Pedophile teacher busted


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Since 16 minutes ago when I posted it.
I guess time is relevant in some places and in the 16 minutes I read was back to my dog's bowel movement. Can ypu tell ol' doc Woof why you're so interested in my dog's poop?

ETA: Oops! Time really is relevant.... Now it says 20 minutes....
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
well eao.... WHY was my comment to canucklehead "bad"? IMNSHO, since she is HIS wife, he holds some responsibility for her behaviors when he is there. I know I would be when it comes to my wife in that situation. As a matter of fact, I would feel it was my responsibility if I was the primary caregiver of my Mother or Father in the same situation. Then again, I believe in taking responsibility. Obviously you and canuckle head like to sluff off your responsibilities.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I understand that the same way some alcoholics don't drink.
Yes I think that's what Cannuck is getting at. Alcoholics will always have an urge to drink, but as long as they resist their urge to drink they can lead normal lives. Alcoholics who haven't touched alcohol for decades prove that at least some people can resist their urges. Maybe some pedophiles can too.

I think our attitudes regarding pedophilia make these people more likely to harm children. If these people were encouraged to seek help before they hurt someone, maybe fewer children would be harmed.

Regarding the perp in this thread, I think he's most likely a pedophile. Certainly his actions were abusive and he crossed many lines regarding common decency and compassion for others. There is no excuse for deliberately harming children unless he is diagnosed as insane to the point where he could not tell right from wrong. If he is deemed sane, then I hope our criminal justice system locks this person up for a long time.

well eao.... WHY was my comment to canucklehead "bad"? IMNSHO, since she is HIS wife, he holds some responsibility for her behaviors when he is there. I know I would be when it comes to my wife in that situation. As a matter of fact, I would feel it was my responsibility if I was the primary caregiver of my Mother or Father in the same situation. Then again, I believe in taking responsibility. Obviously you and canuckle head like to sluff off your responsibilities.

Until you are in his situation, you can't know what you would have done. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease. At some point they become too unpredictable to handle. While some people suffering from this disease are harmless, irrational fear and anger are common symptoms. Even people who were sweet and kind their entire lives can suddenly because physically threatening. A nurse friend of mine had her jaw broken by punch from a sweet little old lady with Alzheimer's who unexpectedly struck out in a moment of confusion and fear. That was over 10 years ago and she's had half a dozen surgeries and been in constant pain. Yet she still does not blame the lady who hit her, because she was sick and not responsible for her actions.

It must be hard to decide that your wife or a loved one has become too much to handle. Cannuck shared something personal which probably gives him great pain and you showed no compassion. So I gave you a negative rating for your lack of compassion.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So I gave you a negative rating for your lack of compassion.

That's right, I have no compassion for someone that sluffs off their responsibilities and uses the cop out..

LOL...shows what you know. I have no control over her unless and until I am granted guardianship. That can't be done until the courts say she is a danger to herself or others.

Having the courts "officially" grant him gaurdianship will miraculously give him control over her? It's a fu cking cop out by a weak, selfish, irresponsible moron.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
well eao.... WHY was my comment to canucklehead "bad"? IMNSHO, since she is HIS wife, he holds some responsibility for her behaviors when he is there. I know I would be when it comes to my wife in that situation. As a matter of fact, I would feel it was my responsibility if I was the primary caregiver of my Mother or Father in the same situation. Then again, I believe in taking responsibility. Obviously you and canuckle head like to sluff off your responsibilities.

You're a moron. My wife doesn't live with me.