Defence Department to nix about 1,100 civilian jobs


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
The management usually documents their work then fires the lazy ones

I watched the Ezra Levant interview and they used West Jet as an example on how the workers don’t want a union and they also mentioned that the workers own part of the company which is shares which means lots of bonuses but judging from their one year share price West Jet will be going to the federal government for a hand out.



Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Another incredibly baseless assumption.

You're reaching Durry levels now.

He reached durry levels right on day one. Remember though, these are all his "opinion", therefore he has no obligation to back any of his bullshyte up.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
He reached durry levels right on day one. Remember though, these are all his "opinion", therefore he has no obligation to back any of his bullshyte up.

Well he has a right to his own opinion, but he doesn't have a right to his own facts.

Of which he has none.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I was in one, I know plenty about union mentality.
I have worked with people who were in unions.
I have friends that are in unions.
A hundred or so years ago, sure, but not in todays world.
We have it very easy easy perhaps.
Well your reputation for the truth is quite tattered. Why would anyone listen to a poster who tells lies?
But is a so called Good Christian???


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I was in one, I know plenty about union mentality.

I have worked with people who were in unions.

I have friends that are in unions.

A hundred or so years ago, sure, but not in todays world.

We have it very easy easy perhaps.

Canadians should get use to the words "personal responsiblity" instead of being afraid of them.

This is the kind of anecdotal tripe you hear on talk radio.

It doesn't mean it is a socio-cultural reality.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Unions will never be antiquated as they do serve a very vital role in today's labour market.


And we can bicker about the type of union or the industry it is in, but to make grand sweeping statements that all unions are useless is ideological madness.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I think unions are bloated corrupt political machines who take anyone that breathes into their fold for another monthly due to send off to some anti Jewish group thousands of miles away.

Wow, fu cking unbelievable.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If employees of unions are all hard working guys who do good jobs why do they need unions?
To keep serfdom at bay, pooled pensions, pooled skills and training and topping up of health bennys etc etc etc.

Dues go to pensions and health.

BTW, How are things in WPG these days?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
and relax a bit.
That temper will kill you.
Take care and God bless.:smile:
Temper - sometimes misused by idjits as a common reply -
Temper is not always bad - it is a sign of emotion - That someone cares deeply and has convictions - while you as we have seen are the Grand High Arbiter of who will receive help and to hell with the rest - a situation that was clearly described by Spades post.

You are an admitted liar - one who makes blanket statements that has to then backtrack - or seem to but then another idjit post appears.

Myself i think you are a far right wing freak who has no conscience, no compassion, a self admitted greed machine and one who lies quite often.
But then I guess that is your Religion. It most certainly is not mine and it is not Gerry's.

And so endeth the lesson on Temper.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I was in one, I know plenty about union mentality.

I have worked with people who were in unions.

I have friends that are in unions.

A hundred or so years ago, sure, but not in todays world.

We have it very easy easy perhaps.

Canadians should get use to the words "personal responsiblity" instead of being afraid of them.

This is the kind of anecdotal tripe you hear on talk radio.

It doesn't mean it is a socio-cultural reality.

Unions will never be antiquated as they do serve a very vital role in today's labour market.


And we can bicker about the type of union or the industry it is in, but to make grand sweeping statements that all unions are useless is ideological madness.



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Actually the programs could work well for Canadians we just haven't found any leaders
who can manage the money they are given. The military is a prime example. They have
bought planes that won't do the job, and subs we can't put in the water. This is the way
the current government looks for those who make mistakes. Fire eleven hundred people
and the two who made the mistakes must be among them
Government spending does not have to be diced and sliced, it has to be managed in order
that we get value for the money and that does not happen.
Where does the waste come in? Here is one example.

Change the name of a government department. And this happens a lot. Think about for a
minute. All the business cards have to be changed for hundreds of employees. The letter
head on all stationary, the automatic stamps for approvals, the file folders and name plates.
Of course the new people managing the department needs the office to reflect their vision
of the future. It goes on and on until hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent before the
new department even looks at its program mandate.
As for the recent layoffs. Here is something to think about as well, since coming to office
the Tories have hired more that forty thousand people over and above the employees they
already had and they are reducing their own problem by about half. This government has also
over spent by more than any other government in the last twenty years.
We don't need to slash programs and or budgets we need a government that can manage the
system and we don't have that. The last guy who actually did something concrete was
Paul Martin and these guys have dragged us back into the mess he cleaned up.