Annexation of Canada to the United States of America.

51% of Canadians voted YES to join USA.

  • Would ou fight for Canadian Sovereignty, by any means..

    Votes: 18 58.1%
  • Leave Canada

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Nope, join the USA and spread butt cheeks

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • other..

    Votes: 9 29.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 16, 2012
The Ozarks
the short form is that the south realized they didn't really need the north....their agrarian based economy was capable of operating without assistance from the wasn't about abolitionists at all. slavery had to end, whether anyone liked it or not. the world was growing less tolerant of it every day.

Start by reading the Causes of Secession of the Southern states, the states' individual documents stating their reasons for seceding.

Mississippi even admitted that it could not survive without racist slavery because its white people could not withstand in the hot sun, and so they were forced to secede to preserve slavery.

This is real history from the real documents, Cheezy -- not some dreamed-up kid story. Every state listed SLAVERY front and center as the reason to secede, bar none.

This from the Constitution of the Confederate States should convince you that you are 180 degrees wrong in your thinking:

ARTICLE 1, Secton 9, Subsection 4:

No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.

That was the BASIS of the Confederacy. That completely contradicts your claims. The South seceded over slavery. The white racists were too lazy to work in the sun, and they valued slavery so highly that the codified it in perpetuum et unum diem, so that the law could never be repealed.

Search it for yourself. Read the genuine secession documents. You need to educate yourself about the real motives of the Southerners, in their own words, before you start preaching foolishness to Canadians and to yourself.


New Member
Jul 11, 2012

O.K. this is an interesting topic.. Annexation of Canada to the United States of America, of course without bloodshed..

I don't know, how many CC Members here, if Canada had a vote today to join the United States today and 51% of Canadians voted YES!!!

Who here would pick up arms to fight for Canada sovereignty? With a gun if necessary?
If Canada had equal representation with the United States it would be a great union between two great nations. One problem would be the lack of Canadian strength in the military high command as well as the US military being moved into Canada with establishment of new more frequent bases. The US debt will eventually come down and so will Canada's. This will also create the problem of equal representation between the 10 provinces and 50 states. Of which the Alberta is ten times as big as a state like Oregon. Hence we would have ten times the representation. So yeah.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
If Canada had equal representation with the United States it would be a great union between two great nations. One problem would be the lack of Canadian strength in the military high command as well as the US military being moved into Canada with establishment of new more frequent bases. The US debt will eventually come down and so will Canada's. This will also create the problem of equal representation between the 10 provinces and 50 states. Of which the Alberta is ten times as big as a state like Oregon. Hence we would have ten times the representation. So yeah.

Pop. of AB is 3.65 million. Pop. of OR is 3.87 million. Representation doesn't go by area.

"Whatta maroon" - B. Bunny


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If Canada had equal representation with the United States it would be a great union between two great nations. One problem would be the lack of Canadian strength in the military high command as well as the US military being moved into Canada with establishment of new more frequent bases. The US debt will eventually come down and so will Canada's. This will also create the problem of equal representation between the 10 provinces and 50 states. Of which the Alberta is ten times as big as a state like Oregon. Hence we would have ten times the representation. So yeah.

Well, 21/2 times! :lol:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
WTF? Bill123, nice necro.. geeezzzz

I think with the way the US economy is and as bad as the Florida housing marketing remains, maybe Canada should buy Florida. I mean in the winter there are more Canadians (snowbirds) than US citizens in Florida..

All joking aside.. I think people tend to forget that a LOT of Canadians hate the United States and would never stand for the USA trying to Annex Canada as a state.

USA is broke as a joke, and could not fight another war.
Last edited:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
yeah... just keep looking over your shoulder... it's a nice joke now.. but the future may be not so funny. (read article)

Lost States: 4 in 10 Americans want to annex Canada

The 60 star flag

very well-administered poll by Leger Marketing of Montreal found that nearly four in 10 Americans favor annexing Canada. So should we get ready to fly a 60-star flag (ABOVE)? Not quite yet. The same poll found only 2 in 10 Canadians wanted to join the U.S. That statistic makes it seem like Canadians have a low opinion of the U.S.--then again, nearly 60 percent of our northern neighbors are in favor of adopting the U.S. dollar as their national currency. Yes, you read that right... they like our money, but don't want to become citizens. That's kinda like the boyfriend who wants all the privileges of living together, but doesn't want to get married. C'mon Canadians, time to commit. And if you don't want to lose your unique culture, maybe we should join you. Yeah, if Canada annexes the U.S., then America's huge national debt would go "poof" because there would be no America. (Enough silly ranting... but do check out the poll here)

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I ain't movin an I ain't becoming a US citizen. Besides, like it says at the tail end of that, "Yeah, if Canada annexes the U.S., then America's huge national debt would go "poof" because there would be no America." That idea has its merits. :D

AK, Mexico, and central America next?


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Canada should avoid further political entanglement with America unless Canada wishes to adopt the political and economic culture of Mexico. Let this be a warning from an American who loves his country.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California

Be nice, we'll burn down your White House again if you're not careful.
Lots of Americans would be glad to help you burn down the White House. Why would Canada want to get involved with a country as deeply divided as America? America is going over the cliff. The best thing Canada can do is to save itself.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Lots of Americans would be glad to help you burn down the White House. Why would Canada want to get involved with a country as deeply divided as America? America is going over the cliff. The best thing Canada can do is to save itself.

War of 1812, Canada burned down the White House and seized Detroit.. wasn't look for same philological discussion on the U.S. state of economy..

You have a President in power that wants to shape the USA more like Canada, universal health care, better and cheaper education, hopefully a better economy.

Then you have a runner up (Romney) that is pro-business, I guess that's good in some ways if he could only quit sending US jobs to Mexico and China, he also likes Universal Health Care too. and his state still has it.. it hasn't been repealed.

Personally, I choose neither..

"Banned" US/China Ron Paul 2012 Commercial




You guys are in for another 4 years of decline. Obama is a politician, not a leader like Reagan was.. and Romney is "business as usual" which is not to help the American people, rather help himself and his rich businesses buddies.

Media shut out Ron Paul. Sure he has some wacky ideas, but so did the founders the USA to many people..