Don't buy insurance from Manulife.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
That's sad. I wish people would actually read their policies, though. I guess some people just don't realize that if there's any way possible to squeeze money out of people, ins. companies will do it and they do NOT care about people.
Personally we have read ours, have been with the same ins. company for quite a while, and wouldn't get Manulife anyway. Not only that they have annoying ads on tv so that makes us even less likely to patronize the company.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
When you go to 'Merica the mighty republic you will get what you get. Guess they should have had a team of lawyers proof their 'online' form.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
My Manulife dental through my employer in the USA worked great..

BlueCross Medical & Manulife Dental.. $160/mo for a single person still came out of my check. Ouch!!

Employer pays 50% of Medical, 100% of dental.

Sorry but if some Canadian in BC didn't read the fine print... it's called personal responsibility.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
My Manulife dental through my employer in the USA worked great..

BlueCross Medical & Manulife Dental.. $160/mo for a single person still came out of my check. Ouch!!

Sorry but if some Canadian in BC didn't read the fine print... it's called personal responsibility.

These are elderly people the story is about and a lot of elders can only see large print!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
AS an insurance adjuster once told me: "Insurance companies are not in the business of paying out to clients. They are in the business of making money for their shareholders."
Bastards make bankers look like mother Teresa.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
These are elderly people the story is about and a lot of elders can only see large print!

...and then seek consultation. Sorry, but if YOU can't read something, are YOU going to sign it?? YES or NO ??!!

It's to bad they are elderly..

O.K, another thing.. They owed $346,000 US in medical bills after their claim was denied. Well let's see, there is an International border between Canada & the USA.

They live in Canada, if they have no assets in the USA??

They can try and collect, but.. best of luck to the hospital. They have no right to sue in Canada, services were provided in the USA.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
AS an insurance adjuster once told me: "Insurance companies are not in the business of paying out to clients. They are in the business of making money for their shareholders."
Bastards make bankers look like mother Teresa.

I don't think any brokers should tell that to too many clients. :lol:

...and then seek consultation. Sorry, but if YOU can't read something, are YOU going to sign it?? YES or NO ??!!

It's to bad they are elderly..

O.K, another thing.. They owed $346,000 US in medical bills after their claim was denied. Well let's see, there is an International border between Canada & the USA.

They live in Canada, if they have no assets in the USA??

They can try and collect, but.. best of luck to the hospital. They have no right to sue in Canada, services were provided in the USA.

I think the best bet would be to buy ALL insurance through BCAA (CAA). They seem pretty good at pointing out little "hangups".


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I suppose so.. but as far as their debt to a USA hospital.. gotta love that International border.

I have to agree to a point. If you have a reasonable knowledge of civil law and are willing to put in some time doing reasearch you could certainly make it so it was not worth the $350k to chase you in Canada. That would probably also preclude you from travelling to the states anymore but who cares about that...don't want to go there anyway.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I have to agree to a point. If you have a reasonable knowledge of civil law and are willing to put in some time doing reasearch you could certainly make it so it was not worth the $350k to chase you in Canada. That would probably also preclude you from travelling to the states anymore but who cares about that...don't want to go there anyway.

Look, I'm going to bash the USA.. but I have lived on both sides of the fence.

There are plenty of nicer places to visit and you don't even have to land in the USA. Belize, direct flights from Toronto.

...and not to toot my own horn.. if you are looking to buy or sell something while you're down their.. Belize Classifieds | Buy Sell Autos, Real Estate, Jobs, Items for Sale



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
My Manulife dental through my employer in the USA worked great..

BlueCross Medical & Manulife Dental.. $160/mo for a single person still came out of my check. Ouch!!

Employer pays 50% of Medical, 100% of dental.

Sorry but if some Canadian in BC didn't read the fine print... it's called personal responsibility.

Read the article - Lots of times a Dr will place a notation on your file, and you are not aware of it. Happens all the time.
He answered to the best of his knowledge. These polices are set up to screw you. And tons of exclusions - Even gettin a vacination for Hep A/B in the 3 months prior can be used to exclude a claim.

