Iran under Sanction Pressures – Reaction?

Oil Sanction

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
What I should have said was it didn't have anything to do with this op. This is about sanctions because of a possible nuclear threat. It would be up to Isreal to decide if the arming of her enemy's was an act of war.

What they do can be considered an Act of War. That was my point.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States

If someone kept tell me lies over and over, I'd consider them untrustworthy. How is it that you can believe anything from the sources which claimed Iraq had WMD stockpiles and links to 9/11? I'd say you'd have to be gullible... yet here you guys are believing that Iran is building nuclear weapons without any conclusive proof.

What do we do, wait until they have a atomic weapon or stop them by any means from having the capability to build them?

VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran appears to be testing atomic fuel intended for a planned reactor which could one day yield nuclear bomb material, a former senior United Nations nuclear official said on Thursday.
The Islamic Republic is building a heavy water research reactor near the central town of Arak, a type which Western experts say could produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.
Earlier this week, Iran announced it had made a breakthrough in producing fuel rods for nuclear power plants.
Olli Heinonen, former head of nuclear safeguards inspections worldwide at the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency, said he believed the fuel was being developed for Arak, which Iran hopes to bring on line by the end of next year.
Ex-IAEA official: Iran nuclear move may raise concern - Yahoo! News

Iran testing nuclear fuel that could yield bomb, says ex-official

Iran could start building a nuclear bomb in a matter of months, the UN atomic watchdog warned yesterday. The regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is already thought to have built a top-secret explosives test facility at a site in Parchin, just outside the capital Tehran, where it is conducting experiments to develop a weapon. A hard-hitting report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which was leaked last night, said scientists are building hi-tech precision detonators which would be essential for a nuclear device, and developing a uranium core for a nuclear warhead.

Iran nuclear weapons row: 'Months from building atomic bomb' | Mail Online



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
What I should have said was it didn't have anything to do with this op. This is about sanctions because of a possible nuclear threat. It would be up to Israel to decide if the arming of her enemy's was an act of war.

I was just trying to show EAO that Iran has committed what can be considered an Act of War. That was all. And you are correct it is about sanctions. It is also about trust and the Regimes purposes and problems caused by the regime. Present as well as future problems are also considered by the West.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I was just trying to show EAO that Iran has committed what can be considered an Act of War. That was all. And you are correct it is about sanctions. It is also about trust and the Regimes purposes and problems caused by the regime. Present as well as future problems are also considered by the West.
What a bunch of political double speak. Why does anybody trust the west to make decisions that are beneficial to the world when they are the ones attacking other countries and messing with other sovereign nations internal affairs? This whole GD mess is of the west's making. They are the aggressors, so I have to wonder what is the motivation of those who parrot the west's hate propaganda. There is no proof of aggressive behaviour on the part of Iran except for stuff being published by the western media. I call BS on the whole GD thing. All any of this jabber proves is that this planet is a lunatic asylum.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
What a bunch of political double speak. Why does anybody trust the west to make decisions that are beneficial to the world when they are the ones attacking other countries and messing with other sovereign nations internal affairs? This whole GD mess is of the west's making. They are the aggressors, so I have to wonder what is the motivation of those who parrot the west's hate propaganda. There is no proof of aggressive behaviour on the part of Iran except for stuff being published by the western media. I call BS on the whole GD thing. All any of this jabber proves is that this planet is a lunatic asylum.

I call your attitude BS - We all need another Wacko Thugocracy with Nukes. WTF do you think would happen if a small tactical nuke went off in a European or US City.
How long before the missiles fly. And Iran has a fair share of wackos.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I call your attitude BS - We all need another Wacko Thugocracy with Nukes. WTF do you think would happen if a small tactical nuke went off in a European or US City.
How long before the missiles fly. And Iran has a fair share of wackos.
Perhaps the human race would get wiped out and the planet would recover, as at Chernobyl, and be much better off without us.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Perhaps the human race would get wiped out and the planet would recover, as at Chernobyl, and be much better off without us.

and there's your answer from the "self haters".

These people are the ones that secretly hope that the world goes off the deep end so that they have an "easy out".


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
and there's your answer from the "self haters".

These people are the ones that secretly hope that the world goes off the deep end so that they have an "easy out".
Sorry to disappiont you gerry but that is not what I hope for. It is just that listening to the insanity of the war mongers is deafening. I was trying to use a little reverse psychology but it obviously didn't work.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Sorry to disappiont you gerry but that is not what I hope for. It is just that listening to the insanity of the war mongers is deafening. I was trying to use a little reverse psychology but it obviously didn't work.

The OP is about Sanctions - The only ones threatening attacks have been the Thugocracy.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Sorry to disappiont you gerry but that is not what I hope for. It is just that listening to the insanity of the war mongers is deafening. I was trying to use a little reverse psychology but it obviously didn't work.

