Priest says women bring violence onto themselves


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
In The RC Church as in any other Religion you have those that are or do not adhere to the Churches rules and such. So when 1 speaks up and says this or that why do people think he speaks for the whole church? Did these people suddenly lose their grip on logic.
Tempest in a teapot - or in plain speak - Just BS.


Prime Minister
May 16, 2010
Spruce Grove, Alberta
Why do we spend so much of our time caring about what someone else thinks? You should only care about what you think and how you live your life and if you're happy then who care what some idiot priest says??


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Oh I knew I would be criticized for wanting church elections that would never do.
See the church does want to influence society and entrench its views in an open
and elected society that is fine with me. However if the members want to have a
say in how the church is run and who runs it then they should be an open society
with their members.
It wouldn't be a popularity contest at all it would be an ideological contest and the
danger for the old boys club is the conservative, unforgiving unchanging church
would or could conceivably lose their grip on the Vatican. They could lose the
throne to a more progressive and open direction that would never do.

It will be a long cold day before I return for more of the same old views dressed up
in modern music and smiles.

I suppose I began to lose my enthusiasm for the church back around twenty years old.
We had an old priest and this guy was old. Nicest man I ever met actually outside my
dad. He would pick up stuff thrown out of car windows to keep the roads clean where
he walked. He went to see the sick so many a day and walked. He didn't care if they
were Catholics, Jews or any other faith and everyone in our area liked him.
His reward? Father Sweitzer was condemned by some of the high brow people who
thought he should be going to see sick Catholics, they petitioned the Bishop to move
him. My father went to see the Bishop more that a hundred miles away and told him
the parish was basically full of some of the most mean spirited people around.
After several months they took his parish away and sent him to an old folks home as it
were where he died a short time later.
After that I understood what good church going Christians in the Catholic church were
about. Some years later I watch a congregation destroy another old priest like the first
one. From then on I stayed to hell away from the church.
I adopted a more liberal approach, no not a political Liberal a more liberal approach to
life. I am pro choice,
I am of the opinion the church is more of a political movement than a spiritual one and not
just the Catholic Church.
Nope I will not be in the back pew let alone the front one. I accept every Christina I meet
on an individual basis many are very good people and practice what they believe. The
church as an institution is not what I would consider to be a healthy atmosphere at all
avoid it like the plague.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Oh I knew I would be criticized for wanting church elections that would never do.
See the church does want to influence society and entrench its views in an open
and elected society that is fine with me. However if the members want to have a
say in how the church is run and who runs it then they should be an open society
with their members.
It wouldn't be a popularity contest at all it would be an ideological contest and the
danger for the old boys club is the conservative, unforgiving unchanging church
would or could conceivably lose their grip on the Vatican. They could lose the
throne to a more progressive and open direction that would never do.

Father Sweitzer was condemned by some of the high brow people who
thought he should be going to see sick Catholics, they petitioned the Bishop to move
him. My father went to see the Bishop more that a hundred miles away and told him
the parish was basically full of some of the most mean spirited people around.
After several months they took his parish away and sent him to an old folks home as it
were where he died a short time later.

Ok..... a little confused with what you want. You SAY you want the people to make decisions within the Church, yet, your example shows people of the parish petitioning the Bishop to get rid of the local Parish Priest with only one person wanting him to stay, and when the Bishop does what the people want you are pissed at the Church. Seems to me that no matter what the Church does you would not be happy.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
On a personal level getting rid of good people because the serve all in the community
is a poor reflection on the institution. Over all I could accept the verdict of the people
around the world as a whole if they were given a vote.
I am not gong to believe the right wing of the church exclusively and that is what is
firmly in power now. I do agree with some things but I also don't believe the church
should have the last say in what I personally believe is right or wrong. I guess I am
not cut out to be a member or joiner of any particular church.
You and I agree on some things and when we don't we really don't but I do appreciate
your comments


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
On a personal level getting rid of good people because the serve all in the community
is a poor reflection on the institution. Over all I could accept the verdict of the people
around the world as a whole if they were given a vote.
I am not gong to believe the right wing of the church exclusively and that is what is
firmly in power now. I do agree with some things but I also don't believe the church
should have the last say in what I personally believe is right or wrong. I guess I am
not cut out to be a member or joiner of any particular church.
You and I agree on some things and when we don't we really don't but I do appreciate
your comments

So, in other words, you only agree with the will of the people if that will agrees with your thoughts. Got it.

As for "the right wing of the church" if that were in fact completely true, then Vatican II would have been repealed, we'd be listening to Mass in Latin and coldstream would think he was already in Heaven.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
On a personal level getting rid of good people because the serve all in the community
is a poor reflection on the institution. Over all I could accept the verdict of the people
around the world as a whole if they were given a vote.

I recall a couple of recent incidents of teachers being caught having inappropriate relations with students... Should we put the entire (global) education system to a global vote to determine if we keep the institution?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I recall a couple of recent incidents of teachers being caught having inappropriate relations with students... Should we put the entire (global) education system to a global vote to determine if we keep the institution?

Penn State Football...

Higher Ed and Collegiate Athletics as well it would seem.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Catholic church is probably the richest corporations in the world, with untold billions in real estate and corporate holdings.
Parishioners invest in this corporation every time they give to the collection plate but their returns on the investment are not tangible.
The Vatican bank also indulges in questionable financial practices.
The Vatican, the dark side - - - voxnyc
We are talking here about one of the most influential organization in the world, but like most corporations, they are not a democracy so the idea of electing the Pope by the Catholic parishioners world wide is ludicrous.
The church claims to be the largest charitable organization in the world, but this article by the Economist questions the claims accuracy.
The Economist Estimates the Catholic Church Spent $171,600,000,000 in 2010
Considering what this corporation represents, its holdings and business deals one has to wonder why so many people still subscribe to it.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Straw man as usual. We are not talking about moronic Islamic radical loonies.

We also weren't talking about how much money and assets the Church has or how they spend it. We were talking about thecomments made by one priest.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
We also weren't talking about how much money and assets the Church has or how they spend it. We were talking about thecomments made by one priest.
That is what the OP was about but the conversation, as usual, took a right turn somewhere, and I was commenting on that.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Considering what this corporation represents, its holdings and business deals one has to wonder why so many people still subscribe to it.
Cliffy, I don't know what this means. The average Catholic family raises their kids to be good hardworking people that believe in God, go to mass on a Sunday where they give praise to their higher power, like their local parish priest who leads them in their worship and supports them in their distress, send their kids to a school that they feel promotes God and Christ and try to make the world a better place. That's your average person. That's what they subscribe to.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
The church is a cultural institution which assists members to celebrate/or cope with life's milestones. As well, it postulates about the unknowable. Belief is secondary at best.

The religion you adopt depends on your birth and life experiences. Those born to Jewish parents for the most part remain Jewish; those born in a Hindu culture, remain Hindu. The gods choose your religion or lack thereof, by casting dice.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
There will always be people whose backward thinking will be used to slander an entire community. I've met some messed up folks who were by no means a representative of the people or faith they claimed to represent.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
That's true for Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. That does not mean they should escape valid criticism.