So before you slam the couple check out the massive problems with these companies and how they write their policies.

In the last two (2) years, have you been prescribed or received treatment for and/or been hospitalized (as an in-patient or seen in the emergency department) and/or been prescribed or taken medication for any of the following conditions: diverticular disorder or gastrointestinal bleeding?"

Bill insists that he didn’t know what was spelled out in his medical file or that he’d been diagnosed with those two conditions. He thought all his symptoms were related to the colon cancer he’d had surgery for 19 months earlier.

"Most importantly to me would be the question, 'What does anything, what does anything related to this have to do with Bill’s heart?'" Tracy said. "Absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing."

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
They live in Canada, if they have no assets in the USA?? They can try and collect, but.. best of luck to the hospital. They have no right to sue in Canada, services were provided in the USA.
The hospital uses a collection agency-who probably don't have a leg to stand on in Canada but that won't stop them from harassing people.

The thing to do would be to Get Tough with the collection agency-threaten them with legal action if they phone one more time that sort of thing-curse them hard every time they call/hang up or just leave the phone hanging for hours.

It's for sure no one will make house calls to try and collect in Gold River.

Guess they should have had a team of lawyers proof their 'online' form.
He certainly should have been better informed.

Read the article - Lots of times a Dr will place a notation on your file, and you are not aware of it. Happens all the time. He answered to the best of his knowledge.
Yes and No-he could have phoned his DR's office and asked what was in his file.

Would most people do that?



Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
And many want to privatize the system here. That would be a bad idea. I would not buy
anything from a company like this. Private insurance companies are worse than lawyers
for not telling the truth or pulling stunts. You have to read the policy and take your time
with each and every line of the policy. When I am being sold something that could have
big ticket results I always take the view they are not honest therefore I am very careful
about who I do business with. I feel for these people but they trusted the wrong people


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
And many want to privatize the system here. That would be a bad idea. I would not buy
anything from a company like this.

As I have posted, I have had the Private Insurance in the USA and in Canada (Alberta & BC) government health insurance.

Now which one do I prefer?? Canada's Health system. I just wish they would adopt 1 US feature, a co-payment.

Charge a $25 co-payment per visit to the doctors office and $50 co-payment to the Hospital.

1 it would slow down the abuse of people misusing the system. Going to emergency for a soar throat, rather than making an appointment with the doctor.

2. It would compensate the doctor, and the hospitals..

3. I think it would solve some financial shortfalls in our medical system.

Because of the US Health system I almost died of Cancer. 4 US Hospitals/Doctors misdiagnosed and sent me home. When I return to Canada to my doctor here and ENT at St. Joseph's Hospital, they had me under the knife within a month.

Lost 50% of my feeling in my face.. Thanks to The Canadian Health System I'm alive :canada:

The US system is the best system money can buy.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I am not crazy about that either and for a self serving reason. My wife has a couple of
conditions and during normal times we could go for a year maybe a year and a half
without a problem. Her breathing condition starts up and within an hour we could be in
emergency or even ICU. Sometimes it is a smaller problem but advice from medical
staff is don't take a chance her Doctor will see her even over other patients if her condition
begins signs of trouble. The two times we didn't make repeated trips to the Doctor or the
emergency ward, she ended up in an ambulance and a longer period in hospital.
There are others out there with similar situations and people will hold off until the problem
is much worse and more severe.
I suppose we could exempt certain conditions from co pay depending on the situation but
over all as a blanket policy I can not agree.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I suppose we could exempt certain conditions from co pay depending on the situation but
over all as a blanket policy I can not agree.

My co-pay under private Insurance for a visit to emergency was $100

Office Visit $25
Emergency Room $100
Urgent Care $50
RX copay $20/35/50

Now with all those copay's I have a $3000 deductible in a certain period for certain operations .. and it goes on with BS.

Just be thankful you're a Canadian.. it really is the best country in the World.

Even with the Right Honourable Telemarketer of Canada, Steven Harper at the Helm. LOL