U.S. to re-route Keystone XL due to environmental concerns

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Harper is now looking towards China because Obama decided his political career was more important.


Nominee Member
Oct 13, 2008
Durry & Petros...maybe you two should tell each other what you both
do for a living, maybe listing degree's and such. Just a suggestion to
take this past the.....whatever stage you're at with each other.

:lol: Yeah come on Durry & Petro, tell each other your inner most thoughts. It's nice to see love bloom on the oil patch.

I wonder who the big refiner is? Oh I believe it is owned by Exon which in turn is owned by?
The majority of shares are likely Saudi Arabia. Why the heck would we want to fuel those
people? This is about really having our government step forward with the United States and
both coming up with a national energy policy with government legislation at least. Ensure a
stable supply of energy, with a stable price for the citizens who in fact own the resource in the
ground. Canada should take the first step its our oil. We must look after our own people first.
We have a resource, a limited resource and it should not be squandered on the world.
Harper is a politician that is linked at the hip with all things American, and the only thing he is
missing is guts.
The time has come to tell the rest of the world we are no longer giving everything away, we are
going to look after future generations and ensure there is something left for them. Foreign
investment is all I ever hear, its time we invested in ourselves. In addition all investment we
enter into with other countries and corporation must have attached an Advantage Canada
Policy. No I am not saying everything has to be owned by government that does not work either.
My point it we have politicians in government houses Federally and Provincially and they had
better start to legislate in favour of Canadians and not just everyone who comes here to set up

For sure. Canada is the largest supplier of crude oil and refined products to the United States, supplying about 20% of total U.S. imports, and exports more oil and products to the U.S. than it consumes itself. The oil sands mineral rights, in approximately 97% of Alberta's oil sands area, are owned by the Crown and managed by the Alberta Department of Energy. In the fiscal year 2009/10, the Alberta government collected a measly $3 billion in royalties from oil sands projects. Gas is more expensive in Canada than it is in the States. How to hell does that happen? It seems that the Alberta Department of Energy is doing a pretty lousy job of taking care of our Canadian natural resources. There's just a small percentage of Canadians and a pile in the US that are benefiting from this vast natural resource that belongs to all Canadians. And now the Harper government and the Premier of Alberta want to give Canadian refining and trucking jobs to foreign companies that will operate in a foreign country manned by foreigners. What would you call that?

Oil sands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alberta Energy: Facts and Statistics
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Canada to strike new U.S. and Asia-Pacific region free trade deal: Harper

HONOLULU — Prime Minister Stephen Harper signalled a shift in his government’s economic and trade policies Sunday, announcing Canada will apply to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership and will further look to sell its oil and gas to Asian countries following American delays in approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

“This highlights why Canada must increase its efforts to ensure it can supply its energy outside the United States and into Asia in particular, and that in the meantime Canada will step up with its efforts in that regard. And I communicated that clearly to the president,” he told reporters following the chat.

Harper noted that Obama assured him the U.S. government is still studying the pipeline and that “his government has not taken a final decision on this matter one way or the other.”

The White House said Obama “welcomed Prime Minister Harper’s expression of Canada’s interest” in joining the TPP.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is currently a nine-member Asia-Pacific free-trade proposal being negotiated among the United States, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

Obama said Saturday he’s “confident” the TPP members can complete the free-trade agreement, hopefully within a year, and have it serve as a model for future pacts.

The Harper government’s push into the Asia-Pacific region faces some stiff competition, though, from the United States.

Obama said Sunday, at the beginning of a day of talks with the 21 APEC member economies, that Asia-Pacific is “absolutely critical” to America’s economic growth and meeting his goal of eventually doubling U.S. exports.

“We consider it a top priority because we’re not going to be able to put our folks back to work and grow our economy and expand opportunity unless the Asia-Pacific region is also successful,” Obama said.


Harper promises to commit to green energy production

HONOLULU — Leaders from APEC's 21 member economies vowed Sunday to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies and promote green growth across the region.

As Prime Minister Stephen Harper was pushing U.S. President Barack Obama to approve the Keystone XL oilsands pipeline, the group of leaders collectively trumpeted the need for more environmentally friendly energy production.

Harper, Obama and other leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit in Honolulu wrapped up their meetings by releasing the "the Honolulu Declaration," which vows to move all partners "toward a seamless regional economy."

One of the key components of the declaration is to promote environmentally friendly growth, including the need to "rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption."

