be the way to insure peace throughout the world. Such a buffoon would put into an asylum where they belong.


That was exactly what some advocated for. For the US to set the example and then the Soviets would follow suit.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The third most power nuclear nation opted out of the burden of nukes in a deal for Black Sea naval supremacy.

A very noble choice.

Sometimes there are better options.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
And yup... the Black Sea is their pond.
Not the south shore.

Back in the day, the Turkish Air Force used to like to send a couple of F-84s straight north over the Black Sea. The Soviet air defence forces would alert and send out a couple of MiG-23s to chase them back to Turkey. The Turks had it calculated quite nicely exactly when the 84s would have to turn around and run like hell to get back to Turkey before the much faster MiGs could catch them. They'd get down on the deck and go like crazy, whilst the MiGs would follow them down and floor it. They'd get to the cliffs of Turkey, the 84s would pop up, about half the time the MiGs would follow and find. . .

pretty much the entire Turkish Air Force waiting for them.

They'd turn tail and run back home. Fun times.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
There is NO good argument for gun control. I have an innate right to provide for and protect myself and my family by any means no matter what any group of bleeding hearts & pacifists would like to convince us of. That includes protection from the tyranny of govt so when the govt tries to invoke any gun control at all they are furthering their tyranny over the individual citizen and his/her innate human rights. Do not ever kid yourself, our modern govts are not here to benefit the individual people but to control them and taking away our means to defend ourselves against them is just a part of their goal of a completely enslaved global population.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There is NO good argument for gun control. I have an innate right to provide for and protect myself and my family by any means no matter what any group of bleeding hearts & pacifists would like to convince us of. That includes protection from the tyranny of govt so when the govt tries to invoke any gun control at all they are furthering their tyranny over the individual citizen and his/her innate human rights. Do not ever kid yourself, our modern govts are not here to benefit the individual people but to control them and taking away our means to defend ourselves against them is just a part of their goal of a completely enslaved global population.
I guess you're no big fan of the restrictions on machine guns and explosives, then?


Jan 6, 2007
There is NO good argument for gun control. I have an innate right to provide for and protect myself and my family by any means....

And given the fact that so many gun deaths have nothing to do with self defense, everyone else has the innate right to attempt to protect themselves, and their families as well, from gun toting nut jobs.

Now, that's not me coming down on either side of the argument, but recognizing that there isn't one side that's concretely right, no matter how hard you try to make it sound that way.