You're Not One Of Those Couples Who Secretly Videotape Their Nanny, Are You?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You're Not One Of Those Couples Who Secretly Videotape Their Nanny, Are You?

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Hegan, you seem like a lovely young couple, and Courtney is an absolute doll. I'd be delighted to accept the job as your new nanny. And, yes, the salary you're offering will be fine, and I live just a mile away, so I can usually be available on short notice. I think this will be a fine arrangement for all involved.

There is, however, one tiny little other thing. I hate to even bring it up, and I'm sure it's not the case, but I'd just feel better double-checking this before we move forward. Ken and Deborah, you're not one of those couples who secretly videotape their nanny, are you?

I only ask because—and I'm sure you'd agree—the erosion of the individual's right to privacy in contemporary America is an unfortunate and disturbing trend. And no example of this trend is more alarming than couples planting a hidden videocamera in their home in an effort to secretly monitor the woman responsible for taking care of their children while they're out.

It's just ridiculous these days, the way people are videotaping each other left and right like some kind of Orwellian nightmare. If we're going to be so mistrustful of people, why not place a police officer in every home? Sure, it would probably cut down on crime, but at what cost? Just because some nannies steal jewelry or slap kids doesn't mean all the others should be treated like they're guilty, too. Do you really want to live in a world where we assume the worst of each other, and go to incredibly invasive lengths to prove it?

And how reliable are these electronic sentry systems, anyway? They can't possibly catch a perpetrator from all available angles. You can't mount a camera in every corner of the house, can you? No. That would be prohibitively expensive. So if someone were to, say, scream in a child's ear for 20 straight minutes for spilling grape Kool-Aid, they could easily find some remote closet or crawl space to do it in. Isn't it futile to spend so much time and energy trying to peep illicitly at a decent, honest citizen who's just trying to earn a living?

Let's also not forget the poor image quality of these videotapes. You've heard how a camera can add 10 pounds. Who's to say it doesn't also make swats on a child's hind-end with a wooden spoon look far more painful than they truly are? I've seen some of these tapes of bad nannies in action, and it's often impossible to tell what they're even doing. Are you going to put your faith in grainy, out-of-focus video footage, or are you going to put your faith in people? It's your choice.

Did you notice how I didn't ask for my first paycheck up front? Of course I didn't. Because I trust you. Let's think for a moment about that word. "Trust." What kind of world would it be if nobody trusted anybody else? Why, it would be the most awful place imaginable. No one could eat dinner without fearing it was poisoned, or go to bed without searching the sheets for scorpions. People who can't trust their fellow man don't go very far at all.

The great Benjamin Franklin once said, "They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." Wise words, indeed.

I once worked for a couple who liked to secretly tape their nanny, and I found them to be extremely unpleasant—the kind of cranky, half-cocked people who fire nannies at the drop of a hat. Well, phooey on them! I was glad to be rid of them. In fact, I didn't even save their name or address, because, hey, who needs references from jerks like that? Not me, that's for sure.

I'm just a harmless old woman, and I sure don't stand much chance against some big, intrusive police state. But maybe my voice and message can inspire others. Maybe I can do my small part to bring about a world where privacy is considered a sacred right, and the act of secretly taping somebody defecating in the laundry chute of an unfair employer is punishable by law.

So, I beg you, Ken and Deborah, don't let evil win by insisting on surreptitiously taping me. I'm counting on you to take the high road.

You're Not One Of Those Couples Who Secretly Videotape Their Nanny, Are You?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
If you can't watch your own kids then maybe you shouldn't have any.

I would never let a stranger raise my kids so I have no need for a nanny cam.

Those darn nanny cams, taking away all our rights and freedoms.


The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
If I had young children, damn right I would video any babysitter. If you are in MY home, you have no expectation of privacy whatsoever.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
She does have a good paying job.

I wouldn't have someone in my home unless it was a family member or a friend.

In todays world people want to have kids but want someone else to raise them.

Liberalism at its finest.:roll:
Another Con nut job! You are a shining example of what not to be when we grow up.

Did someone open the gates of hell?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
A friend of mine works three jobs and does maintainence in the building he lives in to support his wife and two kids.

So, he's pretty much useless as a father and husband then since he's never home.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
His wife is home and when he is home he spends it with his kids. Which is most evenings.

She could work and leave them with a stranger but they feel obligated to raise the kids themselves.

God bless them.

You said he has 3 jobs.... when is he home? I have 1 job and work 10-12 hours a day... that leaves very little time as is for my wife and kids. How could one work 3 jobs and have any time for wife and kids? You're not making much sense here.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
If you can't take care of your own kids why have them?
A friend of mine works three jobs and does maintainence in the building he lives in to support his wife and two kids.

A lot of folk just don't want to sell off the kids when the mill closes and minimum-wage stuff at the call centre is all that's available. Pull your face out of the Bible and look at a newspaper. Reality's all around you.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
His wife is home and when he is home he spends it with his kids. Which is most evenings.
She could work and leave them with a stranger but they feel obligated to raise the kids themselves.
God bless them.

If he's home most evenings, while working 3 jobs, he should get one full time job instead.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
He works 7 days a week, gets up at about 3 for his first job, goes to is second after that for about 5 hours and works the other on the weekend most times.....not exactly sure of the specifics.

I could find out for you if you that interested.

He dosen't waste anytime.

His wife takes care of the household duties and the kids.

Income from one goes entirly to the kids education fund.

Great example of what one is willing to do for their family and he never complains about it.

So, I am right. He has no time for his wife and kids. Obviously his jobs and "making money" are more important to him then his wife and kids. You the same way?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
He works 7 days a week, gets up at about 3 for his first job, goes to is second after that for about 5 hours and works the other on the weekend most times.....not exactly sure of the specifics.

I could find out for you if you that interested.

He dosen't waste anytime.

His wife takes care of the household duties and the kids.

Income from one goes entirly to the kids education fund.

Great example of what one is willing to do for their family and he never complains about it.

He has one full time job.....but it's only 40 hours a week.

He is hoping, with saving, to go back to school and quit one of his jobs but hes not quite there yet.

He wants a trade, he's thinking of taking an electrician course.


Get those jobs then.
Three part-time jobs at ten bucks an hour don't even come close to one at twenty-five and kills the family life too - unless you don't like being around the family


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Like I said, he is home every night.

His jobs do not pay very much and he devotes all of the weekend work to his kids education fund.

His wife is home with the kids raising them instead of an institution, likely with the liberal values of "the state can wipe your bum if you don't want to" mentality.

They should be praised instead of mocked.

Bless them.

I see, so you are the only one allowed to be critical of the way a family lives?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Like I said, he is home every night.

His jobs do not pay very much and he devotes all of the weekend work to his kids education fund.

His wife is home with the kids raising them instead of an institution, likely with the liberal values of "the state can wipe your bum if you don't want to" mentality.

They should be praised instead of mocked.

Bless them.
Where did you read mocking in empathy? I did pretty much the same - until it caused so much stress in the family that the family became no more.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Of course not my friend.

Those are just my values.

They may not be yours and that's fine.

No, you condemned those that have both parents working and stated that they shouldn't have had kids. That's not just "voicing your values".