APEC members pledged to establish a voluntary reporting mechanism, which will be reviewed annually, on how countries are progressing toward the goals.

They also said they'll aspire to reduce APEC's aggregate energy intensity — the amount of emissions per barrel of oil, for example — by 45 per cent by 2035. The declaration also commits APEC economies to promoting energy efficiency in transport, buildings, power grids, and low-carbon communities.

"We raised the bar on ourselves and will aim for even higher energy efficiencies, and we're moving ahead with the effort to phase out fossil fuel subsidies," Obama said Sunday in his closing news conference.

"This would be a huge step toward clean-energy economies and fighting climate change."

Along with expanding trade and fostering green growth, the leaders also committed to strengthening regulatory co-operation and convergence.

APEC's partners account for more than 80 per cent of Canada's total trade inmerchandise and more than half of global gross domestic product. Two-way trade between Canada and APEC economies totalled more than $650 billion in 2010, compared to roughly $375 billion in 1994.

Harper promises to commit to green energy production

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Who would have guessed Harper is so quick on his feet taking such a great opportunity? It's not like it's been said over and over and over again that CDN oil is going on the open market world wide 10 years ago under Libs.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Who would have guessed Harper is so quick on his feet taking such a great opportunity? It's not like it's been said over and over and over again that CDN oil is going on the open market world wide 10 years ago under Libs.

Canadian oil going worldwide?

No, it would just be going to the 9 member countries if they can actually get a spot in that free-trade deal.

But I tell ya, this keystone XL deal looks less and less "inevitable" and "no brainer" by the day. If Obama's top priority is exports to Asia Pacific and these new members (including Canada) are jumping on board the green train.. I don't think an ethical oil pipeline will be as kosher as it was once thought to be.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Canada’s oil industry faces an urgent search for new markets

The lengthy delay in a U.S. decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline has created sudden soul-searching for Canada’s energy and political leaders, who have now turned their attention to opening the way for oil exports to Asia.

Without new pipe of some form, it will only be a few years before Canada’s oil gets backed up and begins selling at a deep discount, a prospect that stands to erode corporate and government revenues by billions of dollars a year.

For that reason, the pressure on British Columbia to allow oil to flow across its land and water – for exports to China – is likely to be intense. But the difficulties that sidelined TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone line portend an equally tough future for sending oil to the Canadian West Coast, since the new pipelines required in B.C. are likely to face equally volatile protests – and an even thornier set of legal threats from first nations.

The delay has bolstered the ambitions of environmental groups opposed to the oil sands in the name of climate protection, and created numerous challenges for Canada’s energy industry.

Companies are now wondering where they can ship future volumes of oil that won’t stir new hornet’s nests. It’s a pressing question: Keystone XL had been expected to begin shipping oil by 2013. Now, it’s unlikely to move oil before 2015, if at all, though TransCanada says the project remains intact. The very soonest an alternative can be built is 2014.

By that time, Canada’s oil exports, which are expected to grow by 1.5 million barrels a day in just 10 years, will start growing pinched enough that companies will, according to an analysis from IHS CERA, “face steeper and steeper price discounts for their crudes, as oil-sands production growth will outstrip new demand in existing markets.”

Some have warned that prices could fall by $10 to $20 a barrel. With Western Canada now producing 2.6 million barrels per day, even a $10 discount threatens some $9.5-billion a year.

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Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
The XL Pipeline is the wrong answer proposed by Big Oil to a set of problems that have more obvious and environmentally sound solutions.

Problem 1: We need gasoline to fuel light trucks and cars.
Answer: No, natural gas is cheaper and more plentiful.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
XL is going to make Canada ****loads of money. Only a small portion of oil consumption is by passenger vehicles. The majority goes to grow food.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
XL is going to make Canada ****loads of money. Only a small portion of oil consumption is by passenger vehicles. The majority goes to grow food.

You may be right.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
XL is going to make Canada ****loads of money. Only a small portion of oil consumption is by passenger vehicles. The majority goes to grow food.

In the short term.

In the long term we'll be neglecting other areas of the industry like manufacturing (as you can already see is happening now). And once we run out of oil - since we will have become entirely dependent on resource extraction - all other parts of the product life cycle take a tumble.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Short term? How so?

We're going to run out? You don't buy that do you?

Ohhhh there is plenty of manufacturing coming bub. Don't sweat your nipples, it's just a matter of people getting off their asses and showing up on the Prairie.

If Canadians won't, there are 60 million Americans who NEED jobs and will come here.