Is Fukushima About to Blow?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Come to think of it, reading and replying to your posts is starting to remind me of that black water. Say good-night Irene.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
I try to balance my input of information, you appear to accept the Government information only and dismiss people like this.

Again, bull****. You don't balance your information input. You uncritically believe the worst and most conspiratorial explanations. You and your fellow crazies starting posting that this disaster would be a nuclear holocaust the moment it started, or in other words, before you knew anything about it. And you post from sources who are just as ignorant as you are - anything that will confirm your preconceived beliefs.

Intelligent people, critical thinkers, evaluate the evidence presented to them. One should always be skeptical of government and industry information. They have an interest in under reporting the extent of problems. However, crackpots on the internet should be trusted even less.

You say that I accept government information, but have I given any indication that I have? No, I only commented on how your beliefs are not based on facts or evidence, but on your desire for disasters and conspiracy. Why after reading those kinds of comments do you automatically accuse me of just accepting government information? Because in your world there are three kinds of people: the conspirators, the sheeple and the lone gunmen - people like you, the only people not brainwashed who are open-minded and have access to truth. The last men standing against the shadowy web of control. You want to believe in the conspiracy because it makes you feel important, like a hero. When I question the intellectual honesty of your beliefs, I don't fit into an easy category, so you default me into sheeple. Without any evidence or indication you simply imagine that I'm someone who believes everything the government and the media tells me, because it couldn't be any other way. And that's just another symptom of your inability to think critically. You couldn't understand why I disagreed with you so you imagined a reason for what you wanted. Just like you do for all the other things you believe. You imagine reasons for what you want to believe.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Are you claiming Arnie Gundersen is a 'quack'?
Gundersen is chief engineer of Fairewinds Associates, an energy consulting company.[3] He previously worked for Nuclear Energy Services in Danbury, a consulting firm where he was a senior vice president. Gundersen holds a master's degree in nuclear engineering.[4]
Arnold Gundersen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Besides his testimony what part of three roofs structures taking off at high speed tells you there is nothing to be concerned about? When it happened in Chernobyl there was lots of concerned people. Germany decided quite quickly r\that nuclear power would be phased out ASAP. Where do the richest and most powerful people on the planet reside? Downwind?
Just what sourses are you relying on to give you the impression that the ones mentioned above are also jumping the gun on just how dangerous the situation really is. So far the only ones claiming there is no danger is the operators of the plant and the Government of that Nation and a (not so innocent) organization that is in place to promote the safety of nuclear power, the same ones that put out a report about the after effects of Chernobyl that is easily debunked, watch the vid of the deformned children that the state is taking care of and tell me again there is no need for the people living in the immediate area not to be very concerned. Once those defects start showing up it will be a tad late for them to get concerned. Ask them to ship you some water so you and your whole family can take the taste test if you are so convinced.

Like it or not the ones who are supposed to be protecting the least importasnt in society are the same ones that will be the most likely ones to lie to them, while taking steps to protect themselves and their families from that same non-existent danger.

Germany to close all of its nuclear plants by 2022 - The Washington Post
By Steven Mufson, Published: May 30

Germany, the economic engine of Europe, said Monday that it will close all of its nuclear power plants over the next 11 years, the latest aftershock from the Japanese earthquake and partial meltdown it set in motion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex.
The move is an about-face for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose government until recently had supported nuclear power as a way to generate electricity without releasing additional greenhouse gases — and without increasing reliance on Russia, Germany’s main source of natural gas.

It also marks a new setback for nuclear power proponents, who have been on the defensive since four of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi started leaking radioactive materials in mid-March.
Earlier, Merkel’s party, the Christian Democratic Union, had advocated the extension of operating licenses for the country’s 17 nuclear power plants by an average of 12 years, saying that nuclear power is needed as an important “bridging technology” while renewables make further advances.
But in the wake of the Fukushima crisis, Merkel announced the temporary closure of seven of the nuclear plants. Now, after another wave of anti-nuclear-power demonstrations, Merkel said that those plants would remain closed, that there would be no extensions and that all remaining plants would be shut down by 2022.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Again, bull****. You don't balance your information input. You uncritically believe the worst and most conspiratorial explanations. You and your fellow crazies starting posting that this disaster would be a nuclear holocaust the moment it started, or in other words, before you knew anything about it. And you post from sources who are just as ignorant as you are - anything that will confirm your preconceived beliefs.

Intelligent people, critical thinkers, evaluate the evidence presented to them. One should always be skeptical of government and industry information. They have an interest in under reporting the extent of problems. However, crackpots on the internet should be trusted even less.

You say that I accept government information, but have I given any indication that I have? No, I only commented on how your beliefs are not based on facts or evidence, but on your desire for disasters and conspiracy. Why after reading those kinds of comments do you automatically accuse me of just accepting government information? Because in your world there are three kinds of people: the conspirators, the sheeple and the lone gunmen - people like you, the only people not brainwashed who are open-minded and have access to truth. The last men standing against the shadowy web of control. You want to believe in the conspiracy because it makes you feel important, like a hero. When I question the intellectual honesty of your beliefs, I don't fit into an easy category, so you default me into sheeple. Without any evidence or indication you simply imagine that I'm someone who believes everything the government and the media tells me, because it couldn't be any other way. And that's just another symptom of your inability to think critically. You couldn't understand why I disagreed with you so you imagined a reason for what you wanted. Just like you do for all the other things you believe. You imagine reasons for what you want to believe.


bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
What I learned about Fukushima to date-

1-It never blew

2-All the stupid hysteria was just that

3-Parts per billion is easily measurable

What I already knew-how to pronounce Fukushima


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
All the explosions (quakes) people have been feeling around Fukushima that are listed as earthquakes on the Japan sensors. The fact that they could not find the fuel rods when they looked in Reactor 2, was obvious something big is going on at Fukushima.
Now TEPCO has announced 70 million becquerels per hour of radiation is being leaked into the air.
[Tepco] on Monday reported an increase in radioactive materials leaking from damaged nuclear reactors [...]
The total amount of radioactive cesium that leaked from the containment vessels of the No. 1 to No. 3 reactors reached 70 million becquerels per hour, up 12 million becquerels from the December level [...]

Sherrie Questioning All: TEPCO has just announced - Radiation being emitted from Fukushima is 70 million becquerels per hour - It is increasing - Up 12 million from last month .


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I hope you retain your sense of humour when the mutations start in your own hood ES, and they will as they already have far west of you. Anyway it is important to keep a positive outlook I suppose.

Let me know when we reach the classic "1 MILLION Dead!" point will you?