Canada not the only country in dire need of the death penalty!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Some bastards just aren't fit to live!

Speak for yourself.

I have a relative who, as a journalist, covered one of, if not the, last hanging in Nova Scotia. As an MP, he voted to eliminate capital punishment. He said that anyone who wanted capital punishment should have to witness a hanging before they decided.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Speak for yourself.

I have a relative who, as a journalist, covered one of, if not the, last hanging in Nova Scotia. As an MP, he voted to eliminate capital punishment. He said that anyone who wanted capital punishment should have to witness a hanging before they decided.

Or maybe witness two innocent children being starved to death. Sorry I'm on the side of the innocent NOT the guilty!

We need a death pentalty about as much as we need trepanations.

A few weeks of "trepanations":lol: before they go to the gallows wouldn't hurt either!

Speak for yourself.

Totally ignorant statement from an ignoramus! :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
JMO... I wouldn't think you'd want one. What good does it do? Something about state sanctioned executions doesn't sit well with me.

"Dead Man Walking" is a great book that sort of changed my opinion of Capital Punishment. Not the movie... the book. That nun makes the best case against Capital Punishment and she makes no excuses for the crimes committed by the condemned.

I'm all for locking someone like that away for life in a SuperMax... but giving them the needle. Not for me.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
"Dead Man Walking" is a great book that sort of changed my opinion of Capital Punishment. Not the movie... the book. That nun makes the best case against Capital Punishment and she makes no excuses for the crimes committed by the condemned.

I'm all for locking someone like that away for life in a SuperMax... but giving them the needle. Not for me.

Agreed. For something like the death penalty we would need a perfect legal system to ensure no innocent people would be executed. We dont. No one does. Canada has executed innocent people in the past. Too risky. Plus as the Americans are showing its more expensive to execute a person than to give them life in prison. Sure, they can try to save every penny and cut appeals. But that is guaranteeing some innocent person will be executed. People are occasionally cleared while on death row because of those appeals and new evidence coming along. You may use the line of 'I dont want my tax dollars housing criminals.' Well, I dont want mine used to kill people. And they are people. Calling them 'monsters' or 'animals' is the easy way out. It doesnt change their DNA or their species.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Or maybe witness two innocent children being starved to death. Sorry I'm on the side of the innocent NOT the guilty!
It's takes weeks to starve someone to death. Where the **** were the people who knew what was going on? Should they be killed for not doing the right thing too?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
There was a case here a few years ago of a little girl starved to death...but her family had been receiving WEEKLY visits from social workers. Social workers never seemed to question why she was 'sleeping' EVERY TIME they did a home visit. For a year. That's 50 visits.

Criminal negligence on the part of the social workers.

Totally ignorant statement from an ignoramus!

you certainly do make lots of them.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
There was a case here a few years ago of a little girl starved to death...but her family had been receiving WEEKLY visits from social workers. Social workers never seemed to question why she was 'sleeping' EVERY TIME they did a home visit. For a year. That's 50 visits.

Criminal negligence on the part of the social workers.

Definitely. Sleeping or not they should at least see the kid.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
both of these perverts should be locked away for the rest of their natural life. But don't kill anyone in my name. Besides, watching someone go to pieces and slowly become a drooling lunatic is more fun.

If convicts are supermaxed, they get one hour of solitary exercise per day, the other 23 are spent in a fairly small cell, alone. Not a good way to live.

Also; Holmolka should still be inside.


Time Out
Jun 1, 2012
St Calixte Quebec Canada
If we can't kill them,even if it would be cost effective,compared to wasting almost $100.000 a year to kkep them in,plus the advantage they get,tv exercise internet etc,again where is the punishment?

I think the arizona sheriff is right,they should not enjoy the time in jail,and they should not be in contact with other prisoners,since prison is called the school of crime,where they learn to make a weapon with any object.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
To me, when an innocent person can be killed and it is called justice, the whole system of criminal law becomes a sham.