I hear you say it all the time cliffy. This is not the first time.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Sanctions are an attack on a nations sovereignty. People die. Babies die. We have been through this before. The thugs are the west.

They cut subsides for food. Now inflation is hitting. They have dedicated tens of billions to Nukes - they have literally told the UN and the IAEA to Fuk off.

The money is there - They,the ruling Thigs who murder their own citzens decide how to spend it.
And if a country imposes sanctions it is NOT an attack. They should have done this 5 years ago.

U.S. carrier may face problems if returns to Persian Gulf: IRGC general - Tehran Times

– IRGC Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri warned on Wednesday that if the U.S. aircraft carrier, which had left the Persian Gulf because of Iran’s naval war games, returns to the sea, it may face problems.

He said, “We tell the Americans that now that you have left (the Persian Gulf), you had better not return. In case of your return, you will be responsible for possible problems in the future.”

He added that U.S. forces should leave the region to prevent undesirable consequences.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
The Straits of Hormuz are a narrow international water way, and anybody who tries to block or hinder the passage of ships is committing a act of war. Iran is planning war games in February right in the straits. That in itself could be the catalyst that starts a war. All they have to do is interfere with the safe passage of oil tankers in and out.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Define 'interfere' and 'safe passage'. Are you saying they wouldn't have the right to inspect such ships for explosives before they entered the Strait? If they can't then can they demand that somebody do things like a quick hull inspection before the ships enter the straits. One ship damaged would close the straits down not Iran's problem if those delays cause crude to jump $50/bbl, or more depending how long it goes on.

So far nobody has mentioned any oil for food program for the children of Iran, is the farce of kindness being lifted as the true results of the effects of the program in Iraq are now well known, it was a way to bring war down on the least able to defend themselves, just like it was intended to do from the beginning.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
No they wouldn't since that do not own the straits. You can only stop ships if your working for the international community and there is a plausible threat to the strait itself. The subject of oil for food is not a issue yet. Iran is not a starving nation, even under the Shah the people ate.

WASHINGTON — The European Union appears on the verge of banning its member countries from buying Iranian oil, a move that would culminate a years-long behind-the-scenes campaign by two U.S. administrations to cripple that oil-rich nation's lifeblood industry.
Over the years, the Bush and Obama administrations regularly pressured the CEOs of foreign oil companies and key politicians in Europe and even Malaysia to halt their investments in energy projects in Iran and to steer clear of new investment.
The oil companies and governments all tried to walk a fine line between meeting Washington's demands and keeping a foot in the door in Iran, the second-largest exporter in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the oil cartel. That would change with a decision to bar purchases of Iranian oil, a step that EU foreign ministers may take as soon as Jan. 30.

Read more here:


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No they wouldn't since that do not own the straits. You can only stop ships if your working for the international community and there is a plausible threat to the strait itself. The subject of oil for food is not a issue yet. Iran is not a starving nation, even under the Shah the people ate.

So, can you explain why Israel is allowed to blockade ships from Gaza but Iran is not allowed to block the straights? If it is illegal for Iran, it would seem to be illegal for Israel since both are supposedly in international waters. There appears to be a double standard here. This looks like the old Freedom fighter/terrorist dichotomy.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
So, can you explain why Israel is allowed to blockade ships from Gaza but Iran is not allowed to block the straights? If it is illegal for Iran, it would seem to be illegal for Israel since both are supposedly in international waters. There appears to be a double standard here. This looks like the old Freedom fighter/terrorist dichotomy.

Easy answer, Gazians are shooting, attacking Israel. Israel has every right to defend themselves from terrorists.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
An article I was reading this morning regarded the cause of the present Israeli angst is Iran having already some time ago developed a fully operable deterrent to Israeli first strikes by means of blanket conventional long range missile systems..The author explained that Dimona was already an achievable kill 100 per cent certain. That would be the end of Israel.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Easy answer, Gazians are shooting, attacking Israel. Israel has every right to defend themselves from terrorists.
I'm sure the Gazians think the Israelis are terrorists, just as I'm sure the Iranians think the Americans are terrorists. Funny how it depends on which side of the fence you are on. I don't choose sides because I think they are all crazy.

An article I was reading this morning regarded the cause of the present Israeli angst is Iran having already some time ago developed a fully operable deterrent to Israeli first strikes by means of blanket conventional long range missile systems..The author explained that Dimona was already an achievable kill 100 per cent certain.
I really don't understand all this dick waving going on over there. Nobody would survive a war. I'm pretty sure nothing is as bad as we are being told. It is like the cold war. The international bankers own every country and they play this game to scare the crap out of everybody so they can pick their pockets while they are hiding under their beds. The so called middle east crisis is just the cold war warmed up, repackaged and sold to s gullible herd of sheeple.