There are certainly some individuals who the world would be better off without but given the irreversible nature of killing someone even unreasonable doubts need to be considered. Humans make mistakes after all, even when twelve people think something is reasonable, there is too much room for mistake. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt doesn't go far enough. Say 99.9% certain is beyond a reasonable doubt (the actual percent would be much less); you'll still be killing 1 out of 1000 innocent people that make it to court.

That is something like 100 times the homicide rate, granted it wouldn't be over the entire population.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JMO... I wouldn't think you'd want one. What good does it do? Something about state sanctioned executions doesn't sit well with me.

"Dead Man Walking" is a great book that sort of changed my opinion of Capital Punishment. Not the movie... the book. That nun makes the best case against Capital Punishment and she makes no excuses for the crimes committed by the condemned.

I'm all for locking someone like that away for life in a SuperMax... but giving them the needle. Not for me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not for it in all cases, probably just the worst 2 or 3%, like the murderers of little Tori Stafford!

There was a case here a few years ago of a little girl starved to death...but her family had been receiving WEEKLY visits from social workers. Social workers never seemed to question why she was 'sleeping' EVERY TIME they did a home visit. For a year. That's 50 visits.

Criminal negligence on the part of the social workers.

you certainly do make lots of them.

As my tally of "green reps" attests to! :lol::lol::lol:

It's takes weeks to starve someone to death. Where the **** were the people who knew what was going on? Should they be killed for not doing the right thing too?

That's one of the problems I have with need more bureaucracy to control it and then pretty soon passing the buck starts!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
If life improsonment truly meant life improsonment, I don't think we need the death penalty. Unfortunatly, life does not mean life in today's justice system.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Don't get me wrong, I'm not for it in all cases, probably just the worst 2 or 3%, like the murderers of little Tori Stafford!

Problem is, you have to decide which cases should have it, and which not, and that will constantly change based on the person doing the deciding. As long as you're happy to execute innocent people by mistake, then you can have capital punishment.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Agreed. For something like the death penalty we would need a perfect legal system to ensure no innocent people would be executed. We dont. No one does. Canada has executed innocent people in the past. Too risky. Plus as the Americans are showing its more expensive to execute a person than to give them life in prison. Sure, they can try to save every penny and cut appeals. But that is guaranteeing some innocent person will be executed. People are occasionally cleared while on death row because of those appeals and new evidence coming along. You may use the line of 'I dont want my tax dollars housing criminals.' Well, I dont want mine used to kill people. And they are people. Calling them 'monsters' or 'animals' is the easy way out. It doesnt change their DNA or their species.

For me it goes a little further. Let's say every single person on Death Row was for a fact guilty as charged and it costs us $50 to execute the criminal, to me capital punishment is wrong.

I am with the other poster. 23 Hours a day in a cell and that's that.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
If everyone advocating for the death penalty were forced to watch an execution there may not be so many proponents. The U.S., for example, has many death penalty states but horrific crimes are still being committed - not much of deterrent, IMHO.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
If everyone advocating for the death penalty were forced to watch an execution there may not be so many proponents. The U.S., for example, has many death penalty states but horrific crimes are still being committed - not much of deterrent, IMHO.

You might say the same thing for viewing the grisly results of DUI fatality crashes caused by drunks. Same applies to murder victims like the Chinese lady here in Toronto that was cut up by her scumbag psycho ex-boyfriend. There's gore and madness everywhere, we just don't usually see it.

I'm not a rampant death penalty proponent but I think in sick and extreme cases, sure, kill the bastards. Post haste too.

I've seen plenty of executions of many a variety on the web over the years. Most are very quick.

I don't necessarily think any 'punishment' will absolutely serve as a deterrent for all but if you mean business, don't dick the dog and just get it done, there's less of this taking up space, time and resources. Less playing the system and riding things out forever and a day. Yes, an eye-for-an-eye, popular revenge and catharsis for society and all that jazz too. Much debate on the subject for those that choose to splash around in that pool.

I'm personally not interested but I do have an opinion. As twisted as it may be viewed by some and as lenient